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WP6 Project Management Reponsible Institutions: IOER, TUD-EPC, CAUPD

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1 WP6 Project Management Reponsible Institutions: IOER, TUD-EPC, CAUPD
Presenter: Claudia Hawke (TUD-EPC)

2 Objectives Manage the project scientifically and administratively, coordinate with the External Advisory Board, and link with European Commission and other relevant stakeholders in an effective and inclusive manner to: Guarantee that the project objectives will be achieved with high quality, within the planned time and the allocated budget; Assure the integration of research results of the different Work Packages into joint products and publications; Provide for smooth communication between the Consortium and the European Commission Provide tools for communication with other stakeholders to ensure visibility of the project. WP 6 Project Management

3 Tasks Task 6.1: Scientific coordination and quality management (IOER, CAUPD) Integration of scientific project results of the different Work Packages Consortium Meeting Coordination Project Steering Board (PSB) Coordination External Advisory Board (EAB) Coordination Risk Management Data Management Task 6.2: Legal, financial and administrative management (TUD-EPC, IOER, CAUPD) Management and Coordination Plan Administrative management Financial management Task 6.3: Internal communication and communication tools (IOER, TUD-EPC, CAUPD) Internal communication Project Website and awareness raising tools Communication material WP 6 Project Management

4 Results Task 6.1 Scientific coordination and quality management
The Management Structure was set up according to the GA establishing: Project Steering Board (PSB) – one representative per partner External Advisory Board (EAB) Meetings: Kick-off Meeting Dresden, Germany, Jan Project Week in Beijing, China, Sep incl. PSB and EAB meeting Monthly WebMeetings since Feb. 2018 Deliverables submitted: D6.5 Data Management Plan EAB members M. Bagnasco Progetto CMR, CN F. Graezer Bideau EPFL, CH T. Kalbro Royal Inst. of Techn., SE S. Li, Dev. Res. Center of the State Council, CN K. Mühlhahn, FU Berlin, DE Y. Ren, Fudan Univ., CN M. Wolfram, Yonsei Univ., KOR L. Zan, Univ. of Bologna, IT G. Zhang Urban China Initiative, CN Z. Zhank, UN-Habitat Progr., CN WP 6 Project Management

5 Results Task 6.1 Scientific coordination and quality management
Workshops organised: Young Researchers Workshop on “Sustainable Urbanisation in the EU and in China” (Sep , Beijing, 32 participants) Joint TRANS-URBAN-EU-CHINA / JPI Urban Europe / URBAN-EU-CHINA / CAUPD Workshop on “Urban Living Labs (ULL): Testing grounds for urban in-novation and transformation” (Sep , Beijing, 40 participants) TRANS-URBAN-EU-CHINA Project Meeting Workshop on “Theoretical aspects of transition towards urban sustainability and the role of socially integrative cities” (Sep. 2018, Beijing, 36 participants) Book on “Sustainable urbanisation in Europe and China – facilitating the transition towards socially integrative cities”: Concept group established Definition of concept, structure, authors and content of the different chapters ongoing WP 6 Project Management

6 Results Task 6.2 Legal, financial and administrative management
Deliverables submitted: D6.1 Management and Coordination Plan Management structures Progress monitoring (internal and external reporting) Cost/budget managment Quality management (incl. review process for deliverables) Communication management Risk management Further activities: Distribution of pre-financing Setup of mailing lists and internal website for document sharing Preparation of 6-month internal report (technical and financial) Preparation of 1st Periodic Report (technical and financial) WP 6 Project Management

7 Results Task 6.3 Internal communication and communication tools
Deliverables submitted: D6.2 Project logo, templates and communication material D6.3 Technical project communication tools D6.4 Website and project presence in social media Project logo Report template Flyer Roll-up WP 6 Project Management

8 Results Task 6.3 Internal communication and communication tools
D6.4 Website and project presence in social media WeChat “gh_e108218b5f00” or “中欧可持续城镇化合作项目” Social media profiles in Project website Twitter LinkedIn Research Gate CHINA-Transition-towards-urban-sustainability-through-socially-integrative- city WeChat (gh_e108218b5f00) WP 6 Project Management

9 Overview Deliverables
Lead Delivery D6.1 Management and Coordination Plan IOER D6.2 Project logo, templates and communication material D6.3 Technical project communication tools D5.1 Dissemination and exploitation strategy (DES) EUR D6.4 Website and project presence in social media D6.5 Data Management Plan D4.1 Setting up the Big Data analytics framework including open data and the online ‘Community of Communities’ CUIC D1.1 Report, including good practice examples in Europe and China, derived from the knowledge base POLITO D2.1 Report on good practice and success factors for the development of strategies for sustainable cities, integrative planning and implementation in China and Europe AIT D3.1 Report on the current framework and situation of urban renewal, urban expansion as well as land management and land banking (incl. land administration) in China and Europe D5.2 Report on the Living Lab knowledge base NTNU * WP7 Deliverables in WP7 presentation WP 6 Project Management

10 Overview Milestones Milestone Lead Achievement
MS1 Constitution of the External Advisory Board IOER MS2 Selection of 2 Chinese Living Labs NTNU MS3 Establishment of Reference Cities group EUR Not yet MS4 Workshop at Living Lab 1 on knowledge base due 9/19 MS5 Agreement on structure and content of the compendium on tools and measures for transition MS6 Workshop at Living Lab 2 on transformative knowledge due 5/20 MS7 Final agreement on which good practice examples shall be documented in the compendium WP 6 Project Management

11 Gantt chart WP 6 Project Management

12 Challenges Milestone 3 (Establishment of Reference Cities group, due in M6) not yet achieved, but large number of cities identified, just no written commitment from the cities More communication and training events targeting cities to disseminate, discuss and promote the first project outputs from WP1-4 focus on a real working relationship with cities rather than formal commitment Small delay of some deliverables due to Christmas and New Year holiday and internal review process. WP 6 Project Management

13 Used resources Planned versus spent effort per work package and per partner measured in person months Spent effort is in line with work plan:  Small underspend in WP2, WP3, WP4  Small underspend by ISINNOVA, TUD, CAUPD  Small overspend by NTNU WP 6 Project Management

14 Used resources Overspend:
NTNU had high travel costs, setting up the ULLs POLITO had publication costs UniMC had costs for WP workshop and dissemination WP 6 Project Management

15 Outlook Next meetings:
Living Lab 1, incl. project meeting, PSB and EAB meeting, Sept. 2019 Living Lab 2, incl. project meeting, PSB and EAB meeting, Apr. 2020 GA Amendment to include 2-4 Living Labs and address review recommendations (if applicable) Distribution of 1st interim payment Implementation of recommendations from Ethics Advisor WP 6 Project Management

16 Outlook – Upcoming Deliverables in 2019
Lead Delivery D6.6 Workshop Report on “Theoretical aspects of transition towards urban sustainability and the role of socially integrative cities” IOER 3/19 D2.2 Concept for practical tools and mechanisms for the development of sustainable cities, integrative planning and implementation AIT 6/19 D3.2 Concept for report on applicable legal, planning, fiscal and participatory instruments, and land bank-ing mechanism in regard to land administration systems for land allocation in urban expansion and urban renewal in China to address urban planners and urban planning authorities D4.2 Critical review of the state of the art in SCBA in both Europe and China and recommended approaches and methods for the use of SCBA in urban planning and decision-making. ISINNOVA 12/19 D6.10 European Policy Brief No. 1 EUR WP 6 Project Management

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