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6th week of Easter Acts / John a (291)

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1 6th week of Easter Acts 16.11.15 / John 15.26 - 16.4a (291)
Monday, May 27, 2019 6th week of Easter Acts / John a (291)

2 TRACK & FIELD Practice continues today for zone qualifiers.
Grade 7 & 8 qualifiers are posted by the gym. Grade 9 qualifiers will be posted as soon as they are available. (You probably know who you are already so come for practice tonight!)

3 Choir Students Pick up permission forms, get them completed and returned NOW. Choir Practice: Friday, May :30-2:00 To all band and choir students: The final concert is on June 3rd - the same day as the school tour!!

4 Band Students Return your forms to Mr. Harmon today. If you need an extra, see the office.

5 DANCE CREW REHEARSAL Tuesday 3:00-4:15


7 Homerooms with be competing on June 7th during the student retreat to build the best structure out of non-perishable food items! You and your homeroom have two weeks to collect as many non-perishable food items as possible!


9 Games Club today at lunch in the library!

10 What’s new in the library?
Edmund and the Childe were swapped at birth. Now, Edmund lives in secret in the world above, with fae powers that make him different from everyone else. The Childe lives among the fae in the world below, where being a human makes him a curiosity at the palace. When a cruel sorceress takes the throne, the Childe and Edmund realize that the fate of both worlds rests in their hands, even as they’re not sure which world they belong to.

11 Jr Cougar Football Spring Camp June 4, 5 & 6 5:30-7:00 pm
Chinook High School field (west side) Non-contact camp; No equipment required Bring a water bottle No fee; no sign-up for this camp Just come out and try Jr Cougar Football!!

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