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One Internet will Become One Computer

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1 One Internet will Become One Computer
Axel Angeli SOA Evangelist SOA India 2008 One Internet will Become One Computer Keynote: On the market nature of SOA

2 Building the SOA City Strategies to bring SOA into Enterprises
Thursday, 27 June 2019 Strategies to bring SOA into Enterprises SOA Market Governance Front-end Services Abst-raction Middle-ware Persis- tence Virtua-lization Security & Safety Hard-ware Axel Angeli - (c) 2008 - Building SOA City It is no co-incidence that the reincarnation of Service Oriented Client Server Architecture und the new vision of Enterprise 2.0 collabarotion paradigms eclipse just now. This publication is about how to succesfully implement SOA in enterprises.

3 Marketplace SOA brings uncredible wins through collaboration
Thursday, 27 June 2019 SOA Marketplace: 90% ROI? Marketplace SOA brings uncredible wins through collaboration SOA is able to free up to 90% of current IT costs due to efficiency boost Axel Angeli - (c) 2008 - Building SOA City There have been the good old times of computing. The times when you wrote a program with several hundreds lines of code, punched them on some punch cards and turned them in to the operator to get it executed sooner or later. In today‘s understanding it was certainly later, since it normally took several hours to get such a batch of cards processed.

4 The Service Oriented Architecture
Thursday, 27 June 2019 The Service Oriented Architecture is the ground works to transform the internet into a single, giant organism made from massive cloud of individual computing cells. Axel Angeli - (c) 2008 - Building the SOA City

5 The wins lie in making collaboration easy!
Thursday, 27 June 2019 The wins lie in making collaboration easy! The challenge: Can we change enterprises to adopt a democratic culture of collaboration, consense and market economics? Axel Angeli - (c) 2008 - Building the SOA City

6 Thursday, 27 June 2019 Yet today we gain information in the speed of light, generate business in universes that mankind has never seen before. Axel Angeli - (c) 2008 - Building the SOA City

7 Internet is SOA. SOA is internet.
Thursday, 27 June 2019 Internet is SOA. SOA is internet. Axel Angeli - (c) 2008 - Building the SOA City

8 Thursday, 27 June 2019 Enterprise SOA Introduces the already succesful concepts of the WWW - with search engines, online markets, life communication, service sharing and much more – within the closed habitat of an enterprise. Axel Angeli - (c) 2008 - Building the SOA City For years there is a perpetual fuzz about the term „Enterprise SOA“. Since multi-national enterpises are the primary prey of the commercial software vendors, they have soon found the new hype about the foundament of the WWW could serve as a vehicle to bring their own software developments to a market. Enterprise is nothing but the attempt to introduce the principles that made the success of the WWW within the closed boundaries of islandish enterprise structure. The idea behind Enterpise SOA is simple. The WWW has shown that a completely new form of efficient computing arises if a enormous large number of indenpendently acting agents start cooperating with each other. It is the freedom of a market that produces a new efficiency and far higher quality of computing when computers share and exchange services with each others.

9 Thursday, 27 June 2019 Acceleration and collaboration will take away the costly toll barriers within enterprise cells. Axel Angeli - (c) 2008 - Building the SOA City

10 Collaboration will bring SOA 90% wins
Thursday, 27 June 2019 Collaboration will bring SOA 90% wins Axel Angeli - (c) 2008 - Building the SOA City Queues is it what rule our daily life. Queues help avoiding permanent contention and define default rules on who may move first and who next. At the grocery, at the doctors, climbing a bus: you always will find queues to access the service you ask for. Even waiting at a traffic light to turn green, you have a queue; in fact streets are queues since they allow you to park or halt your car if the segment you want to enter is not free. Queue processing is the solution path to house-hold with limited resources. If more batch requests come in than there are processing slots available, you need to find a way to process them without contention. In other words: if a crowd wants to enter the bus through one door at the same time, nobody will eventually come forward. Queues explicitely and deliberately retract the rights to choose a processing resource from the calling process in favour of a managed assignment of resources by a central managing dispatcher. If you have acloud of computers, your dispatcher will choose the individual CPU to use, and not the requesting agent. Queue also allow putting priorities. E.g. you can always keep one process free for some short running emergencies processes.

11 Make use of external services and save in development and maintenance
Thursday, 27 June 2019 Make use of external services and save in development and maintenance Axel Angeli - (c) 2008 - Building the SOA City

12 Thursday, 27 June 2019 Share your services and get revenue from selling them and learn from feedbacks. Axel Angeli - (c) 2008 - Building the SOA City

13 Yes I want revenue from my developments… But how is this possible?
Thursday, 27 June 2019 Yes I want revenue from my developments… But how is this possible? Axel Angeli - (c) 2008 - Building the SOA City

14 Difference between Enterprise and WWW
Thursday, 27 June 2019 Enterprise is Negotiate, negotiate, negotiate WWW is Collaborate, collaborate, collaborate Axel Angeli - (c) 2008 - Building the SOA City But we can learn good lessons from this procedures. When we analyze the simple process of turning in punch cards to get them processed we are able to identify a number of concepts that we shall re-encounter later in the context of a service oriented architecture.

