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Educating for Global Competence: The Value of Multilingualism

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1 Educating for Global Competence: The Value of Multilingualism
Presentation for Community Members and Business Leaders December 2013 Intent: Introduce and welcome the participants to the SCCOE’s Educating for Global Competence: The Value of Multilingualism Talking Points: Introduce yourself and welcome the participants to the meeting. Remind participants this presentation is designed for community members and business leaders. Participants will learn more about global competence, especially the role of language in competence, and how it can be promoted and supported in the schools. This Phase One presentation is intended to create awareness of language and global competence issues, and is not a training module. This session has six key parts which could take approximately 120 minutes if all slides are covered. The facilitator may selectively choose appropriate presentation sections based on time available and the interests of the target audience. Part I: Participant Introduction and Session Objectives Part II: Role of Language in Global Competence Part III: Research Data Part IV: Types of Awards Part V: Resources Part VI: A Call to Action

2 Goal Acknowledge and discuss the value of multilingualism in the 21st century Intent: Convey the urgency and our responsibilities to support all students to succeed in the 21st century Talking Points: What does this goal mean? How can we contribute to preparing students for career readiness given the context that we are located in Silicon Valley, and that we are moving forward in implementing the Common Core State Standards? Knowing that ELs make up 23.5% (64,408) of our student population, and represent 57 languages in Santa Clara County, and realizing that at the same time they expand and enrich the educational experience and cultural awareness of English speaking students, how can we demonstrate that we value the languages and cultures that ELs bring to school? Emphasize that during our meeting and discussions today we will heighten awareness of multilingualism in our schools and region. During the session we will build knowledge together about what is currently happening in Santa Clara County schools concerning multilingualism strengthen historical perspectives about language education in the past explore multilingualism’s future critical role for students who are preparing themselves with 21st century skills. Also in this session, we will urge group thinking and your personal responses to consider what can be done to support growth in language awareness and increased opportunities for multilingual pathways and biliteracy programs for county students. Educating for Global Competence: The Value of World Languages

3 The U.S. Secretary of Education Says…
"The fact that our kids don't grow up [bilingual] puts them at a competitive disadvantage," noting that it's common practice in many other countries for students to learn at least one other language. U.S. Secretary of Education, Arne Duncan May 29, 2013 Intent: To show that the U.S. Secretary of Education values language learning Talking Points: U.S. Secretary of Education Arne Duncan gave perhaps his clearest statements to date on the benefits of dual-language development and instruction, especially for students who are English-language learners. Students need to be educated to achieve the skills found in globally competent individuals. For example, languages help people reap economic returns in addition to cultural and social ones. Other countries are already investing in these skills. Most European countries begin a first foreign language in the elementary grades and a quarter of Australian students learn an Asian language. Only about one-half of American high school students study a world language; the majority of these students never progress beyond the introductory level and 70 percent study Spanish. Although Spanish is important in the context of the United States and its western hemisphere neighbors additional language will help the United States meet the critical language needs identified by the US State and Defense Departments. Historically, foreign language teaching and learning have been tied to foreign policies that support the U.S. strategic and military stance in regard to different countries and specific international conflicts of the time. Educating for Global Competence: The Value of World Languages

4 Role of Language in Global Competence
Bilingualism/multilingualism advantage for students competing to succeed in 21st century global society Students must develop four competencies and be able to investigate the world recognize perspectives communicate ideas take action Intent: Understand that studying and knowing two or more languages will be advantageous to students as they begin to compete on a global level Question #3: What is the role of language in global competence? Talking Points: Discuss the four competencies and what they mean to each participant. Discuss in small groups (or with a partner if group is small) and be prepared to share out. 1. Investigate the world: Students investigate the world beyond their immediate environment. 2. Recognize perspectives: Students recognize their own and others’ perspectives. 3. Communicate ideas: Students communicate their ideas effectively with diverse audiences. 4. Take action: Students translate their ideas into appropriate actions to improve conditions. For more information on Global Competence , please review this document: Educating for Global Competence: Preparing Our Youth to Engage the World Council of Chief State School Officers’ EdSteps Initiative & Asia Society Partnership for Global Learning, 2011 Educating for Global Competence: The Value of World Languages

