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Structure of hStau1 dsRBD3-4 in complex with ARF1 SBS.

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1 Structure of hStau1 dsRBD3-4 in complex with ARF1 SBS.
Structure of hStau1 dsRBD3-4 in complex with ARF1 SBS. (A–C) Structure of hStau1 dsRBD3-4 construct in complex with ARF1 SBS, and in two views rotated by 145° about the vertical axis (B), or 90° about the horizontal axis (C). RNA (black), dsRBD3 (blue), and dsRBD4 (cyan) are shown as cartoons; dotted lines represent loop connections that are not visible in the electron density. (D) Structure of ARF1 SBS in its unbound state, in the same orientation as in (A). G–U wobble base pairs are indicated by arrows. (E) Superposition of ARF1 SBS in its unbound state (red) and in complex with hStau1 (black), with the corresponding root mean square deviation (RMSD) are indicated. All protein structure figures were generated using PyMOL v2.1 ( Daniela Lazzaretti et al. LSA 2018;1:e © 2018 Crown copyright. The government of Australia, Canada, or the UK ("the Crown") owns the copyright interests of authors who are government employees. The Crown Copyright is not transferable.

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