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Storage and Multimedia

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1 Storage and Multimedia

2 Storage Devices Used to store data and programs permanently on storage media Computer hardware component that writes and reads data to and from storage media Writing data means recording data from memory to a storage medium Reading or retrieving data means transferring data from storage medium into the computer memory for use by the operating system or application program

3 Storage Devices Speed of the storage device and memory is defined by access time Access time of storage device is measured as the amount of time that the storage device takes to locate and retrieve a specific data on the storage medium Access time of storage device is slower than the access time of memory

4 Storage Devices Floppy Disk Zip Disk Hard Disk Magnetic Tape
CDs and DVDs

5 Types of Storage Devices
Magnetic Storage Devices Optical Storage Devices Mobile Storage Devices

6 Magnetic Storage Devices
Diskette drives, tape drives and hard disk drives are examples of magnetic storage devices Used to write and read data to and from the storage devices The surface of the diskettes, tapes and hard disks are coated with magnetic material such as iron oxide or ferrous oxide, which can be magnetized

7 Magnetic Storage Devices
The surfaces of disks and magnetic tapes are coated with million of tiny iron particles so that data can be stored on them Each of these particles can act as magnet The write/read heads of disk drives or tape drives contain electromagnets that generate magnetic fields in the iron on the storage medium as the head passes over the disk or tape

8 Magnetic Storage Devices
In reading process, no current is flowing through the electromagnetic and read/write heads have no magnetic field Because the storage medium has a magnetic field but the head does not The disk or tape drive senses the direction of the flow as the disk or tape passes by the head Data is sent from the read/write head into memory in the form of electric pulses

9 Magnetic Disk Commonly used in computers as secondary storage
A magnetic disk is a circular metal or plastic disk coated on both sides with magnetic recording material Data on magnetic disk is recorded as magnetic field Data is stored on both sides of the disk, and each side has its own read/write head

10 Types of Magnetic Disk Floppy Disk or Interchangeable Disk
Hard Disk or Fixed Disk

11 Organizing Data on Magnetic Disk
Before to store the data on the magnetic disk, it is prepare through operating system The disk surface is magnetically mapped The process of mapping the surface of disk is called formatting or initializing

12 Disk Areas Windows operating system divides the disk into four areas:
Boot Master Record File Allocation Table (FAT) Root Folder Data Area

13 Floppy Disk Magnetic storage media
Plastic disk coated on both side with magnetic recording material Size of the disk refers to the diameter of disk and not refers to the storage capacity High density disks are smaller in size but larger in storage capacity

14 Floppy Disk

15 Floppy Disk Drive Hardware component used to write and read data to and from the floppy disk It includes a motor that rotates the disk on the spindle It also contains write/read head that writes and reads the data to and from the disk when disk rotates Floppy disk rotates 300 revolutions per minute

16 Zip Disk Portable magnetic media
Storage capacity is about from 100MB to 800MB Storage capacity is 100 times greater than floppy disk More reliable than floppy disk

17 Hard Disk Most commonly used storage device in personal computer and laptop computer Most application program and operating system require hard disk for installation and operation Also referred to as fixed disk

18 Hard Disk

19 Magnetic Tape Plastic ribbon with width 0.25 inch to 1 inch and one side coated with magnetic recording material which can be magnetized Divided into vertical columns called frames and each frame is further divided into horizontal rows called tracks Magnetic tape drive is a device that writes/reads data from a magnetic tape

20 References Introduction to Information Technology by Riaz Shahid, CM Aslam and Safia Iftikhar The Concepts of Information Technology by Imran Saeed, Ahsan Raza, Tariq Mehmood and Zafar Hussain

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