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NCC Carrier Price List (CPL) Guidance Slides
CONVEYANCE TELEPHONY These slides are provided as a ‘rough guide’ to the Parts of the CPL relating to the Conveyance Telephony services that often raise queries. These slides are provided for general guidance only as there may be exceptions to each of the areas shown and therefore should not be relied upon for anything other than basic demonstration purposes. Carrier Pricing Author: Zack Thompson
INDEX Slide Slide Subject CPL Part 01 Title - 02 Index 03
BT Basic Telephony B1.01 04 CP Telephony (Basic) B1.02 05 CP Telephony (NGCS) 06 CP Telephony (NGCS Free Phone) 07 CP Telephony (PNS) 08 CP Telephony (International Incoming) 09 BT International Telephony B1.04 10 BT Telephony (NGCS) B1.06 11 BT Telephony (NGCS BT FreeFone) 12 Indirect Access Calls to the CP System B1.10 13 BT Transit Telephony to CP (Basic) B1.12.1 14 BT Transit Telephony to CP (03 Calls) 15 BT Transit Telephony to CP (056 LIECS) 16 BT Transit Telephony to CP (NGCS) 17 BT Transit Telephony to CP (NGCS Free Phone) 18 BT Transit Telephony to CP (PNS) 19 BT Imported Non-Geographic Number Portability B3.26a 20 BT Imported Non-Geographic Number Portability (Free Phone) 21 CP Imported Non-Geographic Number Portability B3.27 22 CP Imported Non-Geographic Number Portability (BT FreeFone) 23 Non-Geographic Number Portability Transit B3.27.6 24 Element Based Charging (EBC) 25 Element Based Charging (BT Terminating) 26 Element Based Charging (CP Terminating) 27 BT DQ118 Services B3.46 28 DQ118 Transit Author: Zack Thompson
Part 1.01 - BT Basic Telephony
Direction of call Part BT Basic Telephony For calls terminating on BT basic telephony services Direction of payment Geographic number ranges CP BT £ ROLO £ retail The distance BT carries the call within its network determines the EBC-related distance that is charged. (Local, Single Tandem, or Double Tandem) CP customer BT customer Author: Zack Thompson
Part 1.02 - CP Telephony (Basic)
For calls terminating on CP basic telephony services Direction of call Direction of payment Geographic number ranges BT CP £ POLO Basic Telephony is subject to Ofcom’s Statement & Final Guidance on setting Fair & Reasonable CP Fixed Termination Rates (FTRs), published on 27th April From 1st October 2012, it is expected that CP FTRs will be equal to the BT LES rate (“the Benchmark FTR”). £ retail BT customer CP customer Author: Zack Thompson
Part 1.02 - CP Telephony (NGCS)
For calls terminating on CP NGCS telephony services Direction of call Direction of payment BT 084, 087, 090 number ranges CP £ POLO £ rental of number range £ retail Service Provider NGCS is usually for services where a service provider rents the number from the CP and uses it to provide services to retail customers. The AERO charge as per Note 6 is also payable to BT £ service membership SP customer BT customer Author: Zack Thompson
The AERO charge as per 1.02.2 Note 6 is also payable to BT
Part CP Telephony (NGCS Free Phone) For calls terminating on CP NGCS telephony services Direction of call Direction of payment BT 0800, and 116xxx number ranges CP £ POLO £ rental of number range ‘free to caller’ NGCS Free Phone services are similar to normal NGCS services, except there is no charge to the call originator. Therefore the payment goes in the opposite direction. The AERO charge as per Note 6 is also payable to BT Service Provider £ service membership SP customer BT customer Author: Zack Thompson
PNS is usually for services where calls are re-directed
Part CP Telephony (PNS) For calls terminating on CP PNS telephony services Direction of call Direction of payment BT CP 070X number ranges £ POLO £ rental of number range £ service membership £ retail Service Provider SP customer PNS is usually for services where calls are re-directed to a number of possible numbers, basic telephony, mobile, or even international destinations may be allowed. £ service membership BT customer SP customer Author: Zack Thompson
(International Incoming)
