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Looking for Eric Poster Research

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1 Looking for Eric Poster Research
By Gabriela Santos

2 Text: The text is bright red which matches the colour of the top. The title and the release date stands out because they are in red and are the most important information of the poster. Everything else is in grey because that isn't as important. Genre: Football Drama Comedy Audience: This film will attract an audience of men of any age that like to watch films about football This looks like it’s a football film, because the person in the middle, which I presume to be the main character is seen to wear the iconic football top. It is a very basic poster with not a lot else on it.

3 Text: The text is bright red which matches the colour of the top. The title stands out because they are in red and are the most important information of the poster. The realise date however is in grey but is bold which attracts attention. Everything else is in grey because that isn't as important. Genre: Drama Comedy Audience: This film will attract an audience of both genders as this looks like a comedy and will attract anyone who likes to laugh. This looks like it’s a comedy film, because the persona presented at the bottom left of the poster has a facial expressions that express humour to me. The ‘I’ in Eric presents someone shouting which could be portrayed as humour. However the guy on the right hand side of the poster looks more serious which gives me the view of drama.

4 Text: The text is bright red which matches the colour of the top, red also connotes love. The title and the release date stands out because they are in red and are the most important information of the poster. Everything else is in grey because that isn't as important. Genre: Drama Comedy Romance Family Audience: This film will attract an audience of young, females who like to watch a romantic film. This can also attract males from the comedic side of it. This looks like it’s a family film, because we see two young women, with one of them holding a child, there are signs of romance as well from the man holding flowers. This also looks like a comedy because of the way that the people are laid out and the fact that ‘Eric’ is found to be sitting on top of the title.

5 Text: The text is just a plan white colour in a bold font. The title stands out because they are contrasting against the background, this is because they are trying to make it clear to the audience that it is the most import part of information found on the poster. Everything else is in grey because that isn't as important. Genre: Drama Audience: This film will attract an audience of people who like to watch drama films, this could include both genders abut more of the older generation. This looks like it’s a drama film, because the we see the man presented on the left hand side of the poster to be looking for someone, which gives the illusion of a drama. They also look very tired and presented with anxious facial expressions.

6 Text: The text is bright red which matches the colour of the top, red also connotes danger or love. The title and the release date stands out because they are in red and are the most important information of the poster. Everything else is in grey because that isn't as important. Genre: Drama Comedy Romance Audience: This film will attract an audience of young, females who like to watch a romantic film. This looks like it’s a romantic film, because there is a man presented with flowers in his hand with a young lady standing next to him, this gives suggestions that there might be a romance between those two characters. This also looks like a drama because the man presented on the right hand side of the poster is in a black a white picture which is mysterious and can connote drama.

7 Most successful poster
I think that this poster portrays a wide variety of different genres, and will therefore attract a wider audience. This has a lot going on and has a lot of information availed for people to look at, it highlights the characters and as well as who the main character is. The variety of colours presented also make the poster a lot more appealing to look at and is also a lot more intriguing. With the film reviews presented at the top it also highlights to the audience that this is a very successful film and highly recommended.

8 Overall Form this lesson it is clear to note that a movie can create several different film poster, all presenting different genres and therefore attracting different audience, which will ultimately attract a wider target audiences. The colours presented are also very important as by having a good contrasting colours will attract certain people The text is equally as important, this is because the font size, colour and style presented on the film poster will help to present a type of genre to the audience.

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