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A story about relationships.

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2 A story about relationships.
A story about us all.

3 The duty of the strong to protect the weak

4 We were all weak once.

5 The notion that some human beings are burdens and some are disposable has become acceptable.

6 In 1973 abortion became legal through all 9 months of pregnancy.
1973 U.S. Supreme Court In 1973 abortion became legal through all 9 months of pregnancy.

7 Abortion kills almost 1,000,000 a year
Consequences: Abortion kills almost 1,000,000 a year Thousands of women are wounded Abortion is used as solution to unplanned pregnancy

8 Killing human beings can never be the solution

9 Precious and Irreplaceable Hiccups & movement – 6 weeks
11 weeks from conception Precious and Irreplaceable Heartbeat – 21 days Eyes develop – 4th week Hiccups & movement – 6 weeks A new human life




13 Everyday people from all walks of life

14 We share a belief in the right to life

15 We provide a voice for life at its weakest moments.

16 Each human life deserves absolute protection under the law

17 Educating about the value of life

18 Working peacefully through the democratic process

19 We stopped the state from using your hard-earned dollars to pay for someone else’s “choice.”

20 We protected your little girl and at the same time restored your rights as a parent

21 We make Michigan a safer place for babies being born.

22 We rely on others to help us see our value

23 We take a stand for compassionate care.

24 It is imperative that we have prolife officials who will vote for prolife legislation.

25 “The care of human life and not its destruction is the first and only legitimate object of government.” Thomas Jefferson

26 Failure to provide life-affirming alternatives.

27 Abortion is not worthy of a woman

28 Please stand with us.

29 Changing hearts and minds in local communities


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