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2018-19 Special Education End of Year Training
Returning Contacts Special Education End of Year Training
Content Summary Purpose of SPED EOY (slides 3-5)
CSI SPED EOY Contact Information Purpose of SPED EOY (slides 3-5) Required Files Collection Differences SPED EOY Collection Process (slides 6-22) Step 1: Collect Data Step 2: Submit to CSI Step 3: Resolve Errors Step 4: Certify SPED EOY File Overview (slides 23-39) Child File Participation File The Three Paths SPED EOY Scenarios (slides 40-42) Timelines and Deadlines (slides 43-44)
Purpose of SPED EOY Collection
The SPED End of Year Snapshot collects the following information for students who were referred, evaluated, and/or received Special Education services during the specified reporting period (July 1, 2018-June 30, 2019): Path 1 (Part C Services) Path 2 (Part B Services) Path 3 ( Part B Services) Dual Path Reporting Special Education and Part C Referrals Eligibility and Services Exit Information: No longer receiving services
Required Files To create the SPED EOY report, each school will be submitting the following interchange files to CSI: Child [file layout & definitions]* 1 record per child Staff Assignment [file layout & definitions]* Can have multiple records per child * All File Layout and Definition Documents from CSI website contain additional CSI specific details pertaining to fields in green.
Difference Between December Count and SPED EOY
This collection is an annual count of eligible Special Education students as of December 1st used to generate funding to provide for specialized student services in order to fulfill Federal and State reporting requirements. Includes Special Education Staff data employed as of December 1st. SPED End of Year Collects data on students who were referred, evaluated, or received Special Education services throughout the yes Includes information on exits from Special Education, Part C evaluations and services received. Although the files collected are the same, the DC and SPED EOY look at very different information
SPED EOY Collection Process
SPED EOY Data Collection in 4 Steps
Repeat steps 1-3 until data is complete and accurate!
Step 1: Data Collection/Entry
What Data to Collect Information pertaining to all Students who were referred, evaluated and/or received services during the school year Resources Utilized File Layout and Definition Documents Data Validations for the Child and Participation Files Resource 1. Collect Data 2. Submit to CSI 3. Resolve Errors 4. Certify
File Layout and Definition Documents – CSI Additions
1. Collect Data 2. Submit to CSI 3. Resolve Errors 4. Certify
Data Validation Strategies Checklist for DC Collection
1. Collect Data 2. Submit to CSI 3. Resolve Errors 4. Certify
Data Validation Strategies Example
As you are going through your Child file, you cannot remember what is needed to be coded for the District of Residence, District of Parents Residence, and State of Parents Residence as they all are similar fields. Use the Data Verification Strategies! Based on this information, you know that: District of Students Residence and District of Parents Residence must be completed and match The State of Parents Residence should be zero filled if District of Parents Residence is completed to avoid errors A great reminder to also check that all students have at least one Race selected For more guidance on finding District of Residence, navigate to the following resource: 1. Collect Data 2. Submit to CSI 3. Resolve Errors 4. Certify
Where should Data be Entered for SPED EOY?
