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Habakkuk Dr. Stephen Plaster

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1 Habakkuk Dr. Stephen Plaster
1. Introduction 2. The Prophet’s Perplexity 3. On The Watch-Tower 4. The Prayer of Habakkuk

2 Habakkuk BACKGROUND: Author: Habakkuk, otherwise unknown.
Name means wrestler, he that embraces Place: Judah, the Southern Kingdom of Israel, shortly before the Babylonian captivity Date: Probably about 605 BC Setting: A time of rampant sin in Judean society

3 Habakkuk Scroll from the Dead Sea

4 Habakkuk

5 Habakkuk Introduction -The prophet’s complaint-1:1-4 -The Lord’s Answer-1:5-11 -Habakkuk’s remonstrance-1:12-17

6 Habakkuk The Prophet’s Perplexity: God, how can you let such evil in society go unpunished? 1:2-4 I’m not letting evil go unpunished; I’m sending invaders to destroy the society. 1:5-11 How can you let such wicked conquerors destroy those more righteous than themselves? 1:12-17

7 Habakkuk Siege of Jerusalem by Babylon

8 Habakkuk On The Watch-Tower Depend on Me; the wicked (including the conquerors) will get what they deserve, and the righteous what they hope for. 2:2-20 Woes to the wicked 2:6-20: Plunderers (6-8) to be plundered Unjust (9-11) to get justice Greedy (12-14) to lose all Seducers (15-17) overwhelmed by violence Idolaters (18-20) to face the real God

9 Habakkuk The Jerusalem Watchtower

10 Habakkuk The Prayer of Habakkuk He calls on God to intervene 3:2 God’s intervention 3:3-15 Uses imagery from the Exodus. Uses imagery from various theophanies. Describes God as a Divine Warrior Looks to the end of the age.

11 Mt. Sinai

12 Habakkuk Habakkuk’s response to this 3:16-19
He is filled with fear and trembling He will trust in the face of disaster & famine The just will live by faith God is my strength & protection

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