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Being Culturally Responsive in Tutoring English Learners

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Presentation on theme: "Being Culturally Responsive in Tutoring English Learners"— Presentation transcript:

1 Being Culturally Responsive in Tutoring English Learners
By the end of the day, you will be able to: list some characteristics, challenges, and needs of English Learners better empathize with the process adult ELs go through in learning English recognize different SLA (second language acquisition) theories identify challenges English learners face in college review solutions for these challenges unpack EL stereotypes

2 On your post-it notes, please take a minute to write a word that comes to mind when you think of English learners as college students. Write one word per post-it, and then put it on the board. 3 minutes

3 Ms. Juárez García’s Class
Alejandra 7 minutes

4 Who are English learners?

5 Adult Immigrants *Please see handout for in-depth descriptions

6 International Students
*Please see handout for in-depth descriptions

7 Generation 1.5 Students *Please see handout for in-depth descriptions

8 Common Cultural Challenges
Alejandra with anecdotes about one of the items in the list 2 min.

9 More Cultural Challenges
2 minutes

10 More Cultural Challenges
2 minutes

11 More Cultural Challenges
2 minutes

12 More Cultural Challenges

13 More Cultural Challenges

14 More Cultural Challenges

15 More Cultural Challenges

16 Common Academic/Linguistic Challenges
concerns about being “wrong” in class writing, grammar, vocabulary difficulties lack of skills in first language affects 2nd language difficulty with American writing patterns trying not to THINK with an accent (even if you speak with an accent) concern over taking ESL placement test and getting placed incorrectly Maryam with anecdote about 3 of these items, 6 min.

17 Types of ESL Programs Non-Credit ESL + Adult Education
Life skills focus IEPs (Intensive English Programs) Academic focus College, Credit-Bearing ESL Academic focus Jamie 2 min.

18 Pierce College ESL Sequence
1 min.

19 What is it like to learn English as an adult?
Hint! It’s not the same as a first language Jamie 10 min.

20 Learning English as an Adult
Native-like speech Non-native like speech

21 How can you help ELs? We are not saying you should make anything easier for them. Instead. . .

22 How to Address These Challenges
Have compassion. Don’t let your biases interfere. Don’t speak louder if they ask you to repeat. Rephrase. Decrease stress. Cursive – no! Provide appropriate negative feedback. Comprehension Checks (Information Qs, not Yes/No Qs) Maryam, add one or two anecdotes to the list when you’re explaining it. 8 MIN.

23 How to Address These Challenges
Explain what’s foreign: group work office hours Tutoring ing and questioning teachers plagiarism Maryam

24 Resources

25 Questions?

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