Plan Management System (Infinite Campus) OR Alpine Achievement December Count/Special Education End of Year – Alpine Achievement – IEP Sections Child and Participation Infinite Campus - IEP Development [Campus Community login required] 1. Collect Data 2. Submit to CSI 3. Resolve Errors 4. Certify
Participation File Coding Scenarios
In talking about the “Where to Enter” piece of Data Entry, another great resource to utilize from the CSI website is the CSI Participation File Coding Scenarios Document. Essentially, this resource is split up between Initial Referrals and Existing Students and how best to code them. The document provides common scenarios that you may encounter when completing data entry and provides the correct coding on the participation file. Due to the number of fields on the file and the complexity of entering this information, it certainly can be a huge time saver by reducing the number of errors that you will encounter upon first submittal if followed accurately. Make sure you are paying special attention to the SPED Part C Referral Field highlighted here in Column AD. In essence, this is the primary designator between New and Returning students with an 03 being New and an 06 being returning. As you can see in this document, if 03 is utilized, then all applicable dates must be completed for Path 3. Utilizing both this, the File Layout, and validation documents will certainly help with both the what and where to enter data issue along with error clearance when you get to that phase. 1. Collect Data 2. Submit to CSI 3. Resolve Errors 4. Certify
Participation File Coding Scenarios Example
As initial evaluations are being completed by the SPED Team and you are ready to enter your information into Alpine or IC - you cannot remember the correct fields to input for a new student who is receiving an initial evaluation, was determined eligible, and began receiving services (compared to a returning student). The Participation Coding Scenarios Document/Supplemental Guidance will walk you through this process! Based on this information, you know that: All receiving initial evaluations need to have an 03 in the SPED Part C Referral field and 02 for Eligibility and Services if deemed eligible Students receiving initial evaluations need to have Path 3 Dates completed for all CSI schools with Paths 1 and 2 zero filled The Primary Disability Field is required for all Special Education students along with an 04 in Pupil Attendance Other required fields include Service Provider EDIDs, Funding Status, Hours Per Week and Start Date of SPED 1. Collect Data 2. Submit to CSI 3. Resolve Errors 4. Certify
Alpine and Infinite Campus Crosswalks
1. Collect Data 2. Submit to CSI 3. Resolve Errors 4. Certify
Example of Using the Crosswalk
You are working on adding information into Alpine and need to enter the SPED Hours Per Week for students, but are unsure on where that is located in your Plan Management System. The Alpine Crosswalk will be a great resource! Based on this information, you know that: This field is located within Section 13 of the IEP in Alpine under the subheading of Frequency of DIRECT Special Education/Related Services. 1. Collect Data 2. Submit to CSI 3. Resolve Errors 4. Certify
Step 2: Submission to CSI
Extract data from the plan management system: Infinite Campus – Campus Community IEP Child and Participation Guides Alpine Achievement SPED EOY Steps for Extracting Data 1. Collect Data 2. Submit to CSI 3. Resolve Errors 4. Certify
Step 2: Submission to CSI
Correct Naming of Files School Code, School name/abbreviation, interchange type, and date Examples: 8821TRCSChild 3326GVACSParticipation Files should not contain any spaces in order to upload to the data pipeline Ensure you are uploading them to the correct folder in FileZilla. It should be: FileZilla>SPED EOY>SY 18-19>Files to Run the submissions inbox once file is available to process 1. Collect Data 2. Submit to CSI 3. Resolve Errors 4. Certify
Step 3: Error Resolution
Error Reports loaded to SPED EOY Error Reports CSI Troubleshooting Errors Resource Child Errors tab Participation Errors tab SPED EOY – Level 2 Errors 1. Collect Data 2. Submit to CSI 3. Resolve Errors 4. Certify
Step 3: Error Resolution
1. Collect Data 2. Submit to CSI 3. Resolve Errors 4. Certify
Example of Using the Troubleshooting Errors Resource
Scenario: Your school submits your Child and Participation files and receives error reports in return. Upon Review, several students are receiving an SE299 error on the Participation file, which you are unsure on how to correct. Use the Troubleshooting Errors Resource! SE299 - Special Education/Part C Referral cannot be zero-filled unless Parentally Placed in Private School = 02 Reviewing the CSI Additions shows that since CSI does not generally report Parentally Placed in Private School, the issue relates to the SPED Part C Referral field. This must contain either an 03 for New students or 06 for Returning students.
Step 4: Data Review Summary/certification report will be provided once
error free Steps to Complete: Review each tab thoroughly to determine accuracy of data If accurate, ensure all applicable parties (below) have signed and return scanned version of the signed Certification tab to CSI School Leader, Data Submissions Coordinator, HR Contact, and the SPED Contact If errors are found, modify most recent error free files or reach out to CSI for assistance Changes will be uploaded to the Data Pipeline and a new summary report provided Once data is accurate, sign and return prior to the due date. 1. Collect Data 2. Submit to CSI 3. Resolve Errors 4. Certify
SPED EOY File Overview Child and Participation Files
Child File Captures and verifies attributes of children with disabilities while he/she attended CSI at any point during the current school year. Limited to one record per student, per school. Supplies the information about who a student is. 18-19 Child File Layout and Definition Document (CSI)
Child Fields CSI Reminders: Admin Unit Code = 80010
Student’s District of Residence: use 4 digit code of geographic district in which student resides (Not 8001) State of Parent’s Residence: can be zero filled for in-State families District of Parent’s Residence: Typically same as Student’s District of Residence.
