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FCR-STEM Integrated Biology ICAD 4 December 5-8 , 2016

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Presentation on theme: "FCR-STEM Integrated Biology ICAD 4 December 5-8 , 2016"— Presentation transcript:

1 FCR-STEM Integrated Biology ICAD 4 December 5-8 , 2016
Instructor: Dr. Adam Santone, FCR-STEM Science Supervisor: Millard Lightburn, Ph.D. Curriculum Support Specialist: Daniel Gangeri This ICAD 4 is the second FCR STEM session out of a total of 8 sessions. It was led by Dr. Adam Santone, from FCR STEM. The other 6 FCR STEM sessions will be held in June 2017. Department of Science

2 Session Goal Provide a rigorous, content-driven, inquiry-based professional development series to biology teachers in Miami Dade County. As part of the efforts to increase student success in biology, the Department of Science of Miami Dade County Public Schools and Florida State University’s FCR-STEM program have collaborated to provide a rigorous, content-driven, inquiry-based professional development series to biology teachers. Department of Science

3 AGENDA ICAD 4: FCR-STEM Integrated Biology
Natural Selection Biogeography Sampling and Data Distribution Biotic and Abiotic factor affecting genetic variation Biology Unit Assessments Results Announcements Reflection and MLP Department of Science

4 Natural Selection Evolution by Natural Selection is based on the following concepts: -Struggle for Existence -Variation and Adaptation -Survival of the Fittest Evolution by Natural Selection was proposed by Charles Darwin in his book “On the Origin of Species” in 1859. Struggle for Existence is when members of a population compete for food, living space and other necessities. Only some will survive. Variation and Adaptation: Darwin stated that individuals have natural variation among their heritable traits. Any heritable characteristic that increase an organism’s ability to survive and reproduce in its environment will survive. Survival of the Fittest: Darwin stated that there is a connection between the way an organism “makes its living” and the environment in which it lives. He describes Fitness as how well an organism can survive and reproduce in its environment. These three (3) concepts are the foundation of Darwin’s Theory of evolution through the mechanism of Natural Selection. Department of Science

5 Principle of Common Descent
What does Darwin’s mechanism for evolution suggest about living and extinct species? According to Darwin’s Principle of Common Descent, all species – living and extinct- are descended from ancient common ancestors. In other words, a single “tree of life” links all living things. Department of Science

6 Biogeography How does the geographic distribution of species today relate to their evolutionary history? Biogeography is the study of where organism live now and where they and their ancestors lived in the past. Two Biogeographical patterns are significant to Darwin’s theory. The first is a pattern in which closely related species differentiate in slightly different climate. The second is a pattern in which very distantly related species develop similarities in similar environments. . Department of Science

7 Color Patterns of Trinidadians Guppies
Dr. Santone discusses Color Patterns of Trinidadians Guppies with FCR-STEM participants. He assigned different groups to explain the reason for the observed color patterns. Department of Science

8 Group Discussion on Guppies Coloration QCE
This group assumed that the coloration was due to mating season. Department of Science

9 Hypothesis on Guppies Coloration
This group assumed that the coloration was an adaptation to the environment. Department of Science

10 Factor Affecting Guppies Coloration (turbidity)
This group stated that turbidity and number of predator will decrease the number of bright colored guppies. Department of Science

11 Each group was given an opportunity to explain to others their reasoning for the coloration of the Trinidadian Guppies.

12 Biology Assessments Department of Science
Here is a schedule of the Biology Formative assessment for Department of Science

Standard Biology Pretest 10,977 Students Biology Unit 1 Test 12,848 Students Biology Unit 2 Test ,109 students QSBA Q1 Nov students Biology Unit 3 Test 12,361 students as of Cumulative 31.15% 52.17% 60.66 53.21% 55.28% SC.912.L.14.1 (AA) 49.65% SC.912.L (AA) 32.59% 66.44% SC.912.L.14.3 (AA) 24.86% SC.912.L (AA) 38.53% SC.912.L AA) 33.12% SC.912.L.14.7 (AA) 33.62% 57.16% 60.11% SC.912.L.15.1 (AA) 40% 65.4% 63.21% SC.912.L (AA) 28.23% 56.63% 45.19% SC.912.L.15.6 (AA) 28.4% 49.09% 60.33% SC.912.L.15.8 (AA) 25.25% 53.75% 39.09% SC.912.L.16.1 (AA) 24.39% SC.912.L (AA) 40.92% SC.912.L (AA) 34.3% SC.912.L (AA) 30.83% SC.912.L.16.3 AA) 26.27% SC.912.L (AA) 34.44% 54.79% 63.64% SC.912.L.17.5 (AA) 28.3% 46.72% 46.9% SC.912.L.17.9 (AA) 30.63% 52.69% 68.61% SC.912.L.18.1 (AA) 18.95% 54.08% SC.912.L (AA) 28.28% 41.93% SC.912.L.18.9 (AA) 22.64% 50.92% As we look at the performance by standards on the different assessments in Biology, our goal is score 60% or higher on the performance of each standard. We expect to progressive increase in performance as we go from Pretest to the Midyear Assessment (MYA). The administration window of the Midyear assessment is January 24 to February 17, 2017. Department of Science

14 Announcements Dept Chair meeting: January 23, 2017
Next ICAD is February 13-16, 2017 Science Fair: -Online registration available, Paperwork and fees due Dec 14 and STEM Expo Feb 4, 2017 -Science Fair judges needed apply online STEM School Designation visitation will focus on integration The next Science Department Chair meeting is scheduled for January 23, 2017 and the next ICAD is scheduled for February 13-16, 2017. The 2017 STEM EXPO is scheduled for February 4, 2017 at Miami Dade College North Campus Department of Science

15 https://forms. office. com/Pages/ResponsePage. aspx
Participants were invited to complete a reflection to provide feedback on this presentation. Department of Science

16 Required Follow Up My Learning Plan
It is required to do all three parts of the Evaluation in My Learning Plan in order to receive Master Plan Points (MPP) Action Plan Share content and resources with colleagues and document on Action Plan found in team room. Upload this Action Plan to MLP The required follow up has two parts: The completion of the Evaluation in My Learning Plan and the completion and uploading of the Action Plan into MLP Department of Science

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