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Do Now What is the benefit of therapy? Explain..

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Presentation on theme: "Do Now What is the benefit of therapy? Explain.."— Presentation transcript:

1 Do Now What is the benefit of therapy? Explain.

2 Unit 13: Treatment of Psychological Disorders
The Psychological Therapies

3 Intro/Background History of treatment Psychotherapy Eclectic approach
Philippe Pinel Medical Model Dorothea Dix US version of Pinel Today there are 2 main therapies that a patient is usually classified into psychotherapy bio-medial therapy Psychotherapy Eclectic approach Uses multiple types of therapy for treatment EX: biopsychosocial approach

4 Psychoanalysis Psychoanalysis Aims of the therapy Freud's therapy
Therapist interprets patient’s repressed feelings, expressing these feelings allowed patient to move forward Few clinicians use this Aims of the therapy Childhood impulses & conflicts bring repressed impulses and conflicts into the patients conscious awareness acknowledge the conflicts confront them

5 Psychoanalysis - Methods
Free association Resistance Blocks to the these anxiety inducing feelings Interpretation of the meaning EX: not talking about it (unconsciously) Dream analysis Transference The feelings the patient has towards parent/lover/abuser are transferred to therapist EX: I hate my dad and thus I hate my therapist

6 Psychodynamic Therapy
Aims of psychodynamic therapy try to understand patients current symptoms by focusing on themes across important relationships Similarities with psychoanalysis searches for reasons from past experiences Differences with psychoanalysis deals with current symptoms rather than the origins of unconscious conflicts

7 Humanistic Therapy Insight Therapy Insight therapies focus more on:
Improve psychological functioning by increasing patient’s awareness of underlying defenses and motives EX: if you understand why you act they way you do you can then accept things and move forward Insight therapies focus more on: the present rather than the past conscious rather than the unconscious taking immediate responsibility promoting growth instead of curing

8 Humanistic Therapy .. Continued
Client-centered therapy Nondirective therapy A therapist listens and doesn’t judge Genuineness, acceptance, and empathy Need these things to feel comfortable opening up Active listening Paraphrase Invite clarification Reflect feelings Unconditional positive regard with this people may accept even their worst traits and feel valued and whole EX: okay you killed your sister, tell me more (rather than saying that killing is wrong)

9 Behavior Therapy Behavior Therapy (used to get rid of unwanted behavior) Classical Conditioning Operant Conditioning What do you remember about these?

10 Behavior Therapy - Classical
Counterconditioning Exposure therapies Involves exposing someone to anxiety causing stimuli EX: fear of rats to slowly move a rat closer and closer to the person Systematic desensitization Gradually increase the duration in which one is exposed to the stimuli EX: keep rat around longer Virtual reality exposure therapy Exposure in the mind or virtual world Aversive conditioning Exposing an unwanted behavior with something unpleasant EX: alcohol with nausea drug (see chart to the right)

11 Flip It Video - Counterconditioning
yers%20Psychology%202e%20AP/Student%20Reso urces/Flip%20It%20Videos/flipit_mod71_counterco nditioning.html

12 Behavior Therapies - Operant
Behavior Modification A basic concept of operant conditioning is that voluntary behaviors are strongly influenced by their consequences reinforces desired behaviors withholding reinforcement or enacting punishment for undesired behaviors Token Economy Can someone give me an example?

13 Cognitive Therapy Cognitive therapy Cognitive- behavioral therapy
Beck’s therapy for depression started off using Freudian therapy and discovered reoccurring negative thoughts, he sought to reverse a client’s catastrophizing beliefs about themselves, their situations, and their futures Catastrophizing beliefs Everything is going to end badly Cognitive- behavioral therapy Brings thought process and action/behavior together

14 Group & Family Therapies
Group Therapy therapists frequently suggest group therapy for people experiencing family conflicts or for those whose behavior is distressing to others Family Therapy Treats family as a system Unwanted behavior is influenced by or directed at a family member What are the advantages and disadvantages of family therapy?

15 Comparing Therapies Combination therapies tend to be more effective than a single therapeutic approach. Why might this be?

16 Today Breathe… the lecture is over
HW= Continue The Psychological Therapies (pgs ) DUE TOMORROW

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