Participation File Collects information on the services students in Special Education are receiving. One record submitted for every student referred, evaluated, or received special education services at your school Must be a corresponding record in the Child file. 18-19 Participation File Layout and Definition Document (CSI)
Participation Fields Administrative Unit/SOP Code*
Student's State ID (SASID)* Local ID (LASID)* Student's First Name* Student's Last Name* Student's Gender* Student's Date of Birth* Primary Disability School Code Program Code Grade Level Relocated from the Child file District of Attendance Pupil’s Attendance Information State of Attendance Educational Orphan Parentally Placed in Private School Special Education Funding Status Educational Environment Primary Service Provider’s EDID Secondary Service Provider EDID 1 Secondary Service Provider EDID 2 Secondary Service Provider EDID 3 Secondary Service Provider EDID 4 Hours of Special Education Hours Per Week Total School Hours Per Week Date of Entry to Special Education Date of Exit from Special Education Extended School Year Services Basis of Exit Special Education/Part C Referral Current Eligibility and Services Path 1 - Date Referred for Part C Evaluation Path 1- Date of Parental Consent to Evaluate Part C Path 1 - Date Evaluation Completed Part C Path 1 - Reason for Delay in Completing Evaluation Part C Path 1 - Eligibility and Services Path 1 Path 2 - Date Child Found Eligible for Part C Services Path 2 - Date of Referral to AU from Local Community Centered Board Path 2 - Date of Parental Consent to Evaluate C to B Path 2 - Date Evaluation Completed C to B Path 2 - Reason for Delay in Completing Evaluation C to B Path 2 - Date of Initial Eligibility Meeting C to B Path 2 - Reason for Delay in Initial Eligibility Meeting C to B Path 2 - Date IEP was Implemented C to B Path 2- Reason for Delay in IEP Implementation C to B Path 2 - Eligibility and Services Path 2 Path 3 - Date of Parental Consent to Evaluate Part B Path 3 - Date Evaluation Completed Part B Path 3 - Reason for Delay in Completing the Evaluation Part B Path 3 - Date of Initial Eligibility Meeting Part B Path 3 - Date Initial IEP was Finalized Part B Path 3 - Reason for Delay in Finalizing the Initial IEP Part B Path 3 - Date IEP was Implemented Part B Path 3 - Reason IEP was Never Implemented Part B Path 3 - Eligibility and Services Path 3 KEY Path 1: Ages 0-3 Path 2: Ages 2.5 but not yet 4 who were referred from Part C to Part B services Path 3: Ages 2.5 through 21 who were not receiving Part C services immediately prior to being referred to Part B (MOST COMMON)
The Three Paths One path is required to be completed (other two are zero filled) Path 1 – Referred for Part C Evaluation: Services administered for children ages 0-3 through the Department of Human Services. (has not been used to date) Path 2- Referred from Part C to Part B: children ages 2.5 but not yet 4 who were referred from Part C (early intervention for ages 0 – 3) to Part B (pre-K – 12) services. (typically used for preschoolers who are transferring from Part C to part B if applicable) Path 3 – Referred for an Initial Evaluation for Part B Services: children ages 2.5 through 21 who were not receiving Part C services immediately prior to being referred to Part B (used for most students) In nearly every instance, Paths 1 and 2 should be zero-filled and Path 3 should be completed. Contact Matt Hudson if you believe you have a student qualifying for Path 1 or 2.
