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Multi-Sector General Permit: MSGP

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Presentation on theme: "Multi-Sector General Permit: MSGP"— Presentation transcript:

1 Multi-Sector General Permit: MSGP
Notice of Intent (NOI)

2 MSGP Roles MSGP Roles: Signatory
Formerly Certifiers/DARs/Permit Administrators Individual who will be signing/certifying submissions to EPA or managing facility user permissions. Preparer Individual who will be viewing and editing data How to create a new MSGP account: New MSGP account

3 My CDX To enter the MSGP program service: Login to your CDX account
Click on your associated Role located next to the NETMSGP program service name

4 Search for current Facility from Homepage
You will be redirected to the MSGP Homepage First time users will have no facilities listed on their homepage To search for your current facilities on your homepage, click on the “Filter” A number of search fields will appear. Enter any number of fields to search for existing facility Click “Apply Filter” when done

5 Requesting Permission for Existing Facilities
Enter your NPDES ID, Facility or Operator Name in the search box As you type, results of existing facilities will appear Select “Request Permissions” to associate yourself with facility

6 Requesting Permission for Existing Facilities
“Request Permissions” consist of: View Edit Sign Manage Click on all available permissions you would like to obtain Request will be pending until approved by facility’s manager

7 Create a New Facility If there are no matches, then you will need to create a new Notice of Intent (NOI), No Exposure Certification (NOE/NEC) or No Discharge Certification (NDC), by clicking on the "Create Facility" button below.

8 Permit information: Eligibility questions
Upon clicking on ‘Create Facility,’ you will be rerouted to a NOI form to determine your eligibility under the MSGP Application is a smart form. New questions will appear as you answer each question Make sure to answer all required questions to complete form

9 Permit Information (Con’t)
After successfully completing the eligibly questions, you will receive your “Master Permit Number”

10 Permit Information (Con’t)
Add the legal name of the Operator Operator – any entity with a stormwater discharge associated with industrial activity that meets either of the following two criteria: 1. The entity has operational control over industrial activities, including the ability to make modifications to those activities; or 2. The entity has day-to-day operational control of activities at a facility necessary to ensure compliance with the permit (e.g., the entity is authorized

11 Permit Information (Con’t)
Add name of your Facility or Activity Facility or Activity – any NPDES “point source” (including land or appurtenances thereto) that is subject to regulation under the NPDES program. See 40 CFR 122.2 Click Next to continue

12 Ineligible If you are not eligible for coverage under MSGP, you will receive an error message explaining why you are not eligible Reason for Ineligibility: If EPA is not the NPDES permitting authority in the area for which you are requesting permit coverage. Please refer to Appendix C of the MSGP for the list of areas that the MSGP covers If you are a new discharger or new source to waters designated as Tier 3 (outstanding national resource waters) for antidegradation purposes under 40 CFR (a)(3) If you discharge to a federal CERCLA site listed in Appendix P If you would like to start a new eligibility form, click on “Return to Home Page” on message

13 Permit Information (Con’t)
After clicking Next, a warning message will appear stating : “After clicking Next, you will no longer be able to edit any of your permit information responses…” Make sure to review information one more time by clicking Return before finalizing permit information If you have to change the permit information after clicking Next, you will need to submit a new application

14 Success You will receive a message stating you have successfully created a draft Notice of Intent (NOI) You will now have the option to: Return to Home Manage Permissions Go to Form (to complete NOI)

15 Return to home Clicking on ‘Return to Home’ will take you back to the MSGP application homepage where you should see your recently created new NOI with all permissions assigned to you. Coverage Status will remain Inactive until Regional Authority (RA) approves.

16 actions Under Actions, you can View NOI- Eligibility Information
View Comments- From RA Edits Draft NOI- Returns to pending NOI Flag for Certification Certify Draft NOI Delete Manage User Permissions- Grant permissions

17 Manage user Permissions
Clicking on ‘Manage Permissions’ will take you to current user’s permissions and pending requests from other users.

18 Continue NOI Required Information to fill out : Permit Information
prefilled answers from Eligibility questions Operator Facility Discharge SWPPP Endangered Species Protection Historic Preservation Certification Some sections answers will be prefilled from question answered in permit information section Click Next Section to continue

19 Operator Information Fill out Operators:
Address City State Zip Contact Information Click Next Section to continue

20 Facility Information Fill in required Facility information
Address City State Zip Location of facility user map (latitude/longitude) Ownership Type (state gov’t, corporation, tribal…) Estimated area of industrial activity at your facility exposed to stormwater Sector-Specific Information (can add multiple sectors) Primary Sector Primary Subsector Primary SIC Code Inactive/ unstaffed Click Next Section to continue

21 Discharge Information
Fill in Discharge Information Note: Most of this section will be pre-filled with answers from Eligibility Questions Discharge into a Municipal Separate Sewer System (MS4) Add Outfall(s) Add location using map Add Receiving Waters using Lookup Receiving Water Information Click Next Section to continue

22 stormwater pollution prevention plan (SWPPP) Information
Fill in all SWPP required fields: Has SWPPP been prepared in advance? If no, you must complete preparation of your SWPPP in advance of filing out form SWPPP Contact Information You must clearly identify those portions of the SWPPP that are being withheld from public access by selecting: Option 1: Maintain a Current Copy of your SWPPP on an Internet page (Universal Resource Locator or URL). Option 2: Provide the following information from your SWPPP- 4 part question Click Next Section to continue

23 Endangered Species Protection
Using instructions from Appendix E of MSGP, you must select the Criterion you are eligible for coverage: Criterion A - No listed species of critical habitat are in the action area Criterion B - Another operator has certified listed species and critical habitat eligibility for the action area under the current MSGP Criterion C - Discharges and discharge related activities are not likely to adversely effect listed species and critical habitat Criterion D - A separate ESA section 7 consultation has been completed Criterion E - An ESA section 10 permit has been issued Provide a brief summary and attach copies of any communication with U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service or National Marine Fisheries Service Click Next Section to continue

24 Historic Preservation
Fill in required fields Click Next Section to continue

25 Completing NOI Form Make sure you are filling out all required field:
Blue boxes= Complete Red boxes= Incomplete

26 Certification Information
Selected one: Certify Form – to sign and submit form to EPA Flag for certification – to lock information and flag for certification No action at this time – no action Click Next to continue

27 Certifying NOI A pop-up message will appear Click Accept to continue

28 Certifying NOI After clicking Accept, you will have to electronically sign NOI by entering your CDX password A signature answer Click Sign

29 Certifying NOI After signing, a pop-up message will appear stating your form has been certified and you will be receiving an from EPA with an attached zip file of your CORs. Click OK

30 Certifying NOI You will be redirected to your homepage
Your Coverage Status should now be Under Review After 30days, your facility will be covered under the MSGP

31 Manage User Permissions
Can add Users to NOI Manage Permissions: View, Edit, Sign, Manage

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