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Induction of RNA transcription.

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1 Induction of RNA transcription.
Induction of RNA transcription. Cells carrying BAC2 plus the 96 BS coding sequence (under control of Plac/ara-1) and K133 plus MS2d–GFP were grown in LB at 37°C to an OD600 ≈ 0.3–0.5. MS2d–GFP production was induced by adding aTc (100 ng/ml). After 1 h, cells were resuspended in the same medium without aTc. RNA transcription was then induced in half of the culture by adding IPTG (1 mM) and L(+)-arabinose (0.1%). Cells were then grown for an additional 1 h and observed as in Fig. 2; 150 cells were examined. (A) Distribution of the number of spots in cells not induced (no IPTG, no arabinose). Each bar represents cells actually counted; + indicates a fit to a Poisson distribution, with λ = 0.18, determined from the number of cells with no spots. Cells with three spots or more were grouped together, because clustered particles are sometimes hard to distinguish. (B) Distribution of the number of spots in induced cells (with IPTG and arabinose). Symbols are as in A. The distribution is bimodal, far from a Poisson distribution (λ= 1.18). Ido Golding, and Edward C. Cox PNAS 2004;101:31: ©2004 by National Academy of Sciences

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