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Universities Under Ford: Current Challenges, Looming Threats

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1 Universities Under Ford: Current Challenges, Looming Threats
OCUFA Executive Director Michael Conlon

2 January 17 announcement Cut tuition fees by 10 per cent in 2019-20
Freeze tuition fees in Revert OSAP back to levels Remove the grace period on student loans after graduation 2-4 per cent cut to university budgets “Student Choice Initiative”

3 The Ontario budget Performance-based funding to reach 60% by 2024-25
$670 million cut to student assistance Signals that government will target rights of senior faculty and interfere with university agreements Ignores reality of underfunded postsecondary institutions in Ontario No additional cuts to core funding of postsecondary institutions

4 Attack on collective bargaining rights
No matter how cynical you are, you just can’t keep up. Lily Tomlin MTCU consultation on “faculty renewal” on February 12 Treasury Board Secretariat consultation on “compensation growth” on May 3 Budget bill likely to be tabled week of May 27

5 Attack on collective bargaining rights
Clear attack on the fundamental right to free and fair collective bargaining Government are not direct employers of our faculty association members Undermines autonomy of universities from government control Centrally mandated bargaining also undermines the possibly of flexibility and creativity at the bargaining table Follow up from May 3 Consultation and Budget Bill on pensions

6 The Path(s) Forward Post May 3
Paths of Resistance: Legal options coming out of the reversal of the Labour trilogy Government relations and policy response Communications strategy Solidarity and mobilizing work

7 Performance Metrics Tied to 60% of Core Funding
Proposed Metrics: Graduate earnings  Number and proportion of graduates in programs with experiential learning  Skills and competencies Proportion of graduates employed full-time in a related or partially-related field  Proportion of students in identified area of strength  Graduation rate  Research Funding and Capacity Innovation Community Impact

8 Performance Metrics: Timeline and Logistics
Timeline and Logistics of Changing Funding Formula: Metrics to be embedded in SMA 3 Likely to be 5 year deals, mirroring ramp up to 60% Negotiations to take place in summer with agreements in place by September 1 Institutions can choose at least one metric  Wither Senate?  University administrators “looking forward” to the opportunity of performance metrics  Faculty likely shut out of the conversation

9 Student Voices on Sexual Violence survey
Number of respondents in the university sector: 117,148 Number of respondents in the college sector: 42,454 University sector: Almost 60% of respondents said they have very little knowledge of Sexual Violence Supports, Services and Reporting Procedures Over 63% said they have experienced sexual harassment this academic year 75% said they have witnessed a form of sexual violence

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