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Welcome to Year 9 Curriculum Choices

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1 Welcome to Year 9 Curriculum Choices

2 Year 9 Curriculum Choices 24 January 201920147
Welcome Mr Panayiotou – Headteacher Presentation Ms Claydon – Deputy Headteacher Curriculum Choices Marketplace

3 Government Changes New GCSEs based on 1-9
One tier for English Language and Literature Controlled assessment minimal Terminal exams 60+ hours written exam


5 What do YOU need to do? 1. Think 2. Talk 3. Decide

6 How not to make decisions:
“It’s what all my friends are doing…” “Joe said I should do this so I might as well…” “I can’t think of anything else to do…” “I like Mr/Mrs/Miss … so I’ll do his/her subject” “I don’t like Mr/Mrs/Miss … so I’m not doing his/her subject”

7 Where will your choices take you?
How do I choose? Where will your choices take you? English Baccalaureate – not a qualification but performance measure for a specific set of subjects completed – important for college and university.

8 Welcome to our Post 16 providers

9 KEY STAGE 4 - 2019-2021 Core Curriculum:
English Language and English Literature Mathematics Science (Triple or Trilogy) Physical Education (non-examined) Personal, Social and Health Education including Careers (non-examined)

10 Guided Pathways: Blue Yellow Green Geography or History
Curriculum Support Language Three other subjects Vocational course Two other subjects

11 Curriculum Choices: Art History Computer Science Media Studies
Design Technology Music Practice Drama Performing Arts - Dance Enterprise and Marketing (Business) Philosophy and Ethics Food Preparation and Nutrition Physical Education French Spanish Geography Sports Studies German

12 Higher Project Qualification
GCSE level qualification Students are taught key skills such as research, referencing and time management Students then plan, research and carry out a project of their own choice Takes place as an extra-curricular activity

13 D of E at Worthing High School
This can be tailored to your specific audience if required. D of E at Worthing High School

14 Volunteering: undertaking service to individuals or the community.
The Duke of Edinburgh’s Award is a prestigious programme where students can gain awards by completing a personal programme of activities under four areas: Volunteering: undertaking service to individuals or the community. Physical: improving in an area of sport, dance or fitness activities. Skills: developing practical and social skills and personal interests. Expedition: planning, training for and completion of an adventurous journey in the UK or abroad.

15 Filling in your online application
Guidance sheet in your envelope Follow the instructions carefully Ask if you get stuck! Deadline Friday 8 February Parents/carers will be ed details on how to log in and approve choices too

16 Curriculum Choices Marketplace

17 Thank you for coming!

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