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Presentation on theme: "CHARACTERISTICS OF ELECTRICITY"— Presentation transcript:


2 LEARNING GOAL 1 Describe the sources and transformation of electrical energy

3 Words to Know Hydro Solar Wind Geothermal Wave/tidal Biomass Nuclear
Fossil Fuels *Describe process of transformation

4 LEARNING GOAL 2 Explain how electric charges flow from an energy source to a device that uses energy

5 Words to know Electric potential energy Electrochemical cells Current
Electrodes Electrolyte Energy Volt Voltage Current Amperes Circuit Load

6 Identify the components of a circuit
Relate the charge on electrons to electron flow in a circuit (ie from negative to positve) Define current in terms of the amount of electric charge that passes a point in a given time interval Define voltage as the electric potential difference

7 LEARNING GOAL 3 Utilize ohm’s law to relate resistance, voltage and current in a circuit

8 Words to know Resistance Resistor Ohm Ohm’s Law

9 - A resistor resists the flow of electric current
Ohms Law states that the resitance of a material is equal to the ratio of voltage divided by current R=V I

10 LEARNING GOAL 4 Differentiate between circuits in series and parallel in terms of current, voltage and total resistance

11 Words to know Junction point Parallel circuit Series circuit

12 In Series: Current remains the same, but voltage changes Increasing the number of resistors in series increases the total resistance In Parallel: Current changes, but the voltage stays the same Increasing the number of resistors in parallel decreases the total resistance

13 LG 5: Optics Features of the Electromagnetic Spectrum
Identify examples of radiant energy Use light as a model to explain radiant energy Properties of Light: Wave model of light Particle model of light Behaviour of Light: Ray diagrams Reflection, refraction, absorption, transmission .


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