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The Scientific Revolution

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1 The Scientific Revolution

2 Learning Objectives Explain how new discoveries in astronomy changed the way people viewed the universe. Understand the new scientific method and how it developed. Identify the contributions of : Galileo Copernicus Newton

3 Changing Views of the Universe
Renaissance spirit of inquiry led scientists to explore beyond the knowledge of the ancients.

4 Changing Views of the Universe
Old Views Copernicus Offers a New Theory Church Rejects Galileo’s Discoveries

5 Ptolemy Old Theories Ancient Greek astronomer Ptolemy believed that the Earth was at the center of the universe and the sun and stars revolved around it. Geocentric Theory.

6 Copernicus New Theories Sun was at the center of the universe.
Heliocentric Theory.

7 Question How did the discoveries of Copernicus affect the way people viewed the universe? Proved ancient astronomers had been correct about how the universe. Observations supported the Ptolemaic view of the universe. Discoveries reinforced traditional Church teachings on the relationship between Earth and the stars and other planets. Their observations proved that the universe was heliocentric.

8 Galileo “and yet it moves”
Confirms Copernicus’s Theory Builds new Telescope Sees Moon’s surface Moons of Jupiter Goes against beliefs of church: Heaves are fixed; Unmoving “and yet it moves”

9 Scientific Method Prove it!!
Early 1600s new approach to science emerges. Observation and experimentation. Create new scientific laws. A step-by-step process to prove of disprove a theory Prove it!!

10 Scientific Method

11 Scientific Method Ideas of Francis Bacon and René Descartes led to a new scientific method because they both believed that Discoveries of ancient philosophers were true but should be documented in a modern way. Truth could only be determined after a process of investigation. Teachings of the Church should form the basis of all scientific inquiry. Basic scientific fact is obvious.

12 Breakthroughs in Medicine and Chemistry
1500s and 1600s dramatic changes in science. Copernicus, Bacon, and Descartes: rejected long-held assumptions. Relied on new technology: microscope, and availability of printed books.

13 Breakthroughs in Medicine and Chemistry
Scientific investigation: changed how physicians learned about the human body.

14 Newton Isaac Newton’s work includes:
Discovering the human circulatory system and how the heart acts to pump blood through that system. Developing a microscope that was powerful enough to see tiny organisms invisible to the naked eye. Discovering that specific chemicals are the building blocks of life. Discovery that nature follows uniform laws and that all motion in the universe can be measured and described mathematically.

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