Part CP Telephony (International Incoming) For calls originating overseas Direction of call Direction of payment Any non-PRS number ranges BT CP £ POLO £ agreed overseas charge (may be capped) Overseas Administration Some forms of CP Telephony covered under Part 1.02 may also have international incoming access via BT. Charges for International Incoming services may be capped at a rate equivalent to BT’ pn1’ for those CPs who have agreed for PNS. CP customer Author: Zack Thompson
Part 1.04 - BT International Telephony
For calls terminating on overseas administrations Direction of call Direction of payment 00 International number ranges CP BT BT DMSU or BT ISC £ ROLO £ agreed overseas charge £ retail Overseas Administration The CP may interconnect to either a BT DMSU, or a BT ISC (which incurs a lower charge because all calls are carried internationally via the ISC) CP customer Author: Zack Thompson
Part 1.06 - BT Telephony (NGCS)
For calls terminating on BT NGCS telephony services Direction of call Direction of payment CP 0845, 0870, 090X number ranges BT £ ROLO £ rental of number range £ retail Service Provider NGCS is usually for services where a service provider rents the number from the CP and uses it to provide services to retail customers. CP customer £ service membership SP customer Author: Zack Thompson
Part 1.06 - BT Telephony (NGCS BT FreeFone)
For calls terminating on BT NGCS telephony services Direction of call Direction of payment CP 0800, 0808 number ranges BT £ ROLO £ rental of number range ‘free to caller’ Service Provider NGCS Free Phone services are similar to normal NGCS services, except there is no charge to the call originator. Therefore the payment goes in the opposite direction. £ service membership CP customer SP customer Author: Zack Thompson
Part 1.10 - Indirect Access Calls to the CP System
For Indirect Access calls to the CP Direction of call Direction of payment BT CP IA number ranges £ ROLO The subsequent type of call beyond the 1XXX digits is not considered and could be any service allowed by the CP. This even includes calls back to a BT number which are handled as normal calls. £ service membership ‘free to caller’ CP customer (A Payphone Access Charge may apply. See Part 1.09). Indirect Access calls use the EBC method to determine the distance a call is carried within the BT network. Author: Zack Thompson
Part 1.12.1 - BT Transit Telephony to CP (Basic)
For calls originating on one CP’s network and terminating on another CP’s basic telephony services Direction of call Direction of payment Geographic number ranges CP A BT CP B BT keeps TWIX £ ROLO (= £ POLO + TWIX) £ POLO £ retail The charges in Part 1.12 are charged to the originating CP A , (The £ROLO in this case). Charges are based upon the cost of the out-payment to the Terminating CP B+TWIX (cost of transiting). CP A customer CP B customer Author: Zack Thompson
Part 1.12.1 - BT Transit Telephony to CP (03 Calls)
For calls originating on one CP’s network and terminating on another CP’s 03 telephony services Direction of call Direction of payment 03 UK Wide number ranges CP A BT CP B BT keeps TWIX £ ROLO (= £ POLO + TWIX) £ POLO £ retail The charges in Part 1.12 are charged to the originating CP A , (The £ROLO in this case). Charges are based upon the cost of the out-payment to the Terminating CP B+TWIX (cost of transiting). CP A customer CP B customer Author: Zack Thompson
Part 1.12.1 - BT Transit Telephony to CP (056 LIECS)
For calls originating on one CP’s network and terminating on another CP’s 056 LIECS telephony services Direction of call Direction of payment 056 LIECS number ranges CP A CP B BT BT keeps TWIX £ ROLO (= £ POLO + TWIX) £ POLO £ retail The charges in Part 1.12 are charged to the originating CP A , (The £ROLO in this case). Charges are based upon the cost of the out-payment to the Terminating CP B+TWIX (cost of transiting). CP A customer CP B customer Author: Zack Thompson
The TWIX (cost of transiting) is charged to the
