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Enforcement of Biosecurity Measures XXIII World’s Poultry Congress

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1 Enforcement of Biosecurity Measures XXIII World’s Poultry Congress
by Musa Freiji XXIII World’s Poultry Congress July 3, 2008

2 Enforcement of Biosecurity Measures
Introduction Definition of Biosecurity Biosecurity in the poultry industry This Presentation and Biosecurity Implementation of Biosecurity measures until recently Emergence of HPAI and strict Biosecurity OIE role limited to Terrestrial Animal Health Code 2007 XXIII World’s Poultry Congress 2 Musa Freiji

3 Enforcement of Biosecurity Measures
Introduction ( cont. ) FAO role : Biosecurity was first highly recognised during the seventh session of the committee on Agriculture held in Rome 31 Mar- 4 Apr. 2003 Biosecurity was made as one of its 16 Priority Areas for Inter- Disciplinary Action (PAIA ) Convened an International Consultation in Bangkok Jan in order to broaden awareness of Biosecurity Inter-governmental Technical Consultation was the culmination of an FAO process on Biosecurity XXIII World’s Poultry Congress 3 Musa Freiji

4 Enforcement of Biosecurity Measures
Introduction ( cont. ) EEC commission decision 2005/734/EC of Oct. 19, 2005 re AI US/FDA called on a specific Biosecurity program to prevent SE in shell eggs in 2004 US Dept. of Justice in 2006 called for developing regional perspective to Biosecurity UK put in place poultry and poultry products movement restrictions. New Zealand has had a Biosecurity Act since and a Biosecurity Minister and Council since 1999 XXIII World’s Poultry Congress 4 Musa Freiji

5 Enforcement of Biosecurity Measures
Introduction ( cont. ) New Zealand introduced a Broiler Growing Biosecurity Manual by the New Zealand Food Safety Authority and New Zealand broiler growing companies In Australia, the Rular Industries Research and Development Corporation endorsed by Australian Egg Industry Association , has put out the Code of Practice on Biosecurity in the Egg Industry based on HACCP principles Use of vaccines and level of protection Viral diseases Bacterial diseases Commercial farms Rural Poultry XXIII World’s Poultry Congress 5 Musa Freiji

6 Enforcement of Biosecurity Measures
Introduction ( cont. ) Governments role so far Those capable of compensation Those incapable of compensation HPAI intensified the need for stepping up Biosecurity measures High mortality rates in poultry Increased human fatalities Fear of AI mutation Future role of governments: Enforce Biosecurity measures by law in order to: Avoid spread of AI and other diseases Avoid Human fatalities Avoid AI mutation to the level of a pandemic Reduce cost of production XXIII World’s Poultry Congress 6 Musa Freiji

7 Enforcement of Biosecurity Measures
Biosecurity Measures that Need Enforcement Minimum distances between farms Farm construction: Concrete floors, tight construction to prevent rodents and wild bird entry Proper fencing Concrete roads and path ways Staff accommodation Services Water wells and tanks Burrial pits Types and ages of birds XXIII World’s Poultry Congress 7 Musa Freiji

8 Enforcement of Biosecurity Measures
Biosecurity Measures that Need Enforcement ( cont.) Dogs , cats and farm animals Vaccination Monitoring and surveillance Handling of manure Slaughter houses Live markets Live bird movement XXIII World’s Poultry Congress 8 Musa Freiji

9 Enforcement of Biosecurity Measures
Biosecurity Measures that Need Enforcement ( cont.) Housing of rural and backyard poultry and domesticated pigeons or other birds Free range poultry Wild bird hunting Compensation XXIII World’s Poultry Congress 9 Musa Freiji

10 Enforcement of Biosecurity Measures
Conclusion AI continues to spread Stamping out only in few countries where strict zoning and appropriate compensation is practiced In most countries stamping out fails. Hence vaccination becomes the only resort. Biosecurity is a well proven means to check the spread of AI and other diseases , but is short of full protection XXIII World’s Poultry Congress 10 Musa Freiji

11 Enforcement of Biosecurity Measures
Conclusion ( cont. ) So far Biosecurity is practiced at farmers will and not generalised If spread of AI is left unchecked, mutation continues leading to possible pandemic Governments therefore should impose biosecurity measures, such as the ones listed, by law XXIII World’s Poultry Congress 11 Musa Freiji

12 Thank you 12 Musa Freiji

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