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By Anders Agerbo Computers 8

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1 By Anders Agerbo Computers 8
Nutrition By Anders Agerbo Computers 8

2 Carbohydrates The major source of energy for the body
Whole grains, beans, vegetables and fruits Two types: Simple (Sugars) Fruit , Veggies, Candy, etc… Complex (Starches) Pasta, Cereals, Grains, etc... Should be 40% of diet

3 FAT Develops Muscles 30% of diet Two types
Unsaturated Meats, Fish, Oils, etc… Saturated Meats, Dairy, Egg yolk, etc… Unsaturated fats are healthier

4 Protein Maintains bone structure and organs 35% of diet
One type of protein Examples Meat, Fish, Eggs, Milk, etc… Referred to as amino acids.

5 FIBRE Helps digestive system absorb food 30% of diet Two types
Insoluble Brown Rice, Beans, Whole Grain, etc… Soluble Fruits and Vegetables Prevents Constipation

6 Vitamnins Helps Vision, Bone structure, Healing 3 *main* types
Vitamin D Milk helps bone growth Vitamin C Oranges help heals body (fix bleeding) Vitamin A Carrots help eyesight Substances that help the body to grow

7 Minerals Distributed through foods Helps proper heart function
Found in plants Several types Calcium, Iron, Potassium, etc… Some minerals are found to be toxic

8 WaTeR Consumed in Liquid formation One type
8 glasses a day A clear liquid scientifically named H20 Composed of Hydrogen and Oxygen Your body is made mostly up of water

9 Bibliography Carbohydrates Fats Protein Fibre Vitamins & Minerals
eat/carbohydrates/ Fats Protein Fibre Vitamins & Minerals Water

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