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A. Erinç Yeldan Bilkent University and IDEAs

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1 A. Erinç Yeldan Bilkent University and IDEAs
Capitalism into the 21st Century: Segmentation and fragmentation of labour markets A. Erinç Yeldan Bilkent University and IDEAs

2 Fordist technology and management:
mass production for mass consumption

3 Two important attributes of the era of hyper-globalization:
Hyper-liquidity of (finance) capital The new international division of labor (based on global commodity chains)


5 Productivity growth and wages under the Taylorist / Fordist Era of Capitalism

6 OECD data confirm historical trends

7 Looking over to the 21st century

8 Observations on the pathways of capitalism in the 21st century
World economy is on a slowing trend Nature of growth tends to switch from jobless growth to wageless growth Tendencies of concentration and monopolization in the global commodity and services markets Industry’s share in production and employment tend to decline (de-industrialization)

9 Projections of growth for the global economy: 2000-2060

10 Unequal distribution of income leads to declining rate of growth globally….

11 Threat of climate change affects growth adversely…

12 Sources: Unctad, Trade and Development Report, 2018 and ILO, 2018

13 Global Labour Markets: Unemployment and Vulnerability





18 Source: IMF Statistics

19 “The growing economic wealth and power of big companies—from airlines to pharmaceuticals to high-tech companies—has raised concerns about too much concentration and market power in the hands of too few. In particular, in advanced economies, rising corporate market power has been blamed for low investment despite rising corporate profits, declining business dynamism, weak productivity, and a falling share of income paid to workers”. “The Rise of Corporate Giants” F. Diez ve D. Leigh

20 In fact The largest 2,000 trans-national corporations have sales revenues exceeding the annual volume of global trade

21 Mark-ups (profits over costs) expand disproportionally in the advanced / developed countries

22 Increased profitability did not accompany increased fixed investments…

23 Source: Robert Gordon (2016) The Rise and Fall of American Growth, Princeton University Press.

24 The US Economy is on a declining trend…


26 Vicious cycle of global capitalism


28 OECD, (2014): 2060 Policy Challenges for the Next 50 Years” OECD Economic Policy Paper, July No 9.
 Average annual rate of growth of the World will fall from 3.6% in to 2.7% over ; Within the advanced developed economies of the OECD, rate of growth will fall from 2.4% in to 0.5% in Emissions of green house gases due to industrial processes and burning of fossil fuels will rise two-folds from 48,700 million tons annually to 99,500 mtons in 2060. As a result of these adverse developments, the threat of climate change will reduce the rate of growth in the Asian economies by 1.5% to 5%. Sources of growth will increasingly rely on R&D gains rather than accumulation of phsyical capital. Gaps between knowledge-intensive human capital and physical power will widen As a result unequal distribution of incomes will widen ocver and will lead to social exclusion and social tensions

29 Monetary Policy has proven ineffective



32 Source: Wolff and Resnick, 2006, Advances in Marxist Theory



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