Part BT Transit Telephony to CP (NGCS) For calls originating on one CP’s network and terminating on another CP’s NGCS telephony services Direction of call Direction of payment 084, 087, 09 number ranges CP A CP B BT £ POLO BT keeps TWIX £ ROLO (= £ POLO) £ TWIX £ rental of number range £ retail The charges in Part are charged to the originating CP A, (The £ROLO in this case). Charges are based upon the cost of the out-payment to the terminating CP B. The TWIX (cost of transiting) is charged to the Terminating CP B. Service Provider CP A customer £ service membership SP customer Author: Zack Thompson
Part 1.12.1 - BT Transit Telephony to CP (NGCS Free Phone)
For calls originating on one CP’s network and terminating on another CP’s NGCS telephony services Direction of call Direction of payment 0800, 0808 number ranges CP A CP B BT £ POLO BT keeps TWIX £ ROLO (= £ POLO) £ TWIX £ rental of number range ‘free to caller’ Charges are the same as for NGCS, but as there is no charge to the caller, the flow of money is in the other direction. Service Provider CP A customer £ service membership SP customer Author: Zack Thompson
Part 1.12.1 - BT Transit Telephony to CP (PNS)
For calls originating on one CP’s network and terminating on another CP’s PNS telephony services Direction of call Direction of payment 070X number ranges CP A CP B BT £ POLO BT keeps TWIX £ ROLO (= £ POLO + TWIX) £ rental of number range £ service membership £ retail SP customer Service Provider The charges in Part are charged to the originating CP A , (The £ROLO in this case). Charges are based upon the cost of the out-payment to the terminating CP B+TWIX (cost of transiting). £ service membership CP A customer SP customer Author: Zack Thompson
Part 3.26a - BT Imported Non-Geographic Number Portability
For calls to a CP’s number ported to BT Direction of call Direction of payment CP BT 03, 084, 087, 09 number ranges £ ROLO £ APC This situation occurs where BT has ported numbers from a CP. Calls are routed into the CP as the previous holder of the range, then the CP routes the call to BT. BT is paid the £ROLO for an applicable service as in Part 1.06, but BT pays the CP an Additional Porting Conveyance charge (APC) for the extra work that they have carried out in delivering the call to BT. £ retail The final service may not be owned by BT, and may be translated to either the same CP, or another CP. These are treated as separate calls covered under other parts of the Carrier Price List. CP customer Author: Zack Thompson
Part 3.26a - BT Imported Non-Geographic
Number Portability (Free Phone) For calls to a CP’s number ported to BT Direction of call Direction of payment CP BT 0800, 0808 number ranges £ ROLO £ APC ‘free to caller’ The final service may not be owned by BT, and may be translated to either the same CP, or another CP. These are treated as separate calls covered under other parts of the Carrier Price List. Charges are the same as for BT Imported non-Geographic Number Portability but as there is no charge to the caller, the flow of money is in the other direction. CP customer Author: Zack Thompson
Part 3.27 - CP Imported Non-Geographic Number Portability
For calls to a BT number ported to a CP Direction of call Direction of payment BT CP 03, 084, 087, 09 number ranges £ POLO £ APC This situation occurs where a CP has ported numbers from BT. Calls are routed into BT as the previous holder of the range, then BT routes the call to the CP. The CP is paid the £POLO for an applicable service as in Part , but the CP pays BT an Additional Porting Conveyance charge (APC) for the extra work that BT has carried out in delivering the call to the CP. £ retail The final service may not be owned by the CP, and may be translated to either BT, or another CP. These are treated as separate calls covered under other parts of the Carrier Price List. BT customer Author: Zack Thompson
Part 3.27 - CP Imported Non-Geographic
