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Biosimilars Best Practice Day - Reuben Morgan ABMU HB

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Presentation on theme: "Biosimilars Best Practice Day - Reuben Morgan ABMU HB"— Presentation transcript:

1 Biosimilars Best Practice Day - Reuben Morgan ABMU HB
Medicines homecare manager Abertawe bro Morgannwg university health board Biosimilars Best Practice Day - Reuben Morgan ABMU HB

2 Biosimilars Best Practice Day - Reuben Morgan ABMU HB
A homecare medicine delivery and services can be described as being one that delivers ongoing medicine supplies and, where necessary, associated care, initiated by the hospital prescriber, direct to the patient’s home with their consent. The purpose of the homecare medicines is to improve patient care and choice of their clinical treatment. (NHMC ) Definition of homecare Biosimilars Best Practice Day - Reuben Morgan ABMU HB

3 Biosimilars Best Practice Day - Reuben Morgan ABMU HB
I want to discuss some history, and take you back, but no as far as the big bang. Biosimilars Best Practice Day - Reuben Morgan ABMU HB

4 Biosimilars Best Practice Day - Reuben Morgan ABMU HB
Or as far back as the Minoan dynasty. Biosimilars Best Practice Day - Reuben Morgan ABMU HB

5 Biosimilars Best Practice Day - Reuben Morgan ABMU HB
Homecare as we know it today, courtesy of the 2011 report. Biosimilars Best Practice Day - Reuben Morgan ABMU HB

6 Biosimilars Best Practice Day - Reuben Morgan ABMU HB
Cam from the Hackett report. Biosimilars Best Practice Day - Reuben Morgan ABMU HB

7 Biosimilars Best Practice Day - Reuben Morgan ABMU HB
And various tool kits to assist with homecare Biosimilars Best Practice Day - Reuben Morgan ABMU HB

8 Biosimilars Best Practice Day - Reuben Morgan ABMU HB
Of which SLA’s was one. Biosimilars Best Practice Day - Reuben Morgan ABMU HB

9 Biosimilars Best Practice Day - Reuben Morgan ABMU HB
But what comes first? The chicken? Biosimilars Best Practice Day - Reuben Morgan ABMU HB

10 Biosimilars Best Practice Day - Reuben Morgan ABMU HB
Or the egg? Biosimilars Best Practice Day - Reuben Morgan ABMU HB

11 Biosimilars Best Practice Day - Reuben Morgan ABMU HB
Or the egg? Biosimilars Best Practice Day - Reuben Morgan ABMU HB

12 Biosimilars Best Practice Day - Reuben Morgan ABMU HB
Or the chicken? Biosimilars Best Practice Day - Reuben Morgan ABMU HB

13 Biosimilars Best Practice Day - Reuben Morgan ABMU HB
Big pharma contracts? Biosimilars Best Practice Day - Reuben Morgan ABMU HB

14 Biosimilars Best Practice Day - Reuben Morgan ABMU HB
Homecare providers. Biosimilars Best Practice Day - Reuben Morgan ABMU HB

15 Biosimilars Best Practice Day - Reuben Morgan ABMU HB
Engagement, and to do so early. Biosimilars Best Practice Day - Reuben Morgan ABMU HB

16 Biosimilars Best Practice Day - Reuben Morgan ABMU HB
To tailor the service. Biosimilars Best Practice Day - Reuben Morgan ABMU HB

17 Biosimilars Best Practice Day - Reuben Morgan ABMU HB
Reduction in drafts and versions of the SLA’s. Biosimilars Best Practice Day - Reuben Morgan ABMU HB

18 Biosimilars Best Practice Day - Reuben Morgan ABMU HB
What next in the world of SLA’s? Biosimilars Best Practice Day - Reuben Morgan ABMU HB

19 Biosimilars Best Practice Day - Reuben Morgan ABMU HB
An All Wales SLA that the homecare providers have to agree and sign up, with NHS Wales terms and conditions. Biosimilars Best Practice Day - Reuben Morgan ABMU HB

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