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Singapore Hong Kong Australia Japan Germany Italy Russia France

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Presentation on theme: "Singapore Hong Kong Australia Japan Germany Italy Russia France"— Presentation transcript:

1 Singapore Hong Kong Australia Japan Germany Italy Russia France
United Kingdom Japan Germany Italy Russia France South Korea

2 Comparison of Traffic Rules between China and America

3 Contents Similarities Difference
B Weird(怪异的) Traffic Laws in United States 1.Child Car Seat Laws 2. Driving Through the Intersection 3.Carpool Lane

4 Part A Similarities between China and America.
In generally , most of the traffic rules are the same between China and America. Drunk driving is strictly forbidden under the two country’s rules. Fasten your seatbelt all the time Absolutely no call while driving Both countries drive on the right side of the road. Making right turns on red signals is allowed, unless there is a traffic light that show a red arrow in place of the standard red light. ………………………………………………………………………………………………

5 Part B Difference Safety Seats In China In America
There is no laws enforcing to use safety seats if you are driving with a baby in China. In China In America It is the responsibility of the adult to ensure that any child under 6 years old is seated in a federally-approved safety seat . For instance, failure to do so could result in a $60 fine and 3 points against your driving license in Florida .

6 Part B Difference In China In America
Driving Through the Intersection(十字路口) In China You should lower your speed and observe the condition around you when you drive through an intersection. In America It is unnecessary to lower your speed , keeping your speed or speeding up to drive through the crossroads is the correct way . otherwise , it is probably cause a rear-end collision.

7 Carpool Lane(共乘车道) Part B Difference In China In America
There are no carpool lanes in our country. In America These lanes are found on highways and freeways and are designed for people driving with usually at least one passenger. They can help encourage sharing cars, especially during rush hour or high traffic hours.

8 Weird Traffic Laws in United States
Part C Weird Traffic Laws in United States In California , it is illegal for women to wear a housecoat while driving . In Alabama , you cannot drive while barefoot. In Alaska it is illegal to drive with a dog tethered to your car roof. In Glendale, it is illegal to jump from a car at 65 mph. In New York , it is illegal to disrobe while in your vehicle. In Florida , skateboarders need a license.

9 Thank You !

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