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JANUARY 14th, 2019 Do Now: Examine the image and write all that you know about it on your slip of paper.

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Presentation on theme: "JANUARY 14th, 2019 Do Now: Examine the image and write all that you know about it on your slip of paper."— Presentation transcript:

1 JANUARY 14th, 2019 Do Now: Examine the image and write all that you know about it on your slip of paper.

2 Nonrenewable Resources
Dangers and consequences

3 Quick Review Nonrenewable resources – sources from nature that are being used up faster than they are being made like fossil fuels and nuclear energy. Examples of Fossil Fuels 1) Coal 2) Oil/Petroleum 3) Natural Gas

4 Obtaining coal Strip mining Subsurface mining Removing (or striping) the layers of soil and rock on top of the coal deposits. Can extend over larger areas. Typically digging tunnels into the ground and removing the coal. Coal miners use explosives to dig a large network of tunnels.

5 Obtaining oil Primary extraction Secondary extraction - Releasing the pressure from the location allows oil to reach the surface. - Pumping water or steam into the location of the oil causing the pressure to bring the oil to the surface.

6 Obtaining Natural Gas Fracking – injecting land with water, sand, and chemicals. Causes the rock to crack. Releases trapped natural gas.

7 Obtaining Natural Gas Collected at large processing plants.
Large network of pipelines carry the gas from the source to where its going to be used.

8 DANGERS of Fossil Fuels
1) Greenhouse Effect - Releases more carbon into the atmosphere than naturally occurring = Global Warming. 2) Air Pollution – additional chemicals in the air cause smog and acid rain. 3) Water Pollution – all extra carbon and other chemicals are added to the water system through runoff. 4) Health of Humans – Fossil fuels are linked to different chemical poisoning that lead to diseases and cancers. Also Dangerous Jobs – Coal Miner.

9 Consequences Dependence on Foreign Countries – USA pays for oil from Middle Eastern countries. Gas Prices continue to go up. Damaging Ecosystems 1) Strip mining destroys large areas of habitats and cause soil erosion 2) Manmade disasters – Oil Spills in oceans and on land 3) Human Encroachment in natural areas where roads and factories are built

10 Video

11 Oil Spill Clean Up Lab Read the Introduction and Background As we read, underline important details about your task and circle the sentence that tells you what you are doing in this activity.

12 Oil Spill Clean Up Lab Observe the clean up area. You will be required to remove oil from the water, the land, and any plants/wildlife in 3 minutes. What do you notice? Jot down your ideas in the space provided.

13 Oil Spill Clean Up Lab Examine the materials. Select materials. Discuss how you might use each and decide on FOUR. Write them on your lab sheet.

14 Oil Spill Clean Up Lab Design and sketch your plan.
Make sure to include… Construction Implementation Disposal

15 Oil Spill Clean Up Lab Complete clean up.

16 Oil Spill Clean Up Lab Complete analysis and reflection.

17 Exit Quiz

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