5 What Does Research Say About Language Learning?
Intent: Show data that reflect the benefit of learning world languages and the trends of students taking language courses Talking Point: State that you will be showing some research data in this part of the presentation. Educating for Global Competence: The Value of World Languages

6 Benefits of Early Language Learning in Dual-Language Programs
Supporting home language leads to improved achievement Long-term program participants learning two languages are less likely to drop out of high school and outperform other English Learners taught in an English only setting English only students taught in dual language settings outperform their peers in English-only settings Intent: Understand data related to the benefits of early language learning Question #3: Why should students learn a second language? Talking Points: Data to support home language literacy and dual language programs show benefits for not only English Learners but also English Only students. For more information about this research, please visit Data from Early Edge California Spanish speaking preschoolers receiving more instruction in Spanish scored higher in reading and math. Educating for Global Competence: The Value of World Languages

7 Citizens Comfortable Conversing in a Second Language
10% native born U.S. citizens feel comfortable conversing in a language other than English 10% 54% of Europeans feel comfortable conversing in a second language 54% Intent: Increase awareness of where America is with regard to educating students in world languages Notes: Review data and ask for comments. Source: 2010 U.S. Census Source: European Commission, 2012 Educating for Global Competence: The Value of World Languages

8 Percentage of Schools in the U.S. Offering Foreign Language
Intent: Increase awareness of where America is with regard to educating students in world languages Talking Points: Review data and ask for comments. Point out that the percentage of schools offering foreign language decreased at the elementary and middle school levels between Source: America’s Foreign Language Deficit, Forbes, 2012 Educating for Global Competence: The Value of World Languages

9 K-12 Foreign Language Learning
21 countries require their students to study at least one additional language China – Foreign language study is compulsory starting at ages 8-9 Canada – Foreign language study is compulsory starting at age 10 United States – Foreign language study is not compulsory Intent: Understand that studying and knowing two or more languages will be advantageous to students as they begin to compete on a global level Talking Points: Currently, the US has a foreign language deficit that puts it at a strategic disadvantage in terms of efficiently dealing with issues of security, intelligence, economics and defense. Bilingual individuals in Farsi, Bengali, Vietnamese, Burmese, Afghan and Indonesian languages are of utmost importance to the U.S. in order to address the current national security strategic needs. Spanish bilingual personnel are especially needed now in the fields of Health, Commerce, Education, Media and Economics. Wang, S. C., Jackson, F. H., Mana, M., Liau, R., & Evans, B. (2010). Resource guide to developing linguistic and cultural competency in the United States. College Park, MD: National Foreign Language Center at the University of Maryland.  Retrieved from Share U. S. Earlier Trends with Intent: Increase awareness of where America is with regard to educating students in world languages , 18% of K-12 students enrolled in foreign language (8.6 million students) , 18.5% of K-12 students enrolled in foreign language (8.9 million students) California saw an increase of 5.26% in enrollment from to (45,845 students) In , 86% of enrollment was in Spanish and French Educating for Global Competence: The Value of World Languages

10 Viewing Video: Stakeholder Voices
Intent: Listen to the voices of bilingual and multilingual speakers and those who value the study of world languages Talking Points: The video was completed in the fall of The students and adults come from schools and businesses throughout Santa Clara County. Show the 8 minute video or select the video (segment) you will be viewing. To access the video, visit  After viewing a section, prompt the participants to consider the following questions: 1. Which words or phrases spoken by the students, parents, or business people impacted your thinking about language, and reasons for studying it? 2. If you had been interviewed, what would you have added?  Discuss first with a partner or small group, and then share out to the whole group, if there is sufficient time. Educating for Global Competence: The Value of World Languages

11 Biliteracy Award Programs
Seal of Biliteracy Pathway Awards Intent: Provide an overview of the different types of biliteracy award programs Educating for Global Competence: The Value of World Languages

