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When We Two Parted Lord Byron

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Presentation on theme: "When We Two Parted Lord Byron"— Presentation transcript:

1 When We Two Parted Lord Byron
When we two parted/In silence and tears/half broken-hearted/ to sever for years’ ‘Pale grew thy cheek and cold/Colder thy kiss’

2 Love’s Philosophy Percy Shelly
The fountains mingle with the river/And the rivers with the Ocean.’ What are all these kissings worth/If thou kiss not me?’

3 Porphyria’s Lover Robert Browning
‘The sullen wind was soon awake’ ‘And strangled her.’ ‘And all night long we have not stirred/And yet God has not said a word!’

4 Sonnet 29 – I think of thee! Elizabeth Browning
‘My thoughts do twine and bud/About thee, as wild vines, about a tree,’ ‘Rustle thy boughs and set thy trunk all bare’ ‘I do not think of thee – I am too near thee.’

5 Neutral Tones Thomas Hardy
The smile on your mouth was the deadest thing/Alive enough to have strength to die’ ‘your face, and the God-curst sun, and a tree, And a pond edged with greyish leaves’

6 Letters From Yorkshire Maura Dooley
‘My heartful of headlines/feeding words onto a blank screen’ ‘Watching the same news in different houses/our souls tap out messages across the icy miles.’

7 The Farmer’s Bride Charlotte Mew
“I chose a maid/Too young maybe – but more’s to do/At harvest-time than bide and woo.” “We chased her, flying like a hare” “her eyes, her hair, her hair!”

8 Walking Away Cecil Day Lewis
‘A sunny day with leaves just turning,’ ‘saying what God alone could perfectly show – how selfhood begins with a walking away and love is proved in the letting go’

9 Eden Rock Charles Causley
‘The sky whitens as if lit by three suns’ ‘They beckon to me from the other bank’ ‘Crossing is not as hard as you might think’

10 Follower Seamus Heaney
I was a nuisance, tripping, falling/Yapping always.’ ‘But today, it is my father who keeps stumbling/Behind me, and will not go away.’

11 Mother, any distance Simon Armitage
‘Anchor. Kite’ ‘I space-walk through the empty bedrooms your fingertips still pinch the last one- hundredth of an inch’ ‘I reach/towards a hatch that opens on an endless sky/to fall or fly.’

12 Before You Were Mine Carol Ann Duffy
‘I’m not here yet.’ ‘The decade ahead of my loud, possessive yell was the best one, eh?’ ‘stamping stars from the wrong pavement.’

13 Winter Swans Owen Sheers
‘The clouds had given their all – two days of rain and then a break’ ‘I noticed our hands that had somehow swum the distance between us’

14 Singh Song! Daljit Nagra
‘vee have made luv like vee rowing through Putney’ from di stool each night I say/Is priceless baby’

15 Climbing My Grandfather Andrew Waterhouse
‘At his still firm shoulder, I rest for a while in the shade, not looking down, for climbing has its dangers’ ‘his thick hair (soft and white at the altitude)’ ‘Knowing/the slow pulse of his good heart’

16 ‘Pale grew thy cheek and cold/Colder thy kiss’
Lord Byron When we two parted/In silence and tears/half broken-hearted/ to sever for years’ ‘Pale grew thy cheek and cold/Colder thy kiss’

17 Love’s Philosophy Percy Shelly
The fountains mingle with the river/And the rivers with the Ocean.’ What are all these kissings worth/If thou kiss not me?’

18 Porphyria’s Lover Robert Browning
‘The sullen wind was soon awake’ ‘And strangled her.’ ‘And all night long we have not stirred/And yet God has not said a word!’

19 Sonnet 29 – I think of thee! Elizabeth Browning
‘My thoughts do twine and bud/About thee, as wild vines, about a tree,’ ‘Rustle thy boughs and set thy trunk all bare’ ‘I do not think of thee – I am too near thee.’

20 Neutral Tones Thomas Hardy
The smile on your mouth was the deadest thing/Alive enough to have strength to die’ ‘your face, and the God-curst sun, and a tree, And a pond edged with greyish leaves’

21 Letters From Yorkshire Maura Dooley
‘My heartful of headlines/feeding words onto a blank screen’ ‘Watching the same news in different houses/our souls tap out messages across the icy miles.’

22 The Farmer’s Bride Charlotte Mew
“I chose a maid/Too young maybe – but more’s to do/At harvest-time than bide and woo.” “We chased her, flying like a hare” “her eyes, her hair, her hair!”

