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Dr. Carolin Elizabeth George

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1 Dr. Carolin Elizabeth George
Test Of Significance Dr. Carolin Elizabeth George Test of significance

2 Learning objectives At the end of the session, you will be able to
Know different types of statistical test Will be able to decide which test to be applied to a given set of data Will be able to report association Concept of correlation Test of significance

3 Eg:weight of the babies
Recap Number Character, Any Number Eg:weight of the babies Describing type Eg: gender Counts No. of babies died Order Pain scale Test of significance

4 Look at the RQ Is tobacco chewing associated with oral cancer? How do I go about it? How do you design a study? How do you find the answer? Test of significance

5 NTP- Null hypothesis, test, pvalue
How do we go about it 1. State null hypothesis H0= Smoking and lung cancer are not associated 2. Apply a TOS 3. Look at the p value. If the p is greater than 5%, then accept the null hypothesis If p is less than 5%, reject the null hypothesis NTP- Null hypothesis, test, pvalue Test of significance

6 How do you decide which TOS?
Test of significance

7 How to decide a TOS Parametric or Non parametric tests?
Association or correlation? Test of significance

8 Parametric Vs Non parametric
Look for normality of data Histogram and look for normal bell curve Test of significance

9 Another rule of thumb if the SD is more than half of the mean, then it is not normally distributed Normal data: Parametric Skewed data: Non parametric data Test of significance

10 Association and correlation
Test of significance

11 Association and correlation
Concept Is relationship between two continuous numerical variables Example Is smoking associated with lung cancer? one increases other decreases (weight & hours of exercise) Tests Chi square, Student t test, paired t test, ANOVA Pearson’s Test of significance

12 How to choose test for association
Test of significance

13 Dependant and independent variable Consider the RQ: Is smoking associated with lung cancer?
Test of significance

14 Look at the dependant variable/ Outcome variable
Type of data Numerical data How many groups? 3 or more ANOVA 2 groups 2 separate groups Student t test 1 group Before and after Paired t test Category Chi-square test Test of significance

15 Test will generate a p value
What does that mean? Test of significance

16 What is the test actually doing?
Zone of acceptance Zone of rejection Test of significance

17 My data Test of significance

18 Reporting TOS in papers /inference
Smoking and Lung cancer Proportion of smokers is higher in patients with lung cancer(55%) when compared to normal people(21%) and it is statistically significant (p<5%). Smoking is associated with Lung cancer (p<5%). Test of significance

19 Lets apply RQ:Is smoking associated with lung cancer Null hypothesis
Test? Test of significance

20 Lets apply RQ: Is birthweight associated with neonatal death?
Hypothesis Test Test of significance

21 Lets apply RQ: Drug A or Drug Bod Drug C is better in patients with HTN? Hypothesis Test Test of significance

22 Lets apply RQ: will health education improve the knowledge of diabetes? Hypothesis Test Test of significance

23 Numerical data RQ: Is birthweight associated with neonatal death?
Mean birthweight of babies who died is significantly lower as compared to babies who survived (1.45kg Vs 2.9kg,p<5%) RQ: will health education improve the knowledge of diabetes? Mean knowledge score was higher intervention was higher/MKS improved significantly after intervention and this was statistically significant Test of significance

24 Another scenario Smoking, age, alcohol, blue shirt : Lung cancer
Smoking Lung cancer Age Lung Cancer Alcohol Lung Cancer Blue shirt Lung cancer Concept of independent association: Solving by Regression Test of significance

25 Non parametric tests If the data is not normally distributed, we will use a non parametric counterpart Test of significance

26 Test of significance

27 Errors Truth is No association : You say association : (Type 1)
Blue shirt is associated with cancer Truth is Association : You say No association (Type 2) Smoking is not associated with lung cancer When can these happen? Test of significance

28 Correlation Concept : association between two continuous numerical variables one increases other decreases (weight & hours of exercise) One increases other increases (weight & BMI) Test : Pearson's correlation(r) Test of significance

29 Test of significance

30 Test of significance

31 Recap Types of data Algorithm for test Independent association
Correlation Test of significance

32 Test of significance

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