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CORS briefing Presented by Jenson Goh, Registrar’s Office IT Unit.

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Presentation on theme: "CORS briefing Presented by Jenson Goh, Registrar’s Office IT Unit."— Presentation transcript:

1 CORS briefing Presented by Jenson Goh, Registrar’s Office IT Unit

2 What you will learn in this briefing?
Registration Survival Guide – Freshmen This Briefing Do it on your own & do it better - Seniors Apply lessons learnt to life - Graduated

3 NUS Undergraduates Registration (In a Nutshell)
Registration done thru’ Centralised Online Registration System, a.k.a CORS Lecture (Bidding) Tutorial (Balloting) Module Registration

4 Lecture Bidding (In a Nutshell)
Every semester, each student given bidding pts Decide module Use Pts to Bid If Bid pts > Your Peers = Secure Module

5 Bidding Points P G Pts deposited for bidding of modules (every sem) into 2 accounts Programme (P) account for modules within your major or faculty (please refer to your faculty for the specific rules) E.g. SoC student, CS1101 General (G) account for modules that fulfill university level requirements & unrestricted electives E.g. GEM/SS, USP, minor modules & etc

6 Bidding Points (Cont’d)
Pts not transferable between accts Pts distributed based by degree requirements Unused pts – carried forward to next semester FoS + FASS FoE + SDE + DDP + Nursing SoC + BIZ Law P G 600 400 750 250 650 350 200

7 Bidding Points (Cont’d)
Getting Bonus pts Teaching feedback, 100 pts  2 accts (every sem) According to distribution above, e.g. FASS, 60 to P, 40 to G CORS student survey, 30 pts  G acct (every acad yr)

8 Bidding Points (Cont’d)
Questions Who has more ‘buying’ power (Junior or Senior) for modules? Why? Answer Senior. Because unused points get carried forward to next semester.

9 Bidding Points (Cont’d)
Question How can I compete with my seniors for a module? You Seniors !!! VS Answer You don’t. We will protect you till you are strong enough.

10 Bidding Queues & Rounds
Fairness in Bidding Grouping Concepts Bidding Queues & Rounds Workload Policy Module Type Code Fairness in Bidding

11 2 consecutive semesters
Grouping Concepts New students 2 consecutive sems, starting from Matriculated sem E.g. Matriculated AY07/08 sem 1 New students for AY07/08 sem 1 & 2 Returning students Any students who are NOT new Before 2 consecutive semesters After For students who transferred from one faculty to another during their course of study, you will be deem as a new student in the new faculty. If you have secured sufficient modules to be classified as a returning student at the time of transfer, please make sure you notified your faculty dean office to make the change for you. Otherwise, you may be bidding in the wrong queue or you may not be able to engage in bidding at all. For students who applied for leave of absence during the time where you are classified as a new student, you can also approach your faculty dean office to retain your ‘new’ student status for one or two semesters more depending on the duration of your leave of absence subjected to approval.

12 Bidding Queues Protection in bidding implemented through bidding queues Each module, there is a unique set of bidding queue: Pr = Returning students can bid using P acct Pn = New students can bid using P acct G = All students can bid using G acct If a module belonging to a faculty is offered to its own student, these students usually will bid under programme account and will NOT be allowed to bid for the module under general account. Hence, in such situation, the All student in the above description will exclude these students.

13 NO Protection to New Students!
Bidding Rounds Queue combined to maximize enrollment of modules Bid at appropriate round, as round passes your chance of getting the module diminishes See Sem 1 bidding description Round 1A – 1B Round 1C Round 2A – 2B Round 3 Pr Pn G Pr + G Pr + Pn + G Round 1: Protected round. Designed for all students to secure their program module first. Round 2: Bidding for University Level Requirements, Breath, Minor or Unrestricted Elective modules Round 3: No protection round. Bid for whatever that is still available. NO Protection to New Students!

14 Bidding Rounds (Cont’d)
Current bidding Open Stage (All bidding statistics available) Closed Stage (No bidding statistics available) Advance bidding  Place bid for module which: Is not open for current bidding round Is fully subscribed Current bidding: bidding for module available in current round Advance bidding: bidding for module NOT available in current round

15 Bidding Rounds (Cont’d)
Open Stage Closed Stage Round 0 Round 1A Round 1B Round 1C Round 2A Round 2B Round 3 onwards Open stage: Bidding statistics available Closed stage: No bidding statistics Advance Bidding