12 Seal of Biliteracy Recognition by the California State Superintendent of Public Instruction and districts and county offices of education of students who meet the criteria for demonstrating proficiency in one or more languages in addition to English by high school graduation Intent: Introduce the Seal of Biliteracy Question #5: What is the Seal of Biliteracy? Talking Points: To support the effort in preparing globally competent citizens, the California State Superintendent of Public Instruction recognizes students who meet the State’s criteria for biliteracy. California was the first state in the United States to establish the Seal of Biliteracy legislation in The California Department of Education first granted the Seal of Biliteracy in This was followed by New York, Texas and Illinois. Other states are developing this recognition. The Seal is a statement of accomplishment. It is considered an asset when applying to college. In 2013, approximately 20,000 Seals of Biliteracy were awarded by the State Superintendent of Public Instruction. The Santa Clara County Superintendent of Schools recognizes students who meet the criteria. Districts/or schools interested in the County Seal of Biliteracy sign an MoU with the Santa Clara County Office of Education. Please refer to the Santa Clara County Seal of Biliteracy brochure for the eligibility criteria. In 2013, the Santa Clara County Superintendent of Schools recognized over 750 students in Santa Clara County. These students represent eight language groups. Educating for Global Competence: The Value of Multilingualism

13 Benefits of the Seal of Biliteracy
Encourage students to develop and maintain biliteracy and multilingual skills Promote the development of language and cultural appreciation and cross-cultural understanding Encourage the development of dual language  immersion programs, and world, native, and heritage language programs in schools Provide employers with a method of identifying candidates with language and biliteracy skills Intent: Understand why SCCOE decided to grant the award on a local level Optional Slide Talking Points: SCCOE had specific reasons for granting the Seal. In addition to those listed above SCCOE wanted to: encourage students to maintain and expand their bilingual and biliteracy skills recognize and honor the rich diversity of languages and cultures we have in Santa Clara County promote, encourage and support world language programs in our schools. Educating for Global Competence: The Value of World Languages

14 Pathway Awards Acknowledgements to encourage students to begin or continue the study of a second or third language At the end of elementary school students may earn Bilingual Service and Participation Award or Biliteracy Attainment Award At the end of middle school students may earn Pursuit of Bilingualism Award or Intent: Understand how SCCOE recognizes students along the route to bilingual proficiency Question #8: What are paths to reach biliteracy? Talking Points: Beginning in pre-school students are encouraged to learn and/or maintain two or more languages. In pre-school the award is based on extending language use awareness both at school and at home where families work with students to maintain or learn languages. Students engage with books and other print material. In each of the grade level awards students meet criteria that has been developed by member districts. The pathway criteria are included in the communications toolkit brochure, “ Educating for Global Competence: The Value of Multilingualism”. Educating for Global Competence: The Value of World Languages

15 Multiple Paths to Multilingualism
Opportunities for schools to design language programs in their schools Foreign Language/World Language Study Programs Two-Way Immersion Programs K-6 6-12 K-12 Bilingual Programs Foreign Language in Elementary School (FLES) Foreign Language Experience (FLEX) After school or weekend language programs Traditional world language classes in middle and high school Spanish for Native Spanish Speakers Vietnamese for Native Vietnamese Speakers Study abroad Two-Way Immersion Intent: Understand some of the language opportunities in California schools Question #8: What are paths to reach biliteracy? Talking Point: Refer to Appendix B – Glossary of Terms - to explain the various types of language programs that could be introduced in schools. Be able to describe the various programs as you present the slide. Adapted from the World Language Plan, San Diego County Office of Education, 2012 Educating for Global Competence: The Value of World Languages

16 Establishing the Award Program
1. Determine purpose and commitment 2. Inform stakeholders of programs 3. Establish advisory committee to draft proposal 6. Develop evaluation criteria (rubrics & process) 5. Establish an outreach program 4. Present to School Board Intent: Understand the steps to be taken in order to establish the program in participants’ school or district Question #7: How can districts/schools establish pathway award programs? Talking Points: Discuss each of the points in the slide. Why have awards, what is the interest in them, what is interest of stakeholders, who will be on the committee, are all stakeholders represented, who presents to the Board, how is the community informed? There are many steps to establishing the program in a school or district. Determine purpose of and commitment to awards program Inform parents, community members, and all other district stakeholders about award programs Establish representative/advisory committee to draft proposal Present to School Board for approval Establish an outreach program Develop evaluation rubrics and process to determine if students meet the award criteria Create process for identifying eligible students and district staff for implementing award programs Design and present awards Establish a budget to support award programs, including testing costs, materials, monitoring costs, certificates and awards If the school/district wants to write its own criteria, follow these steps and refer to some of the resources offered in Appendix E. If the school/district wants to establish an MoU with SCCOE then it should contact the Multilingual Education Services department. 7. Create process to identify eligible students and staff to implement program 8. Design and present awards 9. Establish program budget Educating for Global Competence: The Value of World Languages

