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First Aid and Emergency Care

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1 First Aid and Emergency Care
Medical Surgical Nursing Unit 8 6/25/2019 Med-Surg 1

2 Introduction Know your terms! Facts Home Safety Highway Safety
Water Safety 6/25/2019 Med-Surg 1

3 Triage Categories Emergent - immediate intervention is needed
Urgent - care is needed in 1-2 hours to prevent deterioration Non-urgent – care can be delayed without risk of permanent dysfunction or disability 6/25/2019 Med-Surg 1

4 General Principles of First Aid
Think before acting. Stay calm. Survey the scene. Check each victim quickly. Treat most serious injuries first. Evaluate injuries and summon help. Do not move victim, unless necessary. 6/25/2019 Med-Surg 1

5 General Principles of First Aid
Do not remove impaled objects. If unconscious, NPO! Explain everything you are doing. Good Samaritan Law Protects medical personnel The nurse is expected to demonstrate the same skill, knowledge, and care as would be given by other nurses in the area with same credentials. 6/25/2019 Med-Surg 1

6 Initial Assessment Assess ABC’s and LOC
Initiate rescue breathing or CPR if needed Control bleeding and identify its source If needed immobilize the C-spine Head to toe assessment Look for fractures Look for medic alert tags. 6/25/2019 Med-Surg 1

7 Initial Interventions
Splint fractures in the position they are found Prevent chilling Do not remove penetrating objects Keep them NPO! Stay with the patient until the ambulance arrives. 6/25/2019 Med-Surg 1

8 The Nursing Assessment
Physical Exam Primary Survey Scene safety! BSI! LOC and overall general appearance ABC’s Neuro deficits 6/25/2019 Med-Surg 1

9 The Nursing Assessment
Physical Exam Secondary Survey Vital Signs Expose for head to toe assessment 6/25/2019 Med-Surg 1

10 The Nursing Assessment
Health History Chief Complaint Treatment Past Medical History Medications Allergies Last Meal Private Physician 6/25/2019 Med-Surg 1

11 CPR Points to Remember Reestablishment of heart and lung function
Indicated when there are no pulses, no respirations Prompt action is ESSENTIAL! Use AHA or ARC standards 6/25/2019 Med-Surg 1

12 CPR Points To Remember Indications for CPR Absence of carotid pulse
Absence of response to stimuli Absent respirations 6/25/2019 Med-Surg 1

13 CPR Points To Remember Artificial breathing is done by mouth to mask, or barrier device Open airway Breathe for victim about 12 times per minute, or once every 5 seconds 6/25/2019 Med-Surg 1

14 CPR Points to Remember Cardiac compressions
Done on the lower ½ of the sternum, between the nipples, to squeeze the heart between the sternum and spinal column Press hard and fast, 100 times/minute Compression ventilation ratio is 30:2 (30 every 23 seconds) 6/25/2019 Med-Surg 1

15 Choking Emergencies Obstructed airway is the sixth leading cause of accidental death Victim may give the universal sign for choking, be unable to speak or cough, and be cyanotic If victim is able to cough, allow to expel the object 6/25/2019 Med-Surg 1

16 Control of Hemorrhage Internal -Signs and symptoms
External -Signs and symptoms are obvious Place clean or sterile dressing Apply firm, steady pressure When bleeding slows, apply bandage Elevate and immobilize Pressure points 6/25/2019 Med-Surg 1

17 Shock 5 basic types: neurogenic, septic, hypovolemic, cardiogenic, and
anaphylactic Shock is the inadequate perfusion of body tissues Symptoms are due to inadequate blood volume, loss of vascular tone, and shift of body fluids 6/25/2019 Med-Surg 1

18 Shock Symptoms Pallor Weak or absent pulses Clammy skin Thirst
Air hunger Hypotension Low UO Restlessness Confusion 6/25/2019 Med-Surg 1

19 Shock Shock Management Reassure and comfort the patient
Maintain body heat Place patient flat Restore circulating blood volume Relieve symptoms Control pain 6/25/2019 Med-Surg 1

20 Burns First stop the burning process! 1st degree or superficial burns
Minor burns can be immersed in cold water and covered with cool, moist dressings 2nd degree or partial thickness burns 3rd degree or full thickness burns Shock and infection 6/25/2019 Med-Surg 1

21 Burns Major burns Assess airway and respirations
Cover with a clean, dry dressing No ointments! Do not disturb blisters! Do not allow two burned skin surfaces to touch 6/25/2019 Med-Surg 1

22 Burns Chemical burns FLUSH! Cover with dry dressing
If ingested, call poison control 6/25/2019 Med-Surg 1

23 Poisoning Illness or harm caused by ingestion,inhalation,injection, or contact of a toxic substance Education When should poisoning be suspected? 6/25/2019 Med-Surg 1

24 Poisoning Swallowed Inhaled Food poisoning 6/25/2019 Med-Surg 1

25 Bites Complications include infection, tissue destruction, and anaphylaxis Treat wound immediately Vaccinations r/t rabies 6/25/2019 Med-Surg 1

26 Bites Snakebite Assess for puncture marks
Assess for neurotoxic signs and symptoms Nonpoisonous treatment Poisonous treatment 6/25/2019 Med-Surg 1

27 Insect Bites or Stings Usually a local reaction
Serious stings need immediate care Less serious stings Tick bites 6/25/2019 Med-Surg 1

28 Injuries Due to Heat and Cold
Heat Exhaustion-caused by excessive salt and H2O loss with perspiration Heat Stroke-caused by a problem with the body’s heat regulation 6/25/2019 Med-Surg 1

29 Injuries Due to Heat and Cold
Hypothermia-drastic lowering of body temperature Frostbite-a local condition with constriction of blood vessels, damage to tissue, and vessel walls

30 Traumatic Injuries Fractures Head Injuries Neck and Spinal Trauma
Eye Injury 6/25/2019 Med-Surg 1

31 Traumatic Injuries Chest Injuries Abdominal Injury
Pneumothorax-air in the pleural cavity Flail Chest-segment of fractured ribs Hemothorax-blood in the pleural cavity Cardiac Tamponade-blood in the pericardial sac Abdominal Injury 6/25/2019 Med-Surg 1

32 Legal Implications Outside the hospital you are expected to demonstrate the same skill, knowledge, and care as a like trained nurse at the same licensure level. Good Samaritan Laws Patient privacy and confidentiality still pertains. End of Unit! 6/25/2019 Med-Surg 1

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