16 Module Type Code Same module but count for different requirements
Module type influences when you can bid & graduation requirements See module type code table BSP1005 All BIZ students Essential module (01) All technopreneurship & management minor students Restricted minor module (17) All FoE students Compulsory cross faculty module (29) All other students Electives outside student’s faculty (U9) Module type code is used to control when a module is available for bidding. For a student to be able to engage in current bidding for a specific module, 3 conditions must be fulfilled: (1) the module type code is set to be available for bidding (refer to the module type code table); (2) student select the module with the module type code of which it is available for current bidding; and (3) quota is available for that student group (i.e. new or returning) which the student belongs to in the bidding round (you can check for this via the module available for bidding report)

17 Module Type Code Management minor FoE students
See 17, 29 & U9 for BSP1005 Choose wisely otherwise you may not be able to secure the module or graduate!! BSP1005 All BIZ students Essential module (01) All technopreneurship & management minor students Restricted minor module (17) All FoE students Compulsory cross faculty module (29) All other students Electives outside student’s faculty (U9) The consequence of choosing the wrong module type may cause you more bidding points to secure the module of your choice. As different protection is in place to protect different student groups through the use of module type and each of such protection zone is subjected to the demand for that module of those qualified students in that zone, choosing module type code when selecting a module is similar to choosing which protection zone you are going to bid into. Consult the bidding trends report in CORS web site to see past trends to have an idea which one to choose.

18 Workload Policy During Bidding
Before round 3 starts, total max. workload allowed for all students is 23MCs : This implies can bid <= 5 modules (assume each module is 4 MCs) Round 3 onwards, proceed to bid for more to accelerate your degree (if your faculty allows)

19 Controlling Fairness What module type code you are selecting?
Meet Workload Requirements? New/Returning? Match queue available in that round based on your status & module type Allow for current round bidding

20 Using Bidding Statistics to Help You Decide
Published statistics at specific bidding stages Lecture groups available for open stage bidding Bidding statistics at end of open stage bidding Bidding summary (end of round, per round) Average bid pts info (end of round, accumulative) Global bid activity history info (end of round, per round)  Time-sensitive info  Latest Bidding Info

21 Using Bidding Statistics to Help You Decide
No protection Lecture groups available for open bidding New Students Protected Protection within Faculty Returning Students Protected

22 Using Bidding Statistics to Help You Decide
Bidding statistics at end of open stage bidding High Demand Time to look for alternatives “Showhand” Syndrome Extremely High Demand

23 Module Allocation Sharon Sandra Joe Alan Bidding Queue Successful
Alan’s bid Sandra’s bid Sharon’s bid Joe’s bid Bidding Queue Successful Unsuccessful list Round End Bidding Engine

24 Module Allocation (Cont’d)
Allocation policy When you succeed in a bid, You are enrolled in the module lecture class In most cases, you will enjoy a refund of your bid. Har? Really? Formula for winning bid computation No. of bidders <= quota, all bidders pay 1 pt No. of bidders > quota, all successful bidders pay lowest successful bid If there is a tie in bid, first bid first serve (FBFS) policy applied

25 Module Allocation (Cont’d)
“Guess who wins” Contest Bidders = 4, Lecture class quota = 3 Student Name Bid Pts (Bid Time) Results (Win/Lose) Sandra 100 (0910 hrs) Joe 80 (1200 hrs) Sharon 60 (1523 hrs) Alan 110 (0900 hrs) Winners pay (in bid pts) : W W L W 80

26 Module Allocation (Cont’d)
Bidders = 4, Lecture class quota = 10 Bidders = 1, Lecture class quota = 1 Student Name Bid Pts (Bid Time) Results (Win/Lose) Sandra 99 (0910 hrs) Joe 89 (1555hrs) Sharon 10 (1623 hrs) Alan 1 (0900 hrs) Winners pay (in bid pts): W W W W 1 Student Name Bid Pts (Bid Time) Results (Win/Lose) Sandra 3333 (1010 hrs) Winners pay (in bid pts): W 1

27 Module Allocation (Cont’d)
Bidders = 2, Lecture class quota = 1 Bidders = 4, Lecture class quota = 2 Student Name Bid Pts (Bid Time) Results (Win/Lose) Sandra 4444 (0910 hrs) Joe 20 (1300 hrs) Winners pay (in bid pts): W L 4444 Student Name Bid Pts (Bid Time) Results (Win/Lose) Sandra 99 (0910 hrs) Joe 99 (1200 hrs) Sharon 99 (1523 hrs) Alan 99 (0900 hrs) Winners pay (in bid pts): W L L W 99

28 Module Allocation (Cont’d)
Penalties for dropping an allocated module Before “W” grade deadline 50% of module successful bid price “W” grade period (refer to CORS web site) Module will be withdrawn with a “W” grade NO refund of bid points Make sure you take note of the exact ‘W’ grade effective date and time. Once it passed the timing, you will have ‘W’ grade in your transcript. Hence, always try to make your decision and drop the module early.

