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OD in the NHS VI: 27 February 2019 Power, Practice, Possibilities

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Presentation on theme: "OD in the NHS VI: 27 February 2019 Power, Practice, Possibilities"— Presentation transcript:

1 OD in the NHS VI: 27 February 2019 Power, Practice, Possibilities

2 Panel Q&A #ODintheNHS

3 Know OD Be OD Do OD Introducing the conference – themes #ODintheNHS

4 Do OD app update #ODintheNHS

5 Agenda: Morning Impact videos Shaping the future Break
Do OD: Workshops 1-3 Be OD on The Terrace Lunch #ODintheNHS

6 Agenda: Afternoon Do OD: Workshops 4-6 Be OD on The Terrace Break
Know OD: Mee Yan Cheung Judge Do OD is 6 #ODintheNHS

7 Do OD: Workshops 1-3 Evaluating OD in complex contexts
Collaborating across system boundaries Doing OD in a digital world #ODintheNHS

8 Do OD: Workshops 4-6 Navigating your OD career
The Well OD’d Organisation OD for everyone #ODintheNHS

9 Be OD The Terrace #ODintheNHS CIPD Mobile Mentors Do OD
Claiming Practice Wonderwall Wellbeing OD Bootstrappers #FutureOD Mobile Mentors The Terrace #ODintheNHS

10 Shaping the future of OD

11 A word that describes doing OD in the NHS A word that describes doing OD in the NHS #ODintheNHS

12 Shaping the future of OD
170 people took part (thank you!) Who are we, how do we spend our time? What should our priorities for the future look like? 126 examples of success What gets in the way? #ODintheNHS

13 How engaged is your organisation with the OD agenda?
OD engagement How engaged is your organisation with the OD agenda? % respondents Lack of engagement in OD. Focus is on individual/mandatory training and development. 8% Somewhat engaged. I am called on to work with teams/individuals to support their development, but people don’t refer to it as OD. 38% Engaged. My work is connected to and integral to business plans. I have clear direction and am involved in organisational decisions. OD has an identity in the organisation. 35% Highly engaged. I work with the CEO and other executives at a strategic level and my contribution is sought out. The executive understands the impact and promote OD throughout the organisation. 19% #ODintheNHS

14 OD Activity #ODintheNHS

15 OD Challenges #ODintheNHS

16 More help please… Diagnostics Engagement
Application of tools (putting theory into practice) Culture change Evaluation/evidence Facilitation Influencing Human systems Leadership development Organisational design and effectiveness Use of “self” #ODintheNHS

17 A dilemma… Demonstrating impacts of OD
How you can sell OD to others who don't get it the benefits egg traditional HR practitioners, managers who don't want to engage. How do we engage our leaders at all levels in the OD function - can we think of ways in which we can engage them more on a national/regional basis too? Communicate with senior leaders about how OD can help #ODintheNHS

18 Troxler’s Effect #FutureOD #ODintheNHS

19 #FutureOD #ODintheNHS

20 #FutureOD #ODintheNHS

21 OD #FutureOD #ODintheNHS

22 Your feedback on Do OD #ODintheNHS
The support and resources of the DoOD network have enabled me…. % agreeing … to learn about new techniques and OD developments 85% … to be inspired by other OD experts/practitioners 82% … to become more confident about my own OD practice 62% … to introduce or explain good OD practice to others 79% … to make valuable contact with other OD experts/practitioners 80% … to share my OD challenges and learn from others experience 59% Other impacts 16% #ODintheNHS

23 Do OD is… #ODintheNHS High profile and expert
New thinking and forward looking Inspirational/changing mindsets Accessible and user friendly Responsive Comprehensive/a destination of choice Trusted and respected #ODintheNHS

24 How you can sell OD to others
Reframing the question Slido How you can sell OD to others #ODintheNHS

25 Break Garden Room #ODintheNHS

26 Lunch Garden Room #ODintheNHS

27 Break Garden Room #ODintheNHS

28 Keynote Speaker Mee-Yan Cheung-Judge #ODintheNHS

29 Use of Self Workshops #ODintheNHS Leeds 13 & 14 March
London 20 & 21 March Two days focusing on use of self, power, politics, confidence, impact, risk. Mee Yan Cheung Judge #ODintheNHS

ODN Europe Conference 8-10 May Courtyard Hotel, Amsterdam Airport Otto Scharmer, Mary Ann Rainey, Rob Fijlstra, Leo van de Voort. Power, culture, diversity, digital INSPIRED BY DIFFERENCE #ODintheNHS


32 Do OD is 6 #ODintheNHS

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