23 Walking Away Cecil Day Lewis
‘A sunny day with leaves just turning,’ ‘saying what God alone could perfectly show – how selfhood begins with a walking away and love is proved in the letting go’

24 Eden Rock Charles Causley
‘The sky whitens as if lit by three suns’ ‘They beckon to me from the other bank’ ‘Crossing is not as hard as you might think’

25 Follower Seamus Heaney
I was a nuisance, tripping, falling/Yapping always.’ ‘But today, it is my father who keeps stumbling/Behind me, and will not go away.’

26 Mother, any distance Simon Armitage
‘Anchor. Kite’ ‘I space-walk through the empty bedrooms your fingertips still pinch the last one- hundredth of an inch’ ‘I reach/towards a hatch that opens on an endless sky/to fall or fly.’

27 Before You Were Mine Carol Ann Duffy
‘I’m not here yet.’ ‘The decade ahead of my loud, possessive yell was the best one, eh?’ ‘stamping stars from the wrong pavement.’

28 Winter Swans Owen Sheers
‘The clouds had given their all – two days of rain and then a break’ ‘I noticed our hands that had somehow swum the distance between us’

29 Singh Song! Daljit Nagra
‘vee have made luv like vee rowing through Putney’ from di stool each night I say/Is priceless baby’

30 Climbing My Grandfather Andrew Waterhouse
‘At his still firm shoulder, I rest for a while in the shade, not looking down, for climbing has its dangers’ ‘his thick hair (soft and white at the altitude)’ ‘Knowing/the slow pulse of his good heart’

31 When We Two Parted Lord Byron
When we two parted/___________ _______/half broken-hearted/ to _____ for years’ ‘Pale grew thy _____________/______ thy kiss’

32 Love’s Philosophy Percy Shelly
The fountains ______ with the ____ the rivers with the ______.’ What are all these _____________/If thou ____ ____me?’

33 Porphyria’s Lover Robert Browning
‘The ______ wind was ____ _____’ ‘And _________ her.’ ‘And ___ _____ ____ we have not stirred/And yet ___ ___ ___ _____ _ ____

34 Sonnet 29 – I think of thee! Elizabeth Browning
‘My thoughts do _____ __ ___/About thee, as ____ _____, about a tree,’ ‘Rustle thy _____ and set thy trunk all ____’ ‘I do not _____ __ ____– I am too near thee.’

35 Neutral Tones Thomas Hardy
The smile on your mouth was the _______ _____/Alive enough to have _______ __ ___’ ‘your face, and the ___ _____ ___, and a tree, And a pond edged with _______ leaves’

36 Letters From Yorkshire Maura Dooley
‘My heartful of _______ /feeding words onto a _____ screen’ ‘Watching the same news in different ______ /our _____ tap out messages across the ___ miles.’

37 The Farmer’s Bride Charlotte Mew
“I chose a ____ / Too _____ maybe – but more’s to do/At harvest-time than bide and ___.” “We ______ her, flying like a ____” “her ____, her ____, her ____!”

38 Walking Away Cecil Day Lewis
‘A sunny day with leaves just _______,’ ‘saying what ___ alone could perfectly show – how selfhood begins with a _______ ____and love is proved in the _______ __’

39 Eden Rock Charles Causley
‘The sky ______ as if lit by _____ ____’ ‘They ______ to me from the other bank’ ‘Crossing is not as ____ as you might think’

40 Follower Seamus Heaney
I was a ________, tripping, falling /Y_______ always.’ ‘But today, it is my father who keeps _________/______ __, and will not go away.’

41 Mother, any distance Simon Armitage
‘______. Kite’ ‘I ______-____ through the empty bedrooms your fingertips still pinch the last one- hundredth of an ____’ ‘I reach/towards a ______ that opens on an endless sky/to ___ __ ___.’

42 Before You Were Mine Carol Ann Duffy
‘I’m not here ___.’ ‘The ______ ahead of my loud, __________ yell was the best one, eh?’ ‘stamping _____ from the wrong pavement.’

43 Winter Swans Owen Sheers
‘The clouds had _____ ______ ___– two days of rain and then a break’ ‘I noticed our hands that had somehow ____ the distance between us’

44 Singh Song! Daljit Nagra
‘vee have ____ ____ ____ ____rowing through Putney’ from di stool each night I say/Is _______ _____.

45 Climbing My Grandfather Andrew Waterhouse
‘At his still firm _______, I rest for a while in the shade, not looking down, for climbing has its dangers’ ‘his thick ____ (soft and white at the _______)’ ‘Knowing/the ____ _____of his ____ _____’

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