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“Not Another Plagiarized Paper

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1 “Not Another Plagiarized Paper
“Not Another Plagiarized Paper!": Strategies for Helping Students Avoid the Plagiarism Trap Patricia Becker-Johnson, Teacher Education Kate Mangelsdorf, English (Rhetoric and Writing Studies)

2 We know why students plagiarize…
Students are deceitful Students are lazy Students can’t write The English Department isn’t doing its job

3 Why Students Say They Plagiarize
I’m desperate I need an A in this class I don’t understand how to document sources I don’t have enough time I didn’t think anyone would really read my paper

4 Our Responses to Plagiarism
Emotional Responses * Disappointment * Anger * Betrayal of Trust * Insult We focus on detection, not instruction

5 Complicating “Plagiarism”
Postmodern concepts Cultural assumptions Situational differences Accidental Deliberate

6 “Plagiarism”: Postmodern Assumptions
Is there new information out there to be found? Bakhtin (1981) argues words do not belong to a single individual… Every word spoken or written draws on ideas of others Newton: to see farther we must stand on the shoulders of giants

7 “Plagiarism”: Cultural Assumptions
Individualistic cultures Truth derives from original insight Authors own their own texts (capitalism) Intellectual property laws

8 “Plagiarism: Cultural Assumptions
Communal Cultures Truth derives from the group Texts are communally owned Using words of others is sign of respect Memorization of respected texts

9 “Plagiarism”: Situational Differences
Speechwriters Ghostwriters Boilerplate language Collaborative workplace writing Mission statements SACS verbiage

10 “Plagiarism”: Accidental
Students don’t understand why citing sources is important Students don’t transfer what they learned in first-year composition to other classes Students forget because they don’t write very often Students think only English teachers care

11 It’s Not Easy to Correctly Use Sources!
Cognitive challenges Linguistic and rhetorical skills Knowledge of the discipline

12 Cognitive Challenges You need to . . .
Understand what you’re trying to say Understand what the source is saying Understand how your idea connects with the source’s idea

13 Linguistic and Rhetorical Skills
You need Strong vocabulary to paraphrase Sentence skills to integrate ideas Textual knowledge for cohesion

14 Disciplinary Knowledge
You need to be able to Identify common knowledge and jargon in the field Identify knowledge unique to the source Understand citation system in the field Know how to cite ever-changing digital sources

15 “Plagiarism”: Deliberate
“The unauthorized use or close imitation of the language and thoughts of another author and the representation of them as one's own original work.” – (based on Random House Dictionary) Academic dishonesty: Submitting another person’s work as your own

16 How Students Plagiarize
Cut ‘N Paste Online journals from library databases and various internet texts Several sources Sentence, paragraph, or the whole paper Sudden shifts in tone and vocabulary Fake citations

17 How Students Plagiarize
Recycle Used Paper Internet paper, friend’s paper, student’s own paper Re-format Use “find” and “replace” to update Fake citations

18 How Students Plagiarize
Digital Paper Mills Hundreds of sites Thousands of topics Charge by the page or paper Papers written to order

19 Other Peoples
“Isn't this plagiarism? No. If you hand in a paper from this site or any other you are committing plagiarism. There is nothing wrong with publishing papers on the internet. Can I get caught using this site? If you are cheating there is always a chance you will get caught. Teachers know about this site so think twice before handing in a paper you did not write. Do teachers know about this site? Yes. Teachers all over the world know about this site. They can't stop us, but they can catch you.”

20 Techniques to Combat Plagiarism
Assign major paper in parts…work on drafts Model how YOU combine other’s work with your own The assignment is a process that is continually being built upon Do not recycle topics semester after semester

21 Activity How can you help your students avoid the plagiarism trap?
Deliberate plagiarism Academic dishonesty Accidental plagiarism

22 REAP: Read, Encode, Annotate, Ponder
Read the Text Encode into your own language Annotate by writing the message down Ponder; think about it

23 REAP: Read, Encode, Annotate, Ponder
Show students examples of annotations in actual content area’s writing

24 GIST: Generating Interactions between Schemata and Text
Start off by showing students how to paraphrase one sentence at a time Add another sentence to be paraphrased Combine with previous paraphrase into one sentence Finally, paraphrase entire paragraph in one sentence

25 I-Chart Topic: Subtopic: What I Already Know: Resources
Important Ideas Interesting Related Facts: Key Words or People: New Questions to Research:

26 Resources to Fight Plagiarism

27 Resources to Help Students
Online writing lab at Purdue University: UTEP Dean of Students Office: (click on “student conduct”) Refworks (online citation system): (click on “Library Services,” then “for students.”

28 A Word from Our Sponsor: UTEP
Office of the Dean Step 1: Paper, test, assignment receives an “I” Step 2: Send Dean of Students a letter detailing offense with appropriate documentation Step 3: Dean of Students will contact student in question and meet with them Step 4: Final decision will be made by Dean of Students: Instructor and Student will be notified by letter

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