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Team Leadership and Structure

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1 Team Leadership and Structure

2 WARM-UP What Makes a Leader?

3 Objectives Learn about leadership and the traits of a strong leader.
Warm-Up | Objectives Objectives Learn about leadership and the traits of a strong leader. Compare and contrast leadership styles. Analyze, organize, and prioritize tasks to solve a workplace problem. Coordinate work with that of team members.

4 © Junior Achievement USA® All rights reserved.
Warm-Up | Leadership Styles What Makes a Leader? Oprah Winfrey Ruth Bader Ginsburg Pope Frances Bono Derek Jeter Bill Gates © Junior Achievement USA® All rights reserved.

5 The Four Styles of Effective Leaders
ACTIVITY ONE The Four Styles of Effective Leaders

6 What’s the Best Approach?
Activity One | The Four Styles of Effective Leaders What’s the Best Approach? You are the manager of a large discount store. A shipment arrives as the store is about to close. Your workers are finishing their shift, but you need help unloading the truck and getting the products on the shelf before the next day’s opening.

7 Activity One | The Four Styles of Effective Leaders
You Decide Tell workers exactly what to do, set a deadline, and supervise the work. Ask workers for their ideas, encouraging everyone to contribute, and then you pick the best idea. Have workers discuss different options and vote on the best approach; majority rules. Hold a competition to encourage quick work, possibly offering a reward.

8 Collaborative (open-minded) Command (authoritarian)
Activity One | The Four Styles of Effective Leaders The Four Styles of Effective Leaders Collaborative (open-minded) Involves team members in decisions Consensus (democratic) Team members agree on decisions; majority rules Convenience (delegating) Empowers others to decide Command (authoritarian) Minimal team member input

9 What Would You Do? Read your assigned scenario.
Activity One | The Four Styles of Effective Leaders What Would You Do? Read your assigned scenario. Decide how a leader would address the problem using each of the leadership styles. Act out your role play for the class. Consensus (democratic) Command (authoritarian) Collaborative (open-minded) Convenience (delegating)

10 Which Leadership Style Are You?
Activity One | The Four Styles of Effective Leaders Which Leadership Style Are You? What did you like about each leadership style? What didn’t you like? What type of leader do you think you could be? What type would you like to be? Which public figures’ leadership styles do you admire?

11 ACTIVITY TWO Team Problem Solving

12 Using a Tool for Problem Solving
Activity Two | Team Problem Solving Using a Tool for Problem Solving 1 Identify the problem, and collect information about the problem and cause. 2 Analyze alternative solutions by weighing the pros and cons of each. Remember to consider creative alternatives. 3 Choose the best solution and act on it.

13 Cross-Functional Teams
Activity Two | Cross-Functional Problem Solving Cross-Functional Teams Are made up of people from different parts of the organization Work together to solve problems that affect the entire organization

14 Cross-Functional Problem Solving
Activity Two | Cross-Functional Problem Solving Cross-Functional Problem Solving Identify different aspects of the problem. Brainstorm at least three solutions. Analyze pros and cons for each possible solution. Choose the best solution to act upon.

15 Leaders Solve Problems
WRAP-UP Leaders Solve Problems

16 Leaders Solve Problems
Wrap-Up | Leaders Solve Problems Leaders Solve Problems Develop effective leadership styles. Contribute to a cross-functional team. Leaders get the job done. Analyze the pros & cons of solutions.

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