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Launching the New Ship of State

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1 Launching the New Ship of State 1789-1800
Created By: Malyka Jones and Michael Krise

2 Growing Pains Constitution was launched in 1789
Population doubled every 25 years By 1790 there were 4 million according to the 1st official census Major Cities: Philadelphia, New York, Boston, Charleston, and Baltimore

3 Washington for President
George Washington was unanimously elected by the Electoral College in 1789 He was the 1st President He led by strength not by politics His… Secretary of State: Jefferson Secretary of the Treasury: Alexander Hamilton Secretary of War: Henry Knox

4 The Bill of Rights Anti federalists sharply criticized the Constitution for not guaranteeing individual rights James Madison decided to draft the 1st 1o amendments Bill of Rights adopted by states in 1791 A safeguard on of some of the most precious American principles such as freedom of speech, religion, and press

5 Hamilton Revives Public Credit
Hamilton was an economic and political genius Funding at Par: idea of Hamilton’s that the federal government pay off it’s debts with accumulated interest Assumption: state’s debts were regarded as a proper national obligation for they incurred during the war for independence

6 Custom Duties and Excise Taxes
First Tariff Law: imposed a low tariff of about 8% on the value of dutiable imports in 1789 Excise Tax: put taxes on a few domestic items notably whiskey Didn’t settle well with farmers who found it easier to transport whiskey rather than grain

7 Hamilton Battles Jefferson for a Bank
Hamilton wanted to establish a Bank of the United States using England’s as a model Jefferson stated that the Bank violated the 10th amendment Bank of the United States was eventually created in 1791 Chartered for 20 years and located in Philadelphia Had a capitol of $10 million and 1/5 was owned by the government

8 Moon shiners in Pennsylvania
The Whiskey Rebellion flared up in south western PA in 1794 Sharply challenged the National government Raised the cry “Liberty and no Excise” Washington sent troops from several states to break up the rebellion

9 Emergence of Political Parties
Hamilton’s policies and ideas organized opposition that began to build into two parties Jeffersonian Democratic-Republicans Hamiltonian Federalists

10 Impact of the French Revolution
Reign of Terror: guillotine was used and the King of France was beheaded in 1793 Worried many Federalists back in America Britain’s involvement in the conflict affected the growth of America

11 Washington’s Neutrality Proclamation
Neutrality Proclamation of 1793: stated that Americans would take no part in the fighting America was beneficial to France because we were not blockaded by Britain

12 Conflicts with Britain
Britain refused to give up the Great Lakes region because of their fur trade with the Indians Wanted it to serve as a buffer state to contain Americans Battle of Fallen Timbers: America defeated the Indians and Signed the Treaty of Greenville which gave America present-day Indiana and Ohio for the price of $20,000 and the right to hunt in ceded territories Britain terrorized American ships in the seas of the West Indies

13 Jay’s Treaty and Washington’s Farewell
Jay’s Treaty: forced Britain to abandon their trading posts and stop impressments. In return America had to pay pre- revolutionary debts Pinckney’s Treaty of 1795: Spain gave America free navigation of the Mississippi and the right to deposit in New Orleans and western Florida George Washington’s Farewell Address: said to avoid permanent alliances, but favored temporary alliances

14 John Adams Becomes President
John Adams beat Thomas Jefferson in the election of 1796 by vote of the Electoral College Jefferson became the Vice President of Adams Hamilton resigned from the treasury due to the change in leadership

15 Unofficial Fighting with France
France disliked our treaty with Britain and started impressments of American ships John Adams sent John Marshall to make peace French demanded $250,000 just to see the French Foreign Minister and Marshall refused to pay Became known as XYZ Affair Bloodshed continue overseas

16 Adams Puts Patriotism Above Party
Talleyrand instructed America to send a new minister that would be received with respect Convention of 1800: signed in which France agreed to an annual 22 year old marriage of convenience but as a kind of alimony the U.S. agreed to pay the damage claims of American shippers

17 The Federalist Witch Hunt
Alien Laws: allowed the President to deport dangerous foreigners in time of peace and deport or imprison them in times of hostility Sedition Act: was a direct slap at the priceless freedoms of speech and press. Anyone who impeded the policies of government or officials , including the president would be liable to a heavy fine. Supreme Court refused to declare it unconstitutional because it was stacked with with Federalists who believed it was justified

18 The Virginia (Madison) and Kentucky (Jefferson) Resolutions
Virginia and Kentucky Resolutions: Brilliant formulation of state’s rights view regarding the Union. Written by James Madison and Thomas Jefferson. Later influenced the split between the North and South.

19 Federalists Versus Democratic Republicans
1. Restrictions on free speech 1. Favored unrestricted free speech 2. Strong national government 2. Weak national government 3.Pro British 3. Pro French 4. Loose construction 4. Strict construction 5.NE support and industrial 5. Southern state support and agricultural 6.Favored business and manufacturing 6. Favored farming 7.Rule by upper class 7. Rule by educated masses

20 The End

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