15 SOA introduces democracy to IT orgs
Thursday, 27 June 2019 SOA will opress plan-driven IT with a democratic organisation Like Market Economics replaces Planned Economics SOA will transform IT from an adminstration of computer technology into a market place that trades software services freely Planned growth will be replaced with Market Darwinistic evolution Efficiency comes with competition Axel Angeli - (c) 2008 - Building the SOA City

16 Thursday, 27 June 2019 Distributed computing is the secret of collaboration SOA will allow distributing components also in Enterprise Axel Angeli - (c) 2008 - Building the SOA City

17 In the next step you can outsource and insource service ad hoc
Thursday, 27 June 2019 In the next step you can outsource and insource service ad hoc Axel Angeli - (c) 2008 - Building the SOA City

18 SOA is 90% Change Management
Thursday, 27 June 2019 90-9-1 SOA is 90% Change Management 9% Technology 1% Chance Axel Angeli - (c) 2008 - Building the SOA City

19 Money is lost in administration of status quo
Thursday, 27 June 2019 Money is lost in administration of status quo SOA will not reduce complexity, but it is prerequisite to component based architectures Axel Angeli - (c) 2008 - Building SOA City

20 Integrated IT of the 1990ties
Thursday, 27 June 2019 IT today is a huge garden of integrated services Hybrid compound of functionalities Axel Angeli - (c) 2008 - Building SOA City

21 Goal: Modularization of Enterprise IT
Thursday, 27 June 2019 Collection of loosely couple components (services) Axel Angeli - (c) 2008 - Building SOA City Our goal is to to break down the functionalities of enterprise IT in small and handy components.

22 SOA Follows Same Evolution as Industries
Thursday, 27 June 2019 Early Medieval Guilds Success with specialization of city life Automotive Example: Henry Ford, GM Success through component manufacturing Electronics Examples: TV, PCs Success through module assembly Microsoft Windows Success through DCOM (components) Axel Angeli - (c) 2008 - Building SOA City It is a similar development that we have learned from other industrial sectors. It started in the medieval times when cities where formed from isolated farms and the common tasks were distributed amongst the citizens, leading into a society of specialists. Later we invented cars and soon their assembly became so complex that it became difficult to find causes of malfunction and repair them. Then Henry Ford found out that building cars from specialized components gave a higher overall throughput and led into a higher quality of the finished merchandise. Many years later the same procedure took place when electronics became more and more popular. We may remember the TV sets of the 1960ties years that soon became so complex that every repair might have taken hours to fulfil. Then industry soon started building the TV sets from modules. This reduced the costs of manufacturing a single TV set when doing mass production, enhanced quality and made repair fairly easy and quick by simply replacing the malfunctioning component. And then the times of the PC came. It was all easy during the times of DOS but then the use of PC became more and more challenging. But soon programs became so complex and loaded with features that it was mandatory to break down the programs in smaller components. Adding a unified component interface convention led then into the DCOM infrastructure which is now the basis of all Windows programming. Linux offered a similar concept with their CORBA logic.

23 Most IT orgas have an idealized view on their IT
Thursday, 27 June 2019 Most IT orgas have an idealized view on their IT Axel Angeli - (c) 2008 - Building the SOA City

24 How you like to see your IT Garden
Thursday, 27 June 2019 Axel Angeli - (c) 2008 - Building SOA City

25 How your IT really looks like
Thursday, 27 June 2019 Axel Angeli - (c) 2008 - Building SOA City

26 Advantages of Component IT (SOA)
Thursday, 27 June 2019 Easy maintenance Saves money, enhances quality Easy replacement Enhance quality, reduce vendor dependencies Reuse Save overall costs, enhance quality New functionalities Recombination of modules („Lego“) New business opportunities Better business organsation Axel Angeli - (c) 2008 - Building SOA City

27 Motivation 2: Webification of Enterprise IT
Thursday, 27 June 2019 Motivation 2: Webification of Enterprise IT Axel Angeli - (c) 2008 - Building SOA City

28 Thursday, 27 June 2019 Cape Enterprise 2.0 Axel Angeli - (c) 2008 - Building the SOA City How enterprises learn from the success story of the WWW.

29 Enterprise 2.0 Learns WWW Enterprises adopt the succesful WWW
Thursday, 27 June 2019 Enterprises adopt the succesful WWW WWW is based on services WWW is a grown SOA Learning from AMAZON, Google , XING, Wikipedia, eBAY, YouTube Enterprises finally understand the benefits of adopting a great some of the succesful concepts and services that have become daily routine for the users of the WWW. Google. Amazon and Wikipedia should be given the merits of having changed our daily life. Especially Wikipedia demonstrated succesfully that communities can produce quality results without a monarchical control based on trust and competition.

