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Measured and estimated ESPDR/PRSW coefficients.

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Presentation on theme: "Measured and estimated ESPDR/PRSW coefficients."— Presentation transcript:

1 Measured and estimated ESPDR/PRSW coefficients.
Measured and estimated ESPDR/PRSW coefficients. Scatterplots comparing (A) the single-beat estimated zero-stress dimension (D0(SB)) and amplitude (A(SB)) of the ESPDR to multiple-beat ESPDR coefficients (D0(MB) and A(MB)); (B) the single-beat estimated PRSW dimension-axis intercept and slope using the measured γ (Dw(SB) with WT and Mw(SB) with WT) to similar measurements obtained from actual multiple-beat PRSW analysis (Dw and Mw); (C) the single-beat estimated PRSW dimension-axis intercept and slope using the assumed γ (Dw(SB) without WT and Mw(SB) without WT) to similar measurements obtained from the actual multiple-beat PRSW analysis (Dw and Mw). Dw and Mw, dimension-axis intercept and slope of preload recruitable stroke work relationship, respectively; ESPDR, end-systolic pressure–dimension relationship; PRSW, preload recruitable stroke work. Ryo Inuzuka et al. Open Heart 2016;3:e000451 ©2016 by British Cardiovascular Society

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