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I believe that a good friend is one who_____.

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Presentation on theme: "I believe that a good friend is one who_____."— Presentation transcript:

1 I believe that a good friend is one who_____.
Oral Warm-up: Define a friend. What makes a good friend? Who do you consider to be a good friend? I believe that a good friend is one who_____. Furthermore, this is a person who ____________.

2 Analyze literature by identifying literary terms in the novel
English 2p Objectives: Agenda: Students will be able to: Analyze literature by identifying literary terms in the novel warm-up Finish Ch.1 Literary terms Questions/response HOMEWORK: Finish response

3 Literary Terms Ch. 1 (after reading)
Idiom – when words mean something different from their literal (dictionary) definitions figures of speech Example: You crack me up. You aren’t really cracking up. Find an idiom, page # 11 (middle)

4 Of Mice and Men: Literary Terms
Point of view: vantage point of narrator 3rd person limited: narrator (not in the story) zooms in on ONE character and tells his thoughts/feelings 3rd person omniscient: narrator talks about all the characters, like God watching below or a traffic helicopter 1st person: narrator is in story; uses “I” Identify the P.O.V. and give an EX sentence to prove it. The point of view is ________________. For example, on page ___ it (states, says) “________________”. This POV shows ___.

5 Of Mice and Men: Literary Terms
Theme – definition: the underlying message; the author’s message about life; a theme must be a sentence. Topic/subject: friendship, relationships Write one theme that Steinbeck is making about friendship? Dialect – a way of speaking characteristic of a particular group of people or region Example and page number:

6 Of Mice and Men: Responses
You must pick two: Question: Write three questions. Visualize: Draw a picture and write one sentence to describe it. Connect: Write a paragraph. Infer: Write two inferences. Predict: Make two predictions and explain why. Conclude: Write one paragraph.

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