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Kepler’s Three Laws of Planetary Motion

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1 Kepler’s Three Laws of Planetary Motion


3 Kepler’s Laws of Planetary Motions
1. Planets move in elliptical orbits with the sun at one of the foci SUN Foci – 2 points that are equidistant from center on major axis

4 2. Law of Areas Line from the sun to a planet sweeps with equal areas in equal time. A planet will move through equal area of space in an equal amount of time Perihelion – closest to sun Ahelion – farthest from sun When a planet is in perihelion its orbital velocity increases When a planet is in aphelion its orbital velocity decreases

5 Closest to sun Slower Velocity Faster Velocity Farthest from sun
Closer to the sun, faster the velocity because of the gravitational pull. If the areas of A, B, and C are equal and the time’s for A, B, and C are equal, that means the speed must change in different areas of orbit Farthest from sun Closest to sun Slower Velocity Faster Velocity Greater Gravitational Pull

6 3. Law of Periods - The farther a planet is from the focus, the longer the period of revolution.
Ex: Earth is closer to the sun than Jupiter, therefore the Earth has a shorter period of revolution. (ESRT)


8 Newton’s Law of Gravity
The force of attraction between any two objects depends on their masses and the distance between them. Thus, the closer the objects, the ______________ the gravitational pull Thus, the bigger the object the __________ the gravitational pull greater greater

9 Closer to the sun in the winter, farther from sun in summer

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