29 Module Allocation (Cont’d)
Penalties for dropping an allocated module “F” grade period (refer to CORS web site) Module will be given an “F” grade, CAP affected ALL pts will be refunded If you have been allocated a module & you fail the module Do not attempt to fail your module just to get back all your points. It will be silly to do so as failing of module will affect your CAP.

30 Starts with Declaration
Declaring your declaration is the very first step that everyone must complete before you can proceed with your module registration process. This is because depending on what you declare, the list of module available for you will differ. E.g. there may be some modules that are specifically given to a specific minor program and not available to others. Note that you have only ONE chance to perform this declaration correctly. So choose wisely. Once you have selected, you will not be able to make changes to you. If you make a mistake in this section, the only way you can correct it is to inform your faculty helpdesk. Do not engage in bidding if your declaration is set wrongly. Take note that if this mistake is discovered very late into the registration, you may be required to drop all modules that you have secured under the wrongly configured declaration and bid for another modules. You may not be able to secure the module of your choice. Hence, do this right the first time round is the best advice we have for you.

31 Selecting Module The screen displayed both selected and allocated modules. To add module, click the add new module link.

32 Selecting Module The same module may appear twice but in different module category. Under such circumstances, it is important for you to decide how you want to use the module to fulfill your curriculum requirements. If you are double degree student, you will see the module listing separated into two sections. The first section consisting of a list of modules from your primary faculty while the second section consisting of a list of modules from secondary faculty. Choosing the module with different type code and under different faculty (if you are a double degree student) has implication on the bid points needed for you to secure the lecture class. As the quota set aside and the demand for that module may differ, hence it is important for you to verify which is the correct one that you should be selecting.

33 Selecting Module There may be more than one lecture class displayed here. In such situation, some lecture classes may be more popular than the other. In such cases, you will need to make your choice wisely.

34 Bidding Depending on the stage of the bidding round, you will see a different screen. For this example, the round if at closed stage, hence in the current bidding section, you cannot see any statistics. In the open stage of a bidding round, you will see the statistics of the module. The second section of the bidding screen is the advance bidding section. Note that module will ONLY be allocated if the bid is submitted under the current bid section and that all advance bid submitted will be automatically transferred to the current bid section when the module becomes available for bidding in the bidding round. If your module is always in the advance bidding stage, you will need to contact the helpdesk to verify why is this so for you. Before you do that, you should verify that the module lecture class that you want is indeed available for bidding in current round (See bidding statistics page to verify) and that you are eligible to engage in current bidding.

35 Dropping Module You can drop a selected module or an allocated module. The process of dropping a selected module and allocated module is identical. First you need to check the drop checkbox on the module you want to drop. Then you need to click the drop button. You will be brought to a confirmation screen. ONLY when you clicked on the confirm button then the module will be dropped. Please take note that dropping selected module has no penalty. But dropping of allocated module has. Refer to the drop module policy for more details.

36 CORS Appeal

37 Got Problem, How? File an Appeal
Non-module related Student Home Faculty Encountered problems during bidding for module (for students returning from SEP) Encountered workload problems during bidding Encountered declaration problems during registration Encountered FFG problems during registration Encountered problems when trying to add module(s) for clean slate transfer students only) RO Encountered problems with my NUS bidding points USP Unable to secure USP module Note: Different appeal types may be enabled/disabled during CORS exercise. Check CORS Policies under Appeal

38 Got Problem, How? File an Appeal
Module related (During Registration) Module Host Faculty/Dept. Unable to fulfill pre-requisites/co-requisites when adding module Request to change of lecture class Request to add/change of tutorial class Encountered problems when bidding for module Request to remove preallocated module lecture and / or tutorial Request to remove allocated module(s) with full refund due to changes to class schedule. BIZ – HRM (Human Resource Management Unit) Unable to register for HR2002 module. (FOR ENGINEERING STUDENT ONLY) Unable to register for BIZ module for BIZ restricted majors students ONLY (Mgmt / Mgmt Tech) Unable to register for BIZ module for BIZ restricted minor in mgmt students ONLY Unable to register for BIZ module for 2nd degree BIZ DDP students

39 Got Problem, How? File an Appeal
Module related (After Registration (H002/H005) ) Student Home Faculty & Module Host Department H002 - Unable to secure module for graduation this semester (Only available after bidding round 3B ends) H005 - Unable to secure module (Only available after bidding round 3B ends) All module-related module concerning student’s inability to secure for module will only be entertained via the above mentioned appeal. Any other form of appeal will not be accepted. Note: Enable after bidding round 3B ends.