Summary of Path 2 Path 2 - Part B Services (ages 2.5 to 3.9)
What is it? Part B of IDEA governs how special education and related services are provided to school-aged children with disabilities. Path 2 only includes children ages 2.5 but not yet 4, who were referred from Part C to Part B services These students are being referred/evaluated for an IEP (individualized education plan). Who to Report? All children receiving Part C Services (early intervention from ages 0-3) that were referred to Part B (pre-K – 12th grade ) services This includes those referred to Part B (even if they weren’t evaluated), those evaluated for Part B, those evaluated and found not eligible for Part B, as well as those who actually had an IEP implemented and received Part B Services during the reporting period. When to Report? For those determined eligible, report in the school year in which the IEP was implemented If IEP was scheduled to be implemented this year but wasn’t, report referral and evaluation information from previous reporting period and indicate reason for delay For students determined NOT eligible for Part B, report them in the reporting period in which the Initial Eligibility Meeting occurs.
Summary of Path 3 (most common)
Path 3 - Part B Services (ages 2.5 – 21) What is it? Part B of IDEA governs how special education and related services are provided to school-aged children with disabilities. These students are being referred/evaluated for an IEP (individualized education plan). Who to Report? Students ages 2.5 – 21 who were referred, evaluated, and/or received special education Part B services and were not receiving Part C services immediately prior. This includes those referred to Part B (report ONLY if parental consent to evaluate was received), those evaluated for Part B, those evaluated and found not eligible for Part B, as well as those who actually had an IEP implemented and received Part B Services during the reporting period. When to Report? For those determined eligible, report in the school year in which the IEP was implemented If IEP was scheduled to be implemented this year but wasn’t, report referral and evaluation information from previous reporting period and indicate reason for delay For students determined NOT eligible for Part B, report them in the reporting period in which the Initial Eligibility Meeting occurs.
Data Fields Collected – Path 3
Date of Parental Consent to Evaluate Part B: The date the Parental Consent to Evaluate form was received by the Administrative Unit/State Operated Program for Part B evaluation(s), even if the parental consent form was signed during the previous reporting period. If date received by the Administrative Unit/State Operated Program is unavailable, please use the date signed. Date Evaluation Completed Part B: The date that the initial evaluation was completed. An evaluation is complete when there is nothing else to be done in the evaluation including recording of results and analysis of assessment data and completion of the evaluation report. Reason for Delay in Completing the Evaluation Part B: A reason must be indicated if the Date Evaluation Completed is more than 60 days after the Date of Parental Consent. Date of Initial Eligibility Meeting Part B: The date of the Initial Eligibility Meeting.
Data Fields Collected – Path 3
Date Initial IEP was Finalized Part B: The date the initial IEP was finalized. Zero fill if not eligible. Reason for Delay in Finalizing the Initial IEP Part B: If the number of days from the Date the Parental Consent is received to the Date the Initial IEP is finalized is > 60 calendar days, indicate the reason. Date IEP was Implemented Part B: The date the services on the IEP began. If the student enrolls after the start date for services on the IEP, record the Date of Enrollment. Non-eligible and parental refusals should be zero filled. Reason the IEP was Never Implemented Part B: If the IEP was never implemented, indicate the reason why. Eligibility and Services Path 3: The eligibility outcome of the Path 3 Part B evaluation
Special Education Part C Referral
Most Common Coding: 03 - Part B Services (Path 3 Only) – Use this code for all students who are referred for a Part B Evaluation (NOT from a Part C Agency), whether or not they were determined to be eligible for Part B Services. (Typically used for initial referrals) 06 - No Initial Referral During Current Reporting Period – Use this code for all students who began receiving services prior to July 1 of the current reporting period or for students who received EIS only. (typically utilized for returning SPED Students ) Other less common referral types (Pre-K Programs only): 02 - Part C to Part B Transition (Path 2 Only) 04 - Part C Evaluation & Part C to Part B Transition (Paths 1 & 2) 05 - Part C & Part B Evaluation (Paths 1 & 3) Full Descriptions of all referral coding options can be found on the Participation File Layout and Definitions Document
CSI Specific Reminders
District of Attendance = 8001 Pupil’s Attendance Information = 04 Special Education Funding Status is typically: 00 – Not Eligible for ECEA Funding 50 – Eligible for ECEA Funding Student meets the eligibility criteria as of the Pupil Count Date Program Code = 0000 Date of Entry: Within current reporting period (7/1/2018 – 6/30/2019) Previously identified – use the first day of school or reporting period For not applicable use: Primary Disability Must be completed for all students who are eligible for services Students tested and found ineligible should zero-fill this field.
