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Presentation on theme: "GENETIC ENGINEERING Review PPT."— Presentation transcript:


2 Selective breeding [also called artificial selection]
This is where people choose only organisms with desirable traits. Selective breeding [also called artificial selection]

3 What is the example of corn and selective breeding?
Corn was selectively bred from teosinte which is a type of grass.

4 The use of technology and manipulate and change genes.
Genetic engineering It involves directly inserting, removing, or altering an organism’s DNA.

5 Organisms contains DNA from other organisms
Genetically modified organism = GMOs Also known as transgenic.

6 [making recombinant DNA]
Pieces of DNA, can be moved from one organism to another organism using enzymes to make new combinations of DNA. Gene splicing [making recombinant DNA]

7 What enzyme cuts DNA at specific places?
Restriction enzymes

8 What is found in bacteria which is used mostly in genetic engineering?

9 This is changing the DNA of a person with a genetic disease by introducing working genes into cell nuclei. Gene therapy. Viruses are vector.

10 The use of science and technology to investigate and solve crimes.

11 Analyzes sections of DNA that may have little or no function but that very from one individual to another. DNA fingerprint

12 Only a small percentage of DNA varies amongst humans
Only a small percentage of DNA varies amongst humans. These are nongenetic DNA sequences differ among individuals, making them useful in identification. STR (short tandem repeats)

13 This method is used to artificially copy DNA.

14 Separating and analyzing DNA fragments according to size.
Gel electrophoresis

15 This is the creation of a genetically identical organism.

16 What prevents companies, the government, or insurance companies from using genetic information against a person? GINA [Genetic Information Nondiscrimination Act]


18 Unfinished info : Human genome project, karyotype, pros and cons of GMOs, inbreeding, hybridization, polyploidy, patenting life

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