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Will the European Hedgehog disappear from the UK?

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Presentation on theme: "Will the European Hedgehog disappear from the UK?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Will the European Hedgehog disappear from the UK?

2 The native hedgehog to the UK is the European hedgehog
These cute spikey mammals were once a regular site in most gardens and in the countryside but numbers have decreased by a third and continue to fall They are easy to recognise due to their spikes and an adult can have up to 7000 spikes! When threatened or frightened they curl up into a ball to protect themselves

3 Mums give birth to around 5 babies and they are the ones to care for the babies.
Photo courtesy of Hedgehog Helpline Hedgehogs are 1 of 3 mammals in the UK to hibernate where they go into a type of deep sleep until food becomes available again in the Spring. Bats & Dormice also hibernate. Generally they will sleep during the day and come awake at night to feed

4 Spot the 5 differences!

5 Photo courtesy of Lower Moss Wood
FOOD Hedgehogs walk up to 2Km a night searching for food and they can eat up to 20% of their body weight in a single night Hedgehogs eat most things but their favourite food are insects, especially beetles and earthworms. We can help hedgehogs by putting out food such as special hedgehog food or cat/dog food & water in our gardens

6 Dangerous foods to give hedgehogs are:
Milk Mealworms Peanuts Sunflower hearts Sugar, honey or dried fruits High fat foods These can make our spikey friends very poorly!

7 How you can help hedgehogs and become a hedgehog hero
Link your garden to the next by having a small hole, about 13cm diameter, at the base of fences and borders. This will help to keep hedgehogs off roads and safe Check bonfires If you have a pond make sure there is a way out for hedgehogs that fall in, a ramp or a few partially submerged rocks will do the job Leave a quiet area of your garden a bit messy and uncultivated to provide a safe haven for sleeping hedgehogs Avoid using chemicals such as slug pellets and pesticides Always get people to check borders of your garden before anyone uses a strimmer Pick up litter and roll up any goal nets off the ground to stop hedgehogs getting hurt or trapped Leave out food and water, even through the winter as hedgehogs do come in and out of hibernation

8 Famous Hedgehogs Mrs Tiggywinkle Sonic the Hedgehog
Courtesy of Beatrix Potter Shop Sonic the Hedgehog Courtesy of Sonic Art Assets Courtesy of Tank Hughes Dot Com

9 Presentation by Gail Tracey
Director of Brambles Pet & Wildlife Website:

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