Exit Code Tips Any student that was reported as active (and was NOT exited) during the prior SPED EOY collection (17-18) and are not reported in your SPED EOY files should receive the SY108 error. Resolving SY108 Error: Schools need to include a record in your child and participation files of all the students who did not return from the prior year, and you should exit them as of the first day of school. Or CSI will provide schools a separate error report only containing this error and the blank Basis of Exit highlighted. Ensure you have adequate documentation of exit and complete the Exit Type on the file accordingly. CSI will update the Data Pipeline. Similar to EOY, this ensures that all exits are included in the data CDE is required to federally report, and all records are accounted for in the official SPED EOY snapshot. A student reported in error in the prior year files does not need to be included on the current files, but an exception must be submitted. Contact CSI for more information.
EOY and SPED EOY Discrepancies
Graduates and Dropouts Ensure you are working with your EOY Counterpart, other staff and families to verify: The reporting of Graduates and Dropouts is consistent across both collections. Exit dates match or are very similar. Other Exits Verify that any student who exits the school has consistent information as it pertains to: Matching Exit Types with supporting adequate documentation Exit dates match or are very similar Students exiting SPED EOY to regular education do not need to be exited in EOY It is important to research where a student transferred to prior to coding them as a drop-out. Ensure school has received adequate documentation and utilize the Adequate Documentation of Transfer List prior to selecting an Exit Type.
Expulsions Basis of Exit code 50-”Expulsion” will be cross referenced with the SPED Discipline collection and students reported as 03-”Expulsion-did not receive educational services during expulsion”. A student who is expelled and is receiving special education services during expulsion is not considered exited for SPED EOY.
Hints and Tips Students should never be reported with a Date or Basis of Exit if: He/she is in Path 1 only or received only Part C Services. An evaluation was never completed. He/she was evaluated and found not eligible. He/she was evaluated and determined eligible, but services were never initiated (typically parental refusal) Be sure to have all Reasons for Delay for missed timelines documented in the student’s file. Ensure all dates are entered and are accurate to ensure missed timelines have the exact date entered. Work with all applicable staff to ensure that all students who should be reported are reported.
Other Considerations When completing checks on data review:
Duplicate records with another AU – identified by a SY260 Warning Exits from Special Education – verify all students exited during the current year are reflected in the data Path 2 records – part C to B transition kids – referred from Part C to B services and started receiving services within reporting period Review all warnings for accuracy
SPED EOY Scenarios
Scenario 1 No Path (continuer who exited)
Tayler was receiving special education services. On 10/27/2018 the IEP team had an eligibility review meeting and determined that Tayler no longer qualified for special education. (Primary Disability and Hours of Special Education Services are required because Tayler received services during the reporting period. Use the disability and hours on the IEP that was in effect prior to Tayler being staffed out.)
Scenario 2 Path 3 Avery, age 9, was referred for a Part B evaluation.
Parental consent to evaluate was received on 2/2/2019 and the evaluation was completed on 2/26/2019. Avery was determined to not be eligible on 3/10/2019. (The process is stopped because the student was not found to be eligible.)
Timelines and Deadlines
SPED EOY Timelines and Deadlines
Task 03/14/2019 Submit initial files (Child, Participation) 05/16/2019 Schools must have all Level 1 (Child/Participation) errors cleared 06/06/2019 Schools must have all Level 2 (HR and December Count-Staff) errors cleared Second week of June* CSI will provide Data Summary Reports to schools 6/27/2019** Submit Signed Certification Agreements to CSI *Dependent upon all schools clearing errors by specified deadlines **Any requests for changes must be received by CSI on or before 6/24/2019
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