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MyRegistrar and Data reporting

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1 MyRegistrar and Data reporting
Office of the Registrar 2019

2 Agenda MyRegistrar Data requests


4 MyRegistrar Certain staff members have access to MyRegistrar
Go to Go to myRegistrar at the top right To sign in use your NU login and password

5 Staff member Today we will talk about “Student Info” module

6 How to use module “Student Info”

7 How to download all current NU students?
Choose statuses – Active, Excluded, LOA Level: CPS NUFYP – download excel CPS NUZYP, GrM, DocMed, PhD – download excel UG SST UG - SHSS, SENG, SOM, SMG Combine all 4 files together into one excel Search for test student (lastname, Firstname) and delete those records.

8 Data requests Due to the number of requests we receive at , our typical turnaround time is working days. Please take this into consideration when requesting data. Complex requests may take up to 10 days. Please be specific as possible in your request. Please provide the purpose of your request so we can understand what data will best support your information needs. Data available in MyRegistrar or in Regular reports sent by OR will not be provided upon requests.

9 Bad request example “Please provide number of the students for the beginning of the 2018 year.” Which students? Bacherlos, Masters, etc…. Which year? Academic year or calendar? Students admitted according to the Decision or started studies? They are different numbers.

10 Good request example Please provide the number of students accepted in 2016 academic year by level, school, program and status. Answer: 1596 Please provide the number of students who started studies in 2016 academic year by level, school, program and status. Answer: 4681 (among them 1548 accepted in 2016 academic year)

11 Complex request example
We need the following data: - a list of students (1st year, SST, majors: Math, CS, Robotics, Physics, Undeclared + 1st-year SENG, all majors +1 year SMG all majors)  who haven't registered this semester PHYS 162 Physics II -  a list of students (1st year, SST, majors: Math, CS, Robotics, Physics, Undeclared + 1st-year SENG, all majors +1 year SMG all majors)  who haven't registered this semester  MATH 162 Calculus II -  a list of students (1st year, SST, majors: Math, CS, Robotics, Physics, Undeclared)  who haven't registered this semester CSCI 152 Programming - a list of SHSS 1st year students who haven't registered this semester MATH 161 Calculus I - a list of SST (1st year, majors: Biology, Chemistry) students who haven't registered  this semester CHEM 102 General Chemistry - a list of SST (1st year, majors: Biology, Chemistry) students who haven't registered  this semester BIOL 120 Modern Biology All list should include student id, student full name, school, major, adviser 1.

12 Reports to be provided by OR to certain departments
Number of the students at NU – monthly Any other suggestions?

13 Reports Any other suggestions?

14 Q&A Feel free to ask any questions!? Your feedback is highly appreciated. Thank you for attention!

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