30 Service Examples Google SAP
Google SAP No friendly name! No usage examples! You see here some examples of wev services provided by the big SOA proponents Google, Amazon and also SAP. The Amazon example displays the web service description as XML (WSDL) and also a small example of how a request can be made without doing more than typing the URL in the command line. The same works with a SAP system where you have authorized access to.

31 „Webification“ of enterprise collaboration
Central Data Sharepoints CMS WebDAV-Enablement Enterprise Search  Google Appliance Wiki Libraries Replacing directory trees Semantic Web Intelligent DMS ERP   Desktop Integration Application  Outlook Life Collaboration „You Tube“ for enterprises and life-cams Desktop-Sharing Enterprise wide discussion forums instead of News tickers Axel Angeli - (c) 2008 - Building the SOA City Thursday, 27 June 2019

32 Collaborative Web What Advantage Brings the Collaborative Web?
Traditional IT Directory Trees Owner can edit Static hierarchy Information Tree Life Collaboration Redundancy Version anarchy Manual notifications communication Only peer communication Results only actively shared Data hidden in vaults Enterprise 2.0 Wiki Libraries Everybody can edit Associative via categories Information Clouds Central Data Sharepoints Life access Central versioning Rule-based notification Forums Everybody can contribute Results are public by default Easy finding with Search engine Axel Angeli - (c) 2008 - Building the SOA City Thursday, 27 June 2019

33 Example: MoBlogging Simple Requirement A travelling salesman enters service data into a local database The data needs to be synchronized with the central CRM database Classic Solution Copy data to a workstation Upload data A better solution data to a service that will post the data This is known as “blog by ” or “MoBlogging” for mobile blogging

34 Example: Document distribution
Select sales orders and drawings from a database Display data as web page Select results from Web page them as ZIPped PDF and/or XML, Word Archive the produced result as attachment to CRM PHP, Ruby can do Built-in Built-in PDF, ZIP etc. Word conversion by .NET SAP, Oracle ??? Solution: Let ZIP do the ZIP Let Acrobat do the PDF Let .NET build the Word document Endlessly complicated!

35 Example: Document Management
Thursday, 27 June 2019 Classical client server case Classical Printing Server extracts data to print Data is sent to print server Print server creates pixeled output Disadvantage Multiple redundant layouts Redundant technology skills Printer coordination needed Explicit Printing via Service Extract data to unified XML format Send data to XML formatter Formatter creates pixels Advantage Clients share same resources One form design One central print control Axel Angeli - (c) 2008 - Building the SOA City

36 Initial Saving on project: 83%
Saving on Print Thursday, 27 June 2019 Initial Saving on project: 83% Classical Setup days 400 days Design Prints in SAPscript Takes 10 times than in Crystal Reports Low quality, since done by developer Design forms for Office Done by professional designer Administer SAP Printing Adminster Windows printing Drivers for windows and SAP SOA Setup Time: 50 days Design Prints in Crrystal By professional designer Best of breed design Use printing as service One single monitoring One set of drivers Axel Angeli - (c) 2008 - Building the SOA City

37 Field Service Kiosk: Situation
Field service industrial company Spare parts Administration Parts are „on-hand“ Parts are ordered from shelf Parts are ordered from factory Direct vendor ordering CAD/document Direct update Challenge: big docs/slow lines Tools administration Tools „on hand“ Tools „just-in-time“ Staff & Time Management Example Challenge: 100 field service spots 30 employed master engineers 50 external service companies 20 industrial firms with self-maintenance

38 Collaboration Needs Infrastructure
Thursday, 27 June 2019 Collaboration works on infrastructure Sharing common tools and services Standards alone do not help The are simply not abided by People do not read monster docs like EDIFACT People do not even read project guide lines Convention grows through convenience Ready usable services mean convenience SOA offers convenient services That is why we need SOA Axel Angeli - (c) 2008 - Building the SOA City

39 SOA is the groundwork for Enterprise 2.0
Thursday, 27 June 2019 Enterprise 2.0 is based on collaboration Collaboration requires services architectures Axel Angeli - (c) 2008 - Building the SOA City

40 Classical SOA approaches do not endorse free collaboration
Thursday, 27 June 2019 Classical SOA approaches do not endorse free collaboration Axel Angeli - (c) 2008 - Building the SOA City

41 They require contracts, standards etc.
Thursday, 27 June 2019 They require contracts, standards etc. Axel Angeli - (c) 2008 - Building the SOA City

42 What is so bad with standards?
Thursday, 27 June 2019 What is so bad with standards? Axel Angeli - (c) 2008 - Building the SOA City

43 10 commandments are devine 1000 commandments are diabolic
Thursday, 27 June 2019 10 commandments are devine 1000 commandments are diabolic Axel Angeli - (c) 2008 - Building the SOA City

44 Enterprise Apps Become Services
Thursday, 27 June 2019 Enterprise Suites turn into Service Collections Enterprise Suites Service Collections Axel Angeli - (c) 2008 - Building the SOA City

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