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Electing Andrew Jackson

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1 Electing Andrew Jackson

2 I. New Parties Democratic-Republican 1816-1824 1824 Election
Four D-Rs run for POTUS Will H. Crawford = winning candidate Other three = favorite sons Andrew Jackson & Henry Clay = West John Quincy Adams = Northeast

3 II. New POTUS Jackson = plurality, largest number of popular votes
No majority = THOR selects POTUS Adams wins Clay = Sec. of State “Corrupt Bargain” - Jackson

4 III. Adams Accusation = shadow over presidency
First message to Congress = improve roads & waterways, build a national university, & support scientific research Upset opponents = wanted limited role of fed. govt.

5 IV. Election of 1828 D-Rs split Jackson supporters = Democrats
Supported states rights National Republicans supported Adams Supported strong central govt. Pro roads, national bank, economic growth

6 Mudslinging = method that uses gossip & lies to make opponent look bad
Slogans, buttons, & rallies Jackson = most votes from frontier states & the south John C. Calhoun runs with Jackson Jackson wins

7 VI. Govt = Democratic Open govt. to people
Anti bureaucracy (govt. tasks carried out by appointed officials not elected ones) 1829 = Many federal workers fired, replaced with Jackson supporters = AJ said to be tyrant like “To the victors & their spoils.” Govt. with supporters of winner = spoils system

8 No more caucus system Now = nomination conventions, delegates from each state choose candidate

9 Tariff Debate Tariffs on European goods encouraged Americans to buy American made goods NE factories liked it S cotton farmers disliked it = taking European goods might hurt trade with Europe 1828 = high tariff passed Calhoun says states can nullify Jackson disagreed

10 Maysville Road Bill Federal funds for building roads in KY
Jackson vetoed Entirely within KY = state project Fed. $ must benefit entire nation

11 SC passed the Nullification Act = not pay “illegal tariffs”
1832 = lower tariff passed SC passed the Nullification Act = not pay “illegal tariffs” Threatened to secede Jackson proposes Force Bill = use military to enforce federal law SC accepts tariffs but nullifies force bill

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