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We will begin promptly at 6:15pm and then rotate to Mrs. Squiers.

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Presentation on theme: "We will begin promptly at 6:15pm and then rotate to Mrs. Squiers."— Presentation transcript:

1 We will begin promptly at 6:15pm and then rotate to Mrs. Squiers.
Welcome to Open House! We will begin promptly at 6:15pm and then rotate to Mrs. Squiers.

2 EL Reading Program and Understanding MCLass
Please see the information located on my website for details.

3 Communication Open and honest communication fosters a partnership in children’s learning. is the easiest way to communicate with me. School Phone: Be sure to check over your child’s homework in their folder each night. Check my website daily. Friday Folders will come home weekly.

4 Homework Homework assignments are posted on my website.
Reading homework will be sent Monday-Thursday. Homework is meant to reinforce skills taught in class. Parents should facilitate homework. Remind your child to pass it in each day.

5 SWIM Self control Winning Attitude Integrity Maintain Safety

6 Standards Based Grading
All subjects are graded on a 1-4 scale. Behavior/work habits are graded on a 1-3 scale. Specials: Art, Music, TECH, Media, and PE are given two grades, one for participation (1-3) and one for content knowledge (1-4). Specials’ grades are given at the end of quarter 2 and quarter 4.

7 What does 1, 2, 3, and 4 mean? 1 = student does not understand the content and is unable to perform tasks associated with the goal. 2 = student partially understands the goal. The student cannot demonstrate the tasks associated with the goal without teacher assistance or the skill is demonstrated inconsistently. 3 = The student understands the goal and demonstrates skills independently and on a consistent basis. 4 = The student understands the goal and demonstrates it independently and on a consistent basis and can also consistently apply concepts to new situations, use advanced terminology, and explain the concept.

8 Volunteer Background Check
WCPSS states that all volunteers helping out in schools, supervised by a teacher or unsupervised, must register within the county’s data base. Volunteers must register EVERY YEAR and must be completed to attend any field trips! Or help in the classroom. Register ASAP, it can take up to 6 weeks to clear. You can register in the Media Center Room parents this year

9 Field Trips This year’s field trips are: NC Art Museum October 16th
Morehead Planetarium November 27th Carolina Theater Play February 6th Science is Fun week of March 11th Flyers will be sent home with information about the cost of the field trips on September 21, 2018. Included in the cost is a class t-shirt.

10 Attendance & Absences The school opens at 7:15. I do give morning work, so arriving around 7:30 works best. A note regarding the absence is required within three days. me. Your child will be expected to make up all missed class work. Check for homework on website.

11 Report Cards & Parent/Teacher Conferences
Report cards are given all four quarters. Interim reports are sent half-way through each quarter for all students. Parent-teacher conferences are held in the fall and in the spring.

12 Lunch Lunch is at 12:50 every day.
The children eat snack in the morning. Please send in healthy/hardy snacks and a water bottle for your child. (It’s a long time until 12:50!) You can send in store-bought birthday treats-but check with your child’s teacher for food allergies. The cafeteria asks that no fast food be brought in to students for lunch, and no glass serving containers.

13 Homework tips Homework should be done In pencil By the student In a quiet spot Keep a homework kit available for your child that includes scissors, pencils, erasers, crayons, etc. Wake County guidelines state that 3rd graders should take approximately 50 minutes or less to complete homework.

14 Thank you for coming! We are looking forward to a great year and working together to provide your child with the best and most successful learning experience!

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