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Catholic Laity in Pastoral Care Ministry

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Presentation on theme: "Catholic Laity in Pastoral Care Ministry"— Presentation transcript:

1 Catholic Laity in Pastoral Care Ministry
Equipping Coordinating Sustaining

2 Archdiocese of Galveston-houston
Expansion of Diocesan Program for Institutional Ministry See brochure for history

3 In the Archdiocese of Galveston-Houston, when there is a Catholic pastoral care need, one phone number is called. Ease of contact for families as they move from hospital to rehab or nursing facility to home. Goal

4 assessment Honoring Matthew 25:36

5 Archdiocesan profile 10 Counties - 8,800 sq. miles
1.77 million Catholics 443 Priests 146 Parishes 11 Pastoral Care Regions Archdiocesan profile

6 (Texas Medical Center)
Harris County 84 Hospitals Metro Houston Scores More (Texas Medical Center) Hospital survey Metro scores: 110+ TMC offers over 11,000 TOTAL PATIENT BEDS 18-24% register as Catholic Masses and services as needed for staff (106,000 + employees)

7 Catholic Chaplain Corps (CCC) Fewer Priests Now Available!!
Serving Houston and Beyond....However Fewer Priests Now Available!! Pastoral needs CCC: developed 35+ years ago to serve needs of fast growing Texas Medical Center Expanded as of January 2018 to include regions; archdiocese divided itself into 11 regions

8 Large Catholic Population 18% -- 25% Hospital Pts.
Isolation from Supportive Community Increased Medical Costs Pastoral needs (cont.) Large Cath Pop notes: No longer one parish serving local hospital. Care became regional and some parishes able to serve the need. For example: Sacred Heart in Conroe has parish boundaries of 50 sq miles, 8600 families registered, 60% blue collar Hispanic: a lot of home bound and senior facilities, such as memory care and personal care homes

9 Positive Impact of Religion on Health Strengthened Ministry
Expanded Ministry Pastoral Benefits Pos impact notes: well documented how psychological and spiritual health benefits physical Strengthened: enhanced health of families Expanded: benefits beyond individual served: pastoral visitors and their circle of influence benefits as well: increased psychological and spiritual well being

10 Vision To be the aroma of Christ to the Infirm, Imprisoned, Aged and Dying.

11 The Catholic Chaplain Corps’ mission is to bring the healing ministry of Jesus to the Infirm, Imprisoned, Aged and Dying of the Archdiocese of Galveston-Houston through trained clergy and laity. In collaboration with our parishes, we offer education and support to our ministers so that we become a source of hope and consolation, bringing Christ’s compassion and love in a deeply personal way through kindness, joy, and prayer. Mission

12 implementation Texas Medical Center

13 CCC Model Chancery Catholic Chaplain Corps Core Team Care Receiver
Priests Lay Chaplain CPE Trained Pastoral Visitors Parts of this model were adapted from the Dallas Diocesan model designed by Deacon Charlie Stump Care receiver – any organization, facility or individual with pastoral care needs Foundation is PV, why they are the base of the diagram: without whom this does not work

14 Catholic Chaplain Corps
Chancery Catholic Chaplain Corps LAY CHAPLAIN CPE Required Priest Pastoral Visitor Realizing the hospital based model the majority of you will not one you will work with, I want to run through it to show you. The regional model, where there are not enough Catholics to warrant a full time Lay Chaplin’s services, will be demonstrated later and in greater detail in session 6. Large Hospital

15 Lay chaplain Hospital Based
CPE Trained Office Space in Chaplain's Suite Lay Chaplains in Six Hospitals Lay chaplain Hospital Based Currently in three hospitals

16 Lay chaplain job description Hospital Based
Coordinate PV Ministry Face of the Church In Medical Crisis Identify Catholic Patients Triage Catholic Referrals - Priest Lay chaplain job description Hospital Based To be a strong physical presence to the volunteers, to mentor and assess needs…

17 Lay chaplain job description hospital Based
Coordinate PV's Ministry Follow-up Visits Collegial Relationships Lay chaplain job description hospital Based Data: Metrics and statistics kept in every location Med Center over 2000 Catholics being seen monthly from these three hospitals than before the model started a year ago. 100% contact within 24 hours.

18 Lay chaplain job description hospital based
Department Integration Lay chaplain job description hospital based Spiritual care huddles, train CPE students, liaison with unit chaplains

19 Hospitals, Senior Care Facilities, Personal Care Homes, Home Based
implementation Regional Needs Hospitals, Senior Care Facilities, Personal Care Homes, Home Based

20 Catholic Chaplain Corps
Chancery Catholic Chaplain Corps CPE Required LAY CHAPLAIN Parish A Parish B Parish C Pastoral Visitors Pastoral Visitors Pastoral Visitors Slide change Regional Hospital Senior Care Facility Personal Care Home Home Based

21 Lay chaplain job description parish based
Administrative: Funding Partnerships with Parishes Lay chaplain job description parish based Funding through parishes, more parishes involved the more costs are shared

22 Institutional Representatives
Relationships: Institutional Representatives Every institution: parish, hospital, nursing home, etc

23 Relationships and Coordination:
Parish Leaders Facility Team Coordinator Hospice Team Coordinator Senior Care Coordinators PV New & On Going Formation

24 Sixteen Month Period 2018– present
Data Summary Sixteen Month Period 2018– present

25 One Regional Parish-Based
Three Hospital-Based One Regional Parish-Based Lay chaplains

26 190+ Pastoral visitors Trained placed and in process
Will break open in session 6 today

27 16 Hospitals 24 Senior Care 100 + Home based Hospice Program
Criminal Justice Port Ministry Ministry settings

28 School Administration
Crisis Pregnancy Mission - Dental School Administration Grief Support Group St. Vincent de Paul Ministry settings

29 Parish based Model: Session 6

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