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Our Glorified Bodies Scripture Reading: I Corinthians 15:42-57.

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Presentation on theme: "Our Glorified Bodies Scripture Reading: I Corinthians 15:42-57."— Presentation transcript:

1 Our Glorified Bodies Scripture Reading: I Corinthians 15:42-57

2 Our future installment of salvation will provide us with:
Introduction The practice/experience of heavenly citizenship Freedom from our sin nature Unhindered relationships within the family of God Our future installment of salvation will provide us with:

3 All of this will be experienced in a body that is free from our present limitations: Phil 3:21
Freedom from our Sin Nature Unhindered Relationships with the Family of God

4 The Bodily Effects of the Fall (Gen 2:17)
Adam He died spiritually - Gen 3:6-7 He began to die physically - Gen 5:5 Adam’s descendants Born spiritually dead - Eph 2:1 Began to physically die from the point of birth The body is limited by weakness, death, and desires

5 The Bodily Effects of Initial Salvation
The second birth reverses the effects of the Fall Our human spirit is affected immediately Jn 3:6, I Cor 6:17, I Cor 2:11-12,14 Our bodies will be affected by the Rapture. Until then, believers are still dying physically cf I Cor 3:21-23, II Cor 5:1

6 Using Our “Bodies of Limitation”
As a living sacrifice to God Rom 12:1-2 Controlled bodily appetites I Cor 9:24-27 Limited bodily exercise - I Tim 4:8 Godliness = living out Christ’s Life at Christ’s direction

7 The Bodily Effects of the Resurrection (and the Rapture) I Cor 15:42-49
Changed from… Corruption to incorruption - vs 42 Dishonor (of little value) - vs 43 Weakness to power - vs 43 Dominated by the soul and human spirit - vs 44-45 The image of the early man to the heavenly man - vs 49

8 Conclusion Experience and show forth Eternal Life while your body of limitations I Pet 3:10

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