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RULES MODERNISATION Came into effect on: 1 JANUARY 2019.

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1 RULES MODERNISATION Came into effect on: 1 JANUARY 2019

2 RULES MODERNISATION What hasn’t change?
The hole is still 4¼ inches in diameter You can still have a maximum of 14 clubs in the bag The common length of a round will still be 18 holes although other rounds (e.g. 9 holes) will be encouraged There will still be Match Play and Stroke Play and they will have some rules that differ

3 RULES MODERNISATION Preserving the fundamental challenge of the game:
You must play the ball as it lies You cannot improve conditions affecting the stroke You cannot touch the sand in a bunker near your ball with your club prior to making a stroke or with your backswing You still cannot cause the ball to move except in specific circumstances You will still need to drop a ball – more later

4 Simplicity Clarity Enforceability RULES MODERNISATION
The Principles of Rules Modernisation: Simplicity Clarity Enforceability

5 RULES MODERNISATION Ball at rest is moved accidentally by the player:
During a search – No penalty On the putting green – No penalty Replace the ball on the estimated spot Where there is a penalty, it will now have to be known or virtually certain that the player caused the ball to move

6 RULES MODERNISATION Ball in motion is accidentally deflected:
By the player, their caddie or the flagstick – No penalty By the player hitting the ball more than once – No penalty But beware: In stroke play, when on the green, you still cannot hit another ball on the putting green – 2 stroke penalty

7 RULES MODERNISATION Taking relief – there is still only one nearest point of relief Now called the Reference Point – mark with tee peg Defined Relief Area Size of Relief Area How to drop the ball



10 New Principles Dropping Procedure Knee Height
Must be dropped from knee height. Must be dropped straight down without touching player or equipment before hitting ground. Must be dropped in Relief Area. Note: ‘Knee height’ means the height of a players knee when in a standing position.

11 RULES MODERNISATION Situations regarding the ball:
Lost – 3 minutes to find it (from the time you or your caddie arrive in the search area) Substitute – now you can always substitute a ball when taking relief Embedded – you may take relief in the General Area* unless prevented by a Local Rule * This is the new term for “Through the Green”

12 Areas of the Course – General Area

13 General Area – everything else
Areas of the Course Bunkers Putting Green Teeing Area General Area – everything else Penalty Area

14 Areas of the Course – Teeing Area

Ball moves after you have lifted & replaced it – always replace it again Ball moves before you have lifted it (e.g. blown by the wind) – play from the new position Repair any damage Touching the green – No penalty Flagstick – leave it in if you wish but decide before making stroke

16 (previously Water Hazards)
RULES MODERNISATION PENALTY AREAS (previously Water Hazards) Committee may mark any area as a Penalty Area Red & Yellow marked penalty areas not only water Touch the ground with club or hand – No penalty Loose impediments – remove them without penalty You cannot declare a ball unplayable in a penalty area Red Penalty Areas – no opposite side relief anymore

17 Areas of the Course – Penalty Areas

Remove all loose impediments without penalty Touching the sand with club or hand – be careful!! Ball unplayable – you can take relief outside of the bunker on a line from the hole through the ball but – 2 shot penalty

19 Areas of the Course – Bunkers

20 RULES MODERNISATION Caddie / Partner Standing Behind a Player to Help Line the Player Up Current Rule: Under Rule 14-2b: ➢ When a player is taking a stance, the player’s caddie is allowed to stand behind to help the player line up to the target and confirm that the player is correctly aligned. ➢ The caddie must then move away before the player makes the stroke; otherwise the player is penalized if the caddie is positioned on or close to an extension of the line of play behind the ball when the stroke is made Rule: Under Rule 10.2b(4): ➢ The current prohibition will be extended so that, once the player begins taking a stance for the stroke, and until the stroke is made, the player’s caddie must not deliberately stand on or close to an extension of the line of play behind the ball for any reason. ➢ There will be no penalty if the caddie accidentally stands on or close to an extension of the line of play behind the ball, rather than in trying to help in lining up.

Play “Ready Golf” wherever possible in Stroke Play Various changes already covered to speed up play Recommendation that player takes no longer than 40 seconds to make a stroke New “Maximum Score” stroke play – player’s score capped* (*this is up to the Committee – min. 5 over par for a CONGU qualifying round)

22 Pace of Play Ready Golf Rules of Golf now permit and encourage players to play ‘ready golf’ in Stroke Play Committees encouraged to adopt a Local Rule setting a Pace of Play Policy: Committee Procedure 5G. Model Local Rule 8K

23 Model Local Rule 8K-1 If a group finishes the round (or specify number of holes) more than the starting interval behind the group in front and over (specify time, for example, 3 hours 45 minutes from the time of starting or specify as required), all players in the group are subject to a penalty of one stroke or specify as required. Committee Toolkit – R. & A. Website

24 RULES MODERNISATION In summary, as a Club you will need to decide:
PENALTY AREAS: where & what type? MAXIMUM SCORE for QUALIFYING STROKE PLAY: set maximum score for each hole (note: min. 5 over par) STROKE & DISTANCE LOCAL RULE Are you going to use it?

25 CONGU Considerations Stroke & Distance Local Rule
Provides an extra relief option for a ball that is Out of Bounds or Lost outside penalty area. Two penalty strokes. To be encouraged for members and visitors for casual play only. Not appropriate for qualifying competitions.

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