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Presentation on theme: "pERSONA L INFORMATION , I -----· H E I SN 'T A STU DEN T ---"— Presentation transcript:

1 pERSONA L INFORMATION ---------, I -----· H E I SN 'T A STU DEN T ---
Questions and answers a ' hotos and re--.:1a1 d Kiran,s profile . 1 Look at e P th Jobs • am/ are/is • Negatives and questions • n-rso I 'nfi r.: na I ormation • Soc' I . 1a exp STARTER H E I SN 'T A STU DEN T Negatives -he isn't 1 Look and read. I Match the jobs and the pictures. Surname: Patel First name: Country: Address: Kiran Engla nd 29,Victoria Road.Birr r aingham a doctor a nurse a student a teacher a shop assistant a bus driver a businessman a pol ice off i cer a bu i l der , Phone number: Age: Job: Stu d·ent Student? Teacher? I Lao Married: No a tiathtr ' , · ' • I ..-&10_'10b .... ., a;a .. DD C - L& li • (0] I - -=... Nurse? Doctor? . - T 3. Read and listen.Then listen and repeat. Is Kiran from Japan? Is he from China? Is he from England? No. he isn't. No. bl! isn't. J Yes. he is. 3 Where's he 4 What's his I I ?• England 29, Victoria Road. Birminghan1 T 3.1 Listen and repeat. I -or ? 4 Ask and answer questions about Ki.ran. l Is he from London?. · l? Bir111ingham? 2 Is he 16? 18? 20? 3 Is he a teacher? a doctor? a student? 4 Is he married? 2 T J.2 Read the quest ions and answers.Listen and repeat. What's his job? He's a teacher. 5 What•s his 6 How old is he? ? What 's her jo b1 She"s a doctor. - _...: _:;::::::;::..i T 3.1 Listen and repeat. He's - --- . look at the pictures. Ask and answer questions with a pa rtner. l What's your jo b? Ask and answer. 2 Look at pictures 1-9 again. Make more negative and positive sentences. 7 What•s ----1· He's ____ . No, he isn't. S Complete the sentences. 8 Is he -----· ? 1 Ki.ran kli•t from Japan. Ut/ Sht l,,·t a • • . Ut/ Sht ·•• .. He $ from England. Wkat"s your j ob? T l.4 Listen and check. Practise the questions 2 His phone number It 3 He __ 18.He __ 20. 4 He married. Unitl • All aliOut and answers. He's a teacher. She isn't a nurse. 's = is isn't = is not ;'\g Un\t ) • A\\ about you

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