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Policy Supporting Research

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1 Policy Supporting Research
Long-term modality 2019 Noémie Nyst Program coordinator information session PSR DGD / Brussels /

2 SUMMARY context Objectives Eligibility Budget Selection Submission
Timeline Formats Information SESSION PSR /


4 CONTEXT New approach: ACROPOLIS  Policy Supporting Research
Upon request of government VLIR-UOS and ARES followed, regarded it as an experiment Broadening expertise, open up competition, varying nature of questions and funding modalities Assessment of new approach before 2021 Input for preparation of PSR in next Five Year Programme ( ) Information SESSION PSR /


6 OBJECTIVES Policy supporting research delivers research output on specific themes of interest to Belgian development cooperation on demand of the Belgian government. The goal of PSR is to deepen the knowledge on themes that are of prime importance for the Belgian development cooperation, linked to building knowledge and capacity of DGD. Information SESSION PSR /

7 Eligibility

8 Eligibility Researchers of Belgian higher education institutions, both universities and university colleges, are eli- gible to submit for this call. The proposal must meet the application and submission requirements. ARES and VLIR-UOS will check the eligibility of the proposals and submit the eligible proposals to DGD on the 1st of October 2018. Information SESSION PSR /

9 budget

10 Budget About 500,000 € for VLIR-UOS and ARES Maximum budget proposal : ,00 € per year Daily fee : 1000 € “all inclusive” (salaries, operational costs, mission related costs, institutional overhead, etc.), lump sum also for reporting Focus on the first year (renewable twice after an assessment, decision before 1st of September) Justification of the number of days needed Information SESSION PSR /

11 selection

12 selection DGD is responsible for the selection during the month of October, results will be communicated in November 2018 CRITERIA: Expertise and previous experience Proposed approach Research methodology and plan of collaboration with the DGD COLLABORATION ENCOURAGED (IF ADDED VALUE): inter-university partnerships within Belgium with university partners from the South  with other partners of the Belgian Development Cooperation within global networks.  with non-university centres and networks Information SESSION PSR /

13 Submission of the proposals

14 Submission The institution of the lead researcher determines whether the proposal should be submitted to ARES or VLIR-UOS Deadline 30 September 2018, ARES: VLIR-UOS: (+ ICOS of institution in cc) Information SESSION PSR /

15 Calendar

16 Calendar Deadline for submission to VLIR-UOS or ARES: 30 September 2018 Submission of eligible proposals to DGD 1 October 2018 Selection proposal by DGD: Before 1 November 2018 Communication of the results November 2018 Start of the PSR 1 January 2019 Information SESSION PSR /


18 FORMATS Annex 5 Presentation of the research team, and, in case of a consortium, the constituent parties The plan of action and the research methodology, previous experience with DGD The strategy for uptake and outreach The collaborations foreseen with other parties The budget 6 pages maximum Information SESSION PSR /


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