17 Participating Districts in Santa Clara County
Alum Rock Union SD Campbell Union SD Campbell Union HSD East Side Union HSD Gilroy Unified SD Latino College Preparatory Academy Morgan Hill Unified SD Mount Pleasant SD Mountain View- Los Altos Union HSD Oak Grove SD Palo Alto Unified SD San Jose Unified SD Santa Clara Unified SD Intent: Show the participating pathway and Seal of Biliteracy award districts Talking Points: There are currently 13 districts and Charter Schools that are recognizing students for developing their bilingual and multilingual language proficiency. Educating for Global Competence: The Value of World Languages

18 Access the Toolkit
A complete list of resources is available at: Intent: Examine website’s resources which have been created by SCCOE to educate and familiarize the public about the importance of bilingualism and the programs that honor students who achieve bilingual or multilingual language proficiency Question #12: What resources are available? Talking Points: Become familiar with various topics within the resources section. Also, if time permits review some additional website links that are provided in Resources. Show participants some of the features of the webpage: Educating for Global Competence: The Value of Multilingualism publication Appendix A – Glossary of Terms Appendix B – World Languages Taught in Immersion, Middle and High Schools in Santa Clara County Appendix C – Elementary Pathway Oral Presentation Rubric Appendix D – Middle School Pathway Oral Presentation Rubric Appendix E – World Languages Proficiency Tests and Online Course Work Options Appendix F – References Presentation Modules Videos - collection of videos from students, parents, teachers, school district administrators, school board members, community members and business leaders Resources Seal of Biliteracy Educating for Global Competence: The Value of Multilingualism

19 A Call to Action Reflect on what you have heard from this presentation. Think about your personal commitment in developing 21st Century Global Citizens. Complete at least one of the sentence frames: • On a personal level I commit to _____________. • On a professional level I commit to __________. Intent: Reflect on the presentation and commit to next steps Talking Points: Read slide to group. Ask participants to think about what they can do to promote language learning and to make a commitment to do so. Provide examples of completed sentences: On a personal level I commit to speaking Spanish to my children/grandchildren everyday so that they maintain or improve their family language. On a professional level I commit to sharing the benefits of learning a second or third language with other community members and business leaders. Invite participants to share their commitments. Announce support for their commitments in the following ways Today’s session was Phase One in a roll out for Biliteracy and World Languages Communications Toolkit project. Based on your feedback from this session, we can now support your next steps with a Phase Two presentation for audiences explaining how to develop and support biliteracy programs. SCCOE will continue to be a clearing house of information, both through its website and with representative participation at the Seal of Biliteracy Consortium meetings. Educating for Global Competence: The Value of World Languages

20 For More Information Yee Wan, Ed.D., Director, Multilingual Education Services Melissa Christie, Director, Curriculum and Instruction Angelica Ramsey, Ed.D., Chief Academic Officer Educational Services Branch Intent: Introduce contact personnel of the Biliteracy and World Languages Communications Toolkit Talking Points: A goal of this initiative is to improve equitable access to high quality education for all students. The purpose of the toolkit is to build awareness for developing increased equitable opportunities for students’ access to programs that lead to pathway awards and the Seal of Biliteracy. The link to the Toolkit content is: Key sections that link to further resources in the Toolkit are: Educating for Global Competence: The Value of Multilingualism publication Presentation Modules Videos Resources Seal of Biliteracy World Languages and Dual Language Programs Educating for Global Competence: The Value of Multilingualism

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