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Transition to High School… for parents

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1 Transition to High School… for parents

2 Transition – The process of changing from one condition to another.
Moving from elementary school to high school New building New teachers and staff New classmates New expectations New possibilities

3 Transition is not an event; it is a journey.
NEW BUILDING: Our grade 8 students are quite familiar with parts of WMCI as they do attend some classes here on a regular basis. They will know some staff, but may have questions about who their teachers will be in Grade 9. A full list of our staff is available on our school website. Staffing may change before the beginning of September.

4 New, new, new… At WMCI, teachers will stay in their classrooms and students will move from class to class (no homeroom every day) New opportunities to join sports teams (x-country, volleyball, basketball, badminton, track and field, etc.) and extra-curricular clubs and groups such as Green Warriors, Warriors for Change, Student Council, games club, etc. New classmates = potential new friends and social group

5 Changes, changes, changes
In high school there are many expectations for students. Our staff will expect WMCI students to: demonstrate personal responsibility for organization (materials, time, preparation, activities, etc.). demonstrate responsibility for their own learning by meeting timelines and deadlines (attendance, assignments, practices, games, etc.), completing homework and assignments on time and meeting teacher expectations. This includes handing assignments in on time, not just having them done and sitting in a binder! Demonstrate responsibility for their own behaviour choices and actions.

6 Managing stress with support
High school can be a time of change for many young people. There may be changes in social status (no longer the oldest group in the school) There are hormonal changes that can be overwhelming for some. There are increases in academic and social demands that are much more intense than in elementary school. Please keep communication open with your child and involve the school as necessary. We need to work together to support students when they are feeling overwhelmed.

7 Family Support is Crucial
Adolescent brains are not fully developed until their mid-20s so patience is a necessity Build/continue good habits from the beginning of high school. Daily check-ins with your child for homework, upcoming assignments and tests, projects and activities, and mood. Assist them with homework when possible. (Sometimes, they really do want or need your help) Allow them to make mistakes! Plan for a minimum of 1 hour of homework per night

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