40 Got Problem, How? File an Appeal
Make sure you entered in your SINGAPORE contact number.

41 Got Problem, How? File an Appeal
H002/H005: Unable to Secure Module Do NOT submit duplicate appeals Make sure that you have verified and ensure that you have met all the pre-requisites and workload requirements of all the module you have specified. If during processing, it is found that you didn’t meet the pre-requisites or workload requirements, your appeal will be rejected. Once you have submitted this appeal, do not submit a duplicate appeal until you have received a confirmation of the current appeal status (i.e either appeal is not approved, approved or not applicable). Duplicate appeal will slow down the process of administering your appeal.

42 Increasing your success of Appeal
Do not Submit duplicate appeals  ↑ turnaround time of appeals Do Choose the appeal category wisely  ↓ turnaround time of appeals Learn to write clearly & concisely  ↓ turnaround time of appeals

43 Help us Help you Void appeal when you don’t need them anymore
Click on check-box & click on [Void Appeal(s)] If an appeal is no longer applicable, help us by voiding it. Note that you can only void an appeal when it is in a status of not processed. Once the appeal is in progress or has been processed, you will not be allowed to void it.

44 Increasing your success of Appeal (Examples)

45 Tutorial Registration

46 Tutorial Balloting (In a Nutshell)
Your module lecture class must first be registered NOT first come first served NO bidding pts involved Allocation is completely RANDOM

47 Tutorial Balloting (In a Nutshell)
Tutorial class refers to Tutorials Labs Tutorial Type 2 & 3 See Tutorials Available for Balloting Reports Under Useful Info – CORS Web Site

48 Tutorial Balloting (In a Nutshell)
Decide classes you want (up to 20) Rank the classes in order of importance (1=highest, 20=lowest) If class quota can meet demand, all get allocate If class quota cannot meet demand, ballot process happen

49 Tutorial Iteration Iteration 1 For tutorial classes that start in week 2 Iteration 2 For tutorial classes that start in week 3 Please Check Tutorial Available for Balloting Reports… Don’t go to the wrong iteration & don’t miss the balloting round!

50 Tutorial Balloting Round Activities
Iteration 1 Iteration 2 Balloting Add/Drop/Update Swap Round 1A Round 1B

51 How to Rank?

52 How to Rank?

53 How to Rank? The ranking order must be in sequential. i.e. you need to rank from 1 to 20 and not all the classes as 1. Duplicate ranking will not be allowed. Rank your classes wisely. The example above is a bad way to rank your classes because you will run into the risk of not being able to secure classes for GEM1002. Alternate your tutorial classes for each module during ranking is a better strategy. i.e. using the above example, you should rank your number 1 tutorial class for EC4151 as rank 1, follow by rank your number 1 tutorial class for GEM1002 as rank 2, follow by your number 2 tutorial class for EC4151 as rank 2 and etc.

54 How CORS Ballot? … … Possible result Possible result
Assume CS1101 Tutorial Class 1, Quota = 3, Students = 5 Rank Students 1 A B C D E Possible result Possible result D A … … B C E D B A C E

55 How CORS Ballot? The only ballot result
Assume CS1101 Tutorial Class 1, Quota = 3, Students = 5 Rank Students 1 2 3 A C B D E The only ballot result B A D C E

56 How CORS Ballot? ? ? ? How many possible ballot results ?
Assume CS1101 Tutorial Class 1, Quota = 3, Students = 5 Rank Students 1 2 A C D B E How many possible ballot results ? ? C ? A ?

57 Add Class (All is not lost)

58 Add Class (All is not lost)

59 Update Class (All is not lost)

60 Swap Class (All is not lost)

61 Swap Class (All is not lost)

62 Drop Class

63 Getting info & help

64 Getting Info CORS student web site
Take note of announcements Subscribe it as RSS (preferred) Read Guides (especially the HTML guides) Plan your moves: module info Spots bidding trends via past bidding statistics

65 Getting Help Call for Help Email for Help Standard Office Hrs
Registrar’s Office CORS Helpline : Faculty Helpline (See Contact Us) for Help After Office Hrs Registrar’s Office CORS Faculty CORS Help (Follow Contact Us Link above) CORS helpdesk is not opened after office hours. received will be answered on the best effort basis and will not be immediate. But we assure you that you will get a response from us.

66 Getting Help Who to contact first?
Faculty module or declaration or curriculum questions Contact faculty’s dean office System or policy or pts questions Contact RO Helpdesk When in doubt

67 CORS Survey Feedback to improve CORS
Refer to CORS Web Site for Dates URL will be published at CORS web site (Pls take note) Participants given 30 pts credited to G acct next semester Be constructive, specific, give examples Leave out the emotion if you can

68 THANK you

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