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Workforce Planning Project support overview Presenter's Name

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1 Workforce Planning Project support overview Presenter's Name
UPDATED 30 AUGUST 2018 Project support overview

2 We’ll help you to tackle your critical challenges
Sample projects Typical questions your peers seek to answer Engage with business leaders to understand strategic objectives How does HR contribute to the larger organization’s business objectives? What are our organization’s major strategic risks, and how can we address those with talent? Identify the capabilities needed to execute business strategy What specific workforce requirements are needed to execute business strategy? What critical and non-critical capabilities, as defined by strategic priorities, already exist within the organization? Identify talent risks to business strategy Does HR have an understanding of the quality of talent available in the labor market? What are the critical, existing talent alignment and availability gaps within our organization? Develop a workforce plan to address talent risks and gaps How will we close the workforce planning gaps we have prioritized? How should we balance external hiring with internal mobility and staff development to close our talent gaps? Track workforce plan relevance and execution What indicators should we review regularly to assess the impact of our current workforce plan? How will HR track and communicate progress against workforce plan objectives?

3 Tailored expertise and resources deliver impact in the areas crucial to your success
Benchmark Your Workforce Planning Efforts Upgrade Your Workforce Planning Strategy Stay Ahead of the Latest Trends Understand the biggest opportunities to enhance workforce planning effectiveness by reading Benchmarking Current Approaches to Workforce Planning. Review quarterly workforce insights on global and country-level changes about what attracts, engages, and retains employees in the Global Talent Monitor. Understand how executives are currently thinking about and responding to workforce trends in The CEO 20 Pulse on the Future of Work. Receive feedback from Executive Advisors™ on how to improve your strategy and program documents. Put technology trends in context and make technology decisions quickly through access to Gartner Technology Analysts. Mitigate risks and costs by soliciting technology contract review support from analysts with deep knowledge of providers, terms, and pricing Improve your workforce planning function, identify the most critical capabilities, and create a workforce plan using our CEB Ignition™ Guide to Strategic Workforce Planning. Translate business strategy into workforce strategy using the Strategic Workforce Planning Playbook. Identify key workforce planning interventions and activities with our Overview of the Strategic Planning and Workforce Planning Processes tool. Prioritize the most critical employee segments in order to better allocate workforce planning resources with the Guide to Prioritizing Critical Employee Segments for Workforce Planning. Learn about segmented workforce planning framework in our webinar replay Aligning Business Strategy into a 90 Day Workforce Plan. Receive project support and targeted recommendations from Executive Advisors™ as you design your Workforce Planning strategy. Understand how progressive organizations plan for future leadership need by reading our research in the Needs Assessment Strategy. Learn how to align succession plans with future needs with the MTS India: Future Critical Role Creation case profile. Explore Corning's talent segmentation-based workforce planning strategy in our Corning: Strategic Talent Segmentation case study. Network with peers and learn from Executive Advisors™ about our latest research on Workforce Planning by attending an in-person Executive Briefing.

4 Sample 90-day engagement plan
Month 1 Month 2 Month 3 Written research Compare your current approach to that of other organizations using our Benchmarking Current Approaches to Workforce Planning report. Explore trends changing the future and how CHROs and CEOs are planning on addressing these disruptive trends in The CEO 20 Pulse on the Future of Work. Learn how to identify critical talent segments based on their importance to strategy execution based on our case profile of Corning. Explore how to create a more inclusive and flexible approach to identifying high-potential successors for future leadership roles following the example of Philips. Create a strategy-aligned and inclusive workforce plan with our Ignition Guide to Strategic Workforce Planning Service associate support Kick-off this initiative with your service associate to discuss your challenges and align key resources. Launch the CEB IgnitionTM Diagnostic for Human Resources to identify the best opportunities to mature your workforce planning process. Review progress with your service associate and create a forward engagement plan. Review progress to ensure continued delivery of the right resources at the right time. Expert inquiries Discussion: How should we align our workforce planning with business goals and strategic priorities? Ignition Diagnostic progression: What are realistic business scenarios where workforce gaps may need to be addressed? Discussion: How often should we reevaluate our workforce plan? Live events Executive Meeting: Preparing Employees for Shifting Skill Needs Annual Executive Retreat: The New Manager Mandate

5 Deliver on your critical HR priorities
We’re ready to help you excel against your critical HR challenges. Get in touch to discuss how we can fast-track your success.

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