Number Portability (BT FreeFone) For calls to a BT number ported to a CP Direction of call Direction of payment BT CP 0800, 0808 number ranges £ POLO £ APC ‘free to caller’ The final service may not be owned by the CP, and may be translated to either BT, or another CP. These are treated as separate calls covered under other parts of the Carrier Price List. Charges are the same as for CP Imported non-Geographic Number Portability, but as there is no charge to the caller, the flow of money is in the other direction. BT customer Author: Zack Thompson
Part 3.27.6 - Non-Geographic Number Portability Transit
Transit of a CP’s number ported to another CP Direction of call Direction of payment 03, 0800, 0808, 084, 087, 09 number ranges CP A CP B £ CP AGREED CHARGES BT £ ROLO £ retail The final service may not be owned by the CP, and may be translated to either BT, or another CP. These are treated as separate calls covered under other parts of the Carrier Price List. This situation occurs where a CP has ported an NGCS number to another CP and wishes BT to be used to transit the call. BT charges the originating CP an EBC related Transit charge. CP A and CP B may agree any payment they wish, BT does not get involved in the establishment of the CP to CP charge. CP A customer Author: Zack Thompson
Element Based Charging (EBC)
used within both BT Basic and BT Transit Telephony Element Based Charging uses switch related elements for charging. This allows BT to recover costs based upon the amount of ‘work’ done within our network when carrying a call, depending on how much switching and how far (in some cases) we carry the call before delivery. This method of charging is applicable for services such as BT Basic Telephony Part 1.01, and BT Transit to CP Telephony Part 1.12. As part of BT’s Least Cost Routing ‘Pricing Promise’, the actual route of each call is not considered, but the ‘shortest path’ method is used. Using this method, all possible call routes are considered (even backup circuits and private links) when evaluating the ‘shortest path’, so that a CP is never over-charged for a call by this method, even when those circuits will never be used for those types of telephony. The customer is always charged based upon the theoretical least cost (shortest) route ! The EBC bands are described in the following slides... Author: Zack Thompson
Element Based Charging (EBC) BT Terminating
Local Exchange For calls originating on a CP’s network and terminating on the BT network (Part 1.01, 1.10) CP SWITCH BT DLE BT customer Single Tandem CP SWITCH BT DMSU BT DLE Double Tandem BT customer Distance element CP SWITCH BT DMSU BT DMSU BT DLE BT customer For Double Tandem calls there is an additional distance element (short <100km, medium km, long >200km). The distance between all DMSUs (there may be more than two) is considered for this distance element. Author: Zack Thompson
Element Based Charging (EBC) CP Terminating (TRANSIT)
For calls originating on a CP’s network, transiting the BT network and terminating on another CP’s network (Part ) Local Exchanges cannot generally be used as transit switches and therefore there is no Local Exchange element for transit call types. Single Tandem CP A SWITCH CP B SWITCH BT DMSU CP B customer Double Tandem Distance element CP A SWITCH CP B SWITCH BT DMSU BT DMSU CP B customer For Double Tandem calls there is an additional distance element (short <100km, medium km, long >200km). The distance between all DMSUs (as there may be more than two) is considered for this distance element. Author: Zack Thompson
£ POLO [accounting for BT retention]
Charging for DQ118 BT originates calls which are terminated on CP networks Direction of call Direction of payment BT CP 118XXX number ranges £ POLO [accounting for BT retention] £ retail Note: BT also terminates calls from CP networks to BT DQ118 services in the reverse of the above. DQ 118 Service BT customer Author: Zack Thompson
Charging for DQ118 BT transits DQ118 traffic from one CP’s network to another Direction of call Direction of payment 118XXX number ranges CP A CP B BT £ POLO BT keeps TWIX £ ROLO (= £ POLO) £ TWIX £ retail Note : For DQ118 number ranges BT recovers the TWIX from the terminator. CP A customer DQ 118 Service Author: Zack Thompson
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