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Unit 8 Greek and Latin Roots

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1 Unit 8 Greek and Latin Roots

2 PLAC Latin “to please” Complacent (adj.) – satisfied with a situation Placebo (n) -- something that has a positive mental effect but no physical effect Placid (adj.) – calm, undisturbed

3 GRAT Latin “pleasing, earning thanks, thankful”
Gratuitous (adj.) – unnecessary or unwanted Ingratiate (v.) – to gain another’s favor by flattery or false friendliness Ingrate (n.) – one who is not properly thankful

4 DOC, DOCT Latin “to teach”
Docile (adj.) – easily taught; submissive to instruction Indoctrinate (v) -- to teach a certain point-of-view to Doctrine (n.) – that which is taught; a body of beliefs or ideas

5 TEMPER Latin “to temper, to make less severe”
Temper (v.) – to decrease the strength of Temperance (n.) – restraint or moderation, especially regarding food and alcohol Intemperate (adj.) – lacking moderation, severe or extreme

My ____________________ good-natured little brother is a favorite of his teachers. Rather than trying to ____________________ herself with her new coworkers, Maxine earned their respect by doing excellent work. Lester was just beginning to grow ____________________ about his grades when he encountered the most difficult math test he had ever seen. Although many children find the first day of school scary, their nervousness is ____________________ by the excitement of new people, sights, and sounds.

Awarding an “A” in math to everyone would only be a(n) ____________________ for the students; it wouldn’t lead to real academic improvement. Penny didn’t follow a particular religious ____________________ because she couldn’t decide which one was right. Since he had no opponent in the election, the candidate’s campaign ads seemed rather ____________________. If the political party cannot ____________________ its youngest members with its core values, how will it win the election?

I was amazed at the ____________________ Theo showed when faced with all kinds of temptations. Mary didn’t want to seem like a(n) ____________________, so she graciously thanked her aunt for the sweater. The ____________________ expression of the moose as it stared into the window was very different from the hysterical expression of the human staring back. The ____________________ conditions on the top of the mountain made it difficult for anyone to survive.

9 1. Roberta’s fiery nature was ____________________ by her best friend’s ____________________ character. A. Ingratiated; gratuitous B. Indoctrinated; complacent C. Tempered; docile D. Indoctrinated, docile 2. Darryl found that ____________________ luxuries tended to make him ____________________. A. Intemperate; placid B. Gratuitous; complacent C. Placid; docile D. Docile; complacent

10 D. Intemperate; placebo
In a naturally ____________________ climate, sunshine seems almost to be a(n) ____________________; it briefly makes everyone feel better, even though it doesn’t last. A. Placid; temperance B. Complacent; ingrate C. Gratuitous; ingrate D. Intemperate; placebo While one of the sisters was too ____________________ and would not argue even when she should have, the other was a(n) ____________________ who was never satisfied with any gift or kind word. A. Gratuitous; placebo B. Placid; ingrate C. Complacent; doctrine D. Intemperate; temperance

11 The ____________________ that Emma follows is so strict that she has to ____________________ the severity with amusement once in a while. A. Placebo; indoctrinate B. Doctrine; temper C. Placebo; ingratiate D